
Way of the weak

This the story of a talentless boy who want to be the strongest in the world. An impossible dream, that he can never achieve. But he made promise to his dead mother and made a promise to himself of avenging her. Aiden a lonely soul that wonder around the world. Will he make his dream into a reality or his will his fate be no different then other ordinary talentless people. But one thing is for sure that he will never give in. "Two swords style dimension slash!!!!!!!!!!!! "

DaoistjcOD70 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Star training -1

Truthfully Aiden had expected this because he knew he was weak. Without proper training one cann't expect to become dtrong overnight.

Aiden understood that better than any one.

But he was truly lucky to get a useful skill.

"True eye...this skill is not a combat type but it seems useful if used right. I should try this and see what happens."

Aiden was very exited to try out his new skill.


As soon as Aiden said these word in his mind his eyes started to glow and gave out a radiant of red light.

Time seemed to be flow in a smmoth maner. The darkness of the night vanished away and Aiden could see everything clearly.

'Wow! This skill seems to be very useful. I should see how my eyes looks'

As Aiden thought this he went to fountain near the park bench he was sitting on.After he went to the fountain he cood see his reflection in the water.

A skinny boy with pale skinn and white hair was standing in front of tha fauntail. But there was something different about his eyes. It was crimson red.

'What the f....'

With pale skin and red eyes Aiden looked like a vampire.

Before Aiden stood out because of his white hair.But it wasn't a big deal.A lot of peapole had different hair colour. But now his eyes wasn't normal.

As Aiden was busy watching his reflection in the fountain a sarp pain pierced through his brain.

Aiden quickly turned off his skill and started havily panting on the ground

'What happened?? It hurts like hell..'

The pain died down after ten minute. But Aiden still in no state of talking. As the pain died down his thought became clearer.

'What happened?. The pain was not physical but it felt like my mind was going to explode.'

As Aiden thinking what happned to to him he suddenly remembered something that was written in his skill description.

'Mental strength'

He remembered that his skill required a lot of mind strength.

But the only stong point he had was his mind strength yet he could use his skill for only 1 minute.

"Fuck...just my luck."

As Aiden was cursing his luck in his mind he felt a little better.

"But it's a pretty good skill.. If i can use it the right wat i can become my trupm card."

Although the use time was short but the effect of the skill was truly great.

'I shouldn't waste my time anymore.'

Now his target was to reach 'F' rank before the exam starts. Aiden was a 'F-' rank now. If he wanted to atleast compete in the exam he neded to reach 'F' rank before January.

Way January? Beacause the exam in 'The Crimson Spear' will star at 1st January. In the day of the new year.

As Aiden was now it was impossible to attend the academy. He will get crushed in the first test.

It was very difficult to rank up without proper resource. But ranking up to 'F' from 'F-' was doable before the exam. Because if he managed to attend 'The Crimson Spear' he will get enough resource to become stonger.

But his goal now to reach 'F' rank. Only five thousand people can enrol at 'The crimson Spear' every year. But there are more than twenty thousand people who take the exam every year. A person can only apply for once in his life and the person must be 16 years old.

So this was Aidens one in a life time opportunity. If Aiden fails here he won be abble to get stronger. But that did not matter because Aiden was prepared to do anything to get stronger. He won't hesitate to trample on the innocent nor he will hesitate to kill the stronge. As long as he will be able to get stronger it didn't matter what he was going to do.

' i will get stronger no matter what just you wait 'N????????' and when i am i will...... '

Aiden let out a long sigh.

"It's not the time to thing about the far future. I should think about my first target and that is to become stonger and attend the academy. "

After Aiden thought this he went and lieddown on the bench tried to sleep. Because from tomorrow he won't be able to rest for some time.....atleast till the exam finishes.

'Good night Aiden...and happy brithday. '

As he said that to himself in his mind, he fell asleep.


I don't khow how it will turn out🫠🫠🫠🫠