
Way of the weak

This the story of a talentless boy who want to be the strongest in the world. An impossible dream, that he can never achieve. But he made promise to his dead mother and made a promise to himself of avenging her. Aiden a lonely soul that wonder around the world. Will he make his dream into a reality or his will his fate be no different then other ordinary talentless people. But one thing is for sure that he will never give in. "Two swords style dimension slash!!!!!!!!!!!! "

DaoistjcOD70 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

start training -3

Chapter - 4

Star training -3

Aiden left the shop in a happy mode. Today he got his first sword and also got an advise how to use a sword properly.

After 2 hour walking ha was infront of a mountain. This will be his home till the day of his exam day.

The name of this mountain is 'Wolf mountain'. As the name suggest, it's a mountain filed with wolf. A wolf is a 'F-' rank beaste type momster and have a 'F-' rank core.

In this world every moster has a core. Cores are expensive based on ranks. A 'F-' core is 1000$. With 1000$ Aiden can eat three meals. And a ' S' rank can go up to cople of million $. Cores are used to power up the power plants and make different kinds of wepon.

Since this mountain was filed with wolf the same rank as his, it was an ideal place for his training. Aiden goal was to kill 100 wolf before the exam and kill the leader o the wolf after finishing the exam.

The leader of the wolfs was a 'Werewolf' whose rank was 'F+'. With Aidens current skill set and rank killing a 'Werewolf' or even fighting it was impossible. Aiden knew that very well, that's way he have decided to kill it later.

As Aiden was planning his moves carefully he reached the top of mountain in no time. The mountain was in a place where no human lived. He was the only human here.

" This looks like a nice place to stay."

Saying that Aiden went to a big tree and started climbing the tree. The had big and wide branches. The branched was wide enough for him lie-down and sleep.

He needed to stay in a tree because wolfs are everywhere in the mountain and they where most active at night.

Wolfs are the hunter of the jungle so night was there domain. Of-course Aiden also can see at night but only for one minuet and he will suffer for ten minuets of backlash after that.

" i should make a bed with grass and built tow wall beside me so that i don't fall from there when i move in my sleep."

After that aiden cut down some tree branches with his new katana and built tow walls beside him on the branch.


It was already dark after he finished his work. Aiden lie-down on his new grass made bed and started eating some bread that he stole from the bread shop in the morning.

While eating and staring at the beautiful sky with star Aiden kept thinking about the day he lost everything. His eyes was filled with sorrow and intace rage. It has been 8 years since then but he still couldn't forget about that night.Aiden clenched his bread out of rage and said...

"Just you wait. I will destroy you if thats the last thing i do."

Finnishing thw bread he went to sleep.

'tomorro will be a busy day.'
