
War For Thrones

Three best friends who are in army having a very great bond one day send to mission in a team in order to find information about their enemy country and to destroy them but what if a team mate fall in love with their enemy . Will they be able to succeed in their plans?

Ankit_Bhati_8855 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

chapter=3(The black witch)

"How can she back? She disappeared more than one and a half decade

ago she might be dead". King said

My Lord! No one has seen her dead body neither witnessed her death

she might be just hiding at all of this time.

As far as | know she is really very pretty her hairs are dark like night, and

a glowing white skin which shines whenever light strike on it, and big

doe ocean blue eyes some people say she used to look like goddess

when she was still a human .

But not let yourself fool with her looks she is a monster who can kill

anyone whom she wants, she has her own army and her pet is a wolf

which is 6 ft tall

How in the earth a wolf can be 6ft tall? King said

My Lord! that wolf is not normal after all the owner of that wolf is a


But why she comeback after all these years?

| think this related to our enemy country " The moon empire". | think

they are planning something big and the reason why witch is back might

be them.

That means we have to do something as soon as possible because if

black witch and the moon empire are together than it can bring a great

misery to us. King said

My Lord! You are right.

General! | want a new military team by the end of this week to start our

plan we are not going sit in silence now. King said

But king it will be too soon. General said

"| don't care I'm not going to sit and watch now let's show them"

Ok my Lord! as your wish

"The black witch"

|m finally back its been 15 years since | was here last time when | was

here | had a lot of fun.

"What do you think mufasa (her pet wolf)are we going to have fun again!?

At the training center

Why general ordered us to come here today it was our day off chris said

Attention! I'm going to make a important announcement you guys are

finally going to be a part of official military. | know you have left your 2

months of training but due to some emergency crises we are going to

promote you in military. And also some special teams are going to form

you must have to select the team you want to be in.

What ! But why it is happening that fast as far as | know this kind of thing

never happened in military training in past 15 years .

It's something really a very big deal, because general is always too strict

when it comes for training.

Something is really off here.

Hurray! I'm very happy today finally our training is completed today I'm

going to do a party you wanna come Ray and butterball you are also

invited. ERICA said

Hey guys don't you think it's weird why they skip our 2 months training

"Don't think too much Chris let's enjoy its a great thing that we don't

have to do harsh training more". Ray said

So what about party? . Erica asked


You guys really don't know how to have fun how can you be so boring ?

Maybe I'm thinking too much it is good as Ray said | should be happy


At meeting room in palace

My Lord! | informed them that they're going to join military by the end of

this week.

It's a great thing. We must have to hurry our plan. King said.

My Lord we found another man body near lake. Soldier said

When did you find it soldier?

At morning.

That means she was near lake by this morning. And that lake is at the

border of our country and moon empire. General said

That means she reached there. We were right moon empire and black

witch are working together. King said.

Hmmm what do you think will happen next ....

well see you soon with new chapters i will update as soon as possible well bye till then...

im new at webnovels so please support me .

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im too chatty i think :))

have a nice day

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