
Way of the weak

This the story of a talentless boy who want to be the strongest in the world. An impossible dream, that he can never achieve. But he made promise to his dead mother and made a promise to himself of avenging her. Aiden a lonely soul that wonder around the world. Will he make his dream into a reality or his will his fate be no different then other ordinary talentless people. But one thing is for sure that he will never give in. "Two swords style dimension slash!!!!!!!!!!!! "

DaoistjcOD70 · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Start training -2

Chapter - 3

Aiden woke up in the morning as soon as the sun rose in the sky. He washed himself from the fountain and started looking for something to eat. As Aiden was good at stealing finding food was not that hard. He stole fore apple and some bread from a store.

After eating and getting some of his energy back, it was time for his training to start. If he wanted to kill "That Person" he didn't have any time to rest.

Before Aiden couldn't do proper training because he was too busy trying to survive. But now that he was an awakened, he was much stronger then before, although he was still weak compare to other awakener.

'Since i am classified as a swordsman, i should look for them'

Since Aiden was a swordsman, it was obvious that he needed swords to practice.


After an hour of roaming around Aiden came infront of an old worn down shop.

Aiden entered the shop and was shocked to see so many broken swords.

The shop had only one room, the room was the size of an average restaurant. The room was filed with many different types of swords.

"What do you want?"

The sound came from the right side of the shop. Aiden looked at the way where the sound came from.

It was an old man who looked like in his seventy's. His eyes where covered with this thick eyebrows and ther were wrinkles allover his face.

"I want a.... sword"

Aiden answered ansered hesitanting. He wanted a sword but he did not have any money with him. So he thought he could do some work in exchange for a sword.

But he couldent believe what he was seeing.

' A blacksmith without hands!! '

He was very shoked to see that the shop owner did not have any hands. How can that be...

" Choose one you like.."

The shop owner said with an indifferent voice. There was no emotion in his face.

Aiden felt a chill in his back heating those words.

" Sir, the thing is i don't have any money. Is there any free swords or work that i can do for a sword. "

The old man looked at Aiden with a confusing expression.

"Pick any swords from there,those are useless to me. I'll give them to you for free."

The old man said pointing in a corner of the room. There were many broken swords there. There were some on the verge of breaking and some normal looking swords.

Aiden went to the direction the old man pointed and started looking for a sword that will fit him.

'The old man said i can pick any sword. Does that mean i can pick more that one?'

Aiden looked through some swords and picked two swords. Both of the swords where identical to one another. Both of them had carved blade and a wooden handen. This kind of swords where called the katanas.

' Since i have tow hands, why not use 2 swords. I will call it tow swords style...'

Aiden picked up two swords and went in the direction of the shop owner. He stoped in front of the shop owner and said in a normal tone..

" can i have these two swords? "

The old man looked at the two swords and noded his hade.

Aiden gave a sigh of relef after seeing the old man noding.

" Thank you"

Aiden thaked the old man was about to leave the shop but stoped at the entrance. Turning back he asked the old man..

" can i khow your name?"

Aiden didn't need to khow but the old man gave his to swords for free, he should atleast khow his name.

The old man looked at the direction where Aiden stood.

" Kline... What's your name boy?"

The old man said in an amusing tone.

Aiden looked confused after hearing old man Kline's amusing tone, none the less he still answered..


The old man noded his head after hearing this. Aiden was about leave the shop when suddenly heared a voice from behind.

"Swing the sword a thousand time in every morning, nood and night....it will help you gain a better understanding of the sword."

Aiden was shoked hearing that. He again thanked the old man and took his leave.


After Aiden left the room it was quite as usal. The old man was siting on a chair quitly.

He looked at the place where his arm should have been but there was none.

The old man sain in sorrowful voice

"It must be nice holding a sword."
