
War For Thrones

Three best friends who are in army having a very great bond one day send to mission in a team in order to find information about their enemy country and to destroy them but what if a team mate fall in love with their enemy . Will they be able to succeed in their plans?

Ankit_Bhati_8855 · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs


Aah! "My head is going to burst out it might be due to hangover". And

today is also monthly checkup what I'm gonna do now?

Hey butterball! Erica said.

What Erica I'm not in mood to talk to you today. | f**king hate monthly


At least in one thing we are same | hate it too

Erica do you not have any headache because?

No because | have medicine for it if you want it | can give you

So give me the medicine Erica

Do you have no manners how to request someone say "please "

("Please Erica help me Chris said in irritation").

Ok, I'm giving you two pils but eat one now and one at evening if you eat

both of them at same time you can have "serious issues" than dont

complain me.

Ok, thanks for your not very kind advice.

Hey ! what you two doing outside let's go to training center monthly

checkup is about to start

After monthly checkup...

Finally it's over . | don't like these checkups because they always scold

me about my health.

If im not wrong than this girl standing there is Sia who helped us. But

why she is here?

Hey! Armin do you know about the blonde girl standing right there.

Chris asked

Yes,she is Sia she is granddaughter of general as far as | know. And also

How do you know that she is a good fighter? . Chris asked

Of course | know because my father works under general and he saw her

skills . She is currently having a special training .

Why special training? Chris asked

| don't know about it but probably she is going to be a part of one of the

teams that are going to form. | have heard from my dad that there are

some special teams are going to form .

Ok ;Chris said

Scene shifts to general's room

General we found something odd about about death happening here

from one month.every victim was a man

. And all of these man are somehow related to palace they all used to

work in palace

And they all have same" butterfly shaped" mark on their bodies. And

around every dead person there is a red spider lily flower found, and the

way that person kills is also similar

It seems that person removed all of the blood of it's target very carefully

because we found no signs of a single blood drop on the cloths of

victims. "Whoever that thing is it can't be a human being".

"After hearing these words from royal doctor the face of general became

pale his hands started shaking and his hand becoming sweaty he was

too scared , and the atmosphere became tense".

| order you not to tell about it to anyone else if these words go out of

this room. It will not be good for you. General said

Ok general | will never tell anyone else about it.

"Now you can go "general said.

Yes! my Lord,

Guards we need to meet king right now let make ready my horse | will go

there and talk to him in person

Yes! my Lord as your wish.

Scene shifts to palace at king's meeting room

My Lord! | found some very big evidence about the culprit who is behind

these terrible murders .

Who is that general Andre?

After finding these evidence I'm sure it is a same person and whoever

murders these people is not a normal serial killer | doubt that person is

not even a human

What do you want to say ? make it clear.

My Lord I'm not sure but the way these murders are happening it can be

only one person "the black witch" .

The expressions of king became pale and he became anxious and


well which is your favouraite character tell me now c'mon just tell me i want to know ...

well i hope you guys are enjoying it...

Ankit_Bhati_8855creators' thoughts