
War For Thrones

Three best friends who are in army having a very great bond one day send to mission in a team in order to find information about their enemy country and to destroy them but what if a team mate fall in love with their enemy . Will they be able to succeed in their plans?

Ankit_Bhati_8855 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

chapter= 1(Troublemaking trio)

It's another harsh day of military training ending with a beautiful golden


I never wanted to join military but in my family from 7 generations

everyone is in military even though I wanted to start my own restaurant

my father not allowed me. Не gave me two options either being a

failure or go to military

Hey butterball!! I'm here. She is Erica a natural redhead she is pretty but

got nothing on her head I know her from childhood she always like to

tease me

Ну why are you teasing again to Chris. Не is Ray only person who is quite

elegant and humble in our group.

ERICA=well ok, let's start party its been a while since we have a blast

with alcohol. I have sneaked out some alcohol bottles from general,s


CHRIS=did you steal it!!

ERICA=it's not like that we have not broken rules before and also we

already broke a rule by staying in the forest where sometime training


RAY=Chris take it easy and let's enjoy

Who is there!?. No one is allowed to be in forest at this time you guys

should must come out or else I'll find you;

ERICA=what should now we do?

That was all your plan Erica now go out and apologize.

Do you think I'm crazy you really a ungrateful basta#d.im not the only

one here.

Let's keep quiet you both and run away from here to our training center.

If they found us we all are gonna die

ERICA=you are right we already cause a lot of chaos if we do one more

mistake we are gonna kicked out

What does she want to say she is the one who cause more than 50% of

mess in our group and we guys have to clean it up for her.

Let's hide guys! Ray said

Who is she? Her lips are red like roses, her pale skin is bathed with the

shine of moon, her long blonde hairs looking like thread of fine silk she

is looking like the favorite person of goddess Aphrodite

What are you think butterball? Erica said

"Look at her"

Where? Up at the peak of mountain

You got good eyes bro! Ray said.

Let's ask her what she is doing here.

CHRIS=Hey miss what are you doing here?

I should be the one who asking this question from you guys I am seeing

you from here from a long time drinking alcohol and swearing. I got

special permission to practice here

Miss can you please help us. Ray asked

Why should I help you what will I get?

We are ready to do whatever you want? Chris said

You better think about it." You cannot break your promise with me".

We are ready. Chris said

Hey what you are doing here with Miss Sia. Don't worry they're with me

we are practicing here. | was showing them some moves with my sword

you can go so we can continue .

CHRIS=Thank you miss Sia for your help

SIA=| never did it for thanks you better keep your promise

ERICA=She is so rude, what's wrong with her.

"Let's go back to headquarters now before it gets too late and general

caught us" Ray said

At the general Andre's room

General here is a message for you from high officials there are about 7


happened from the beginning of the month and cause of death is still


So king wants you to go and find the cause of deaths that are happening

Ok, | will go there myself let's make ready my horse. And take some


At crime scene

"Let's show the body".general said

The body was pale and deformed. There was not even a single drop of

blood left inside it. The face had a terrifying posture. The body already

started rotting even it was just a day after the death.

There were some strange symbols and marks on body when general

look at them his face became pale and his hands started trembling,

there was terror in his eyes like he saw a ghost. It seems like that he

knew something about those symbols." /t can't be" general mumbles .

| want all the information about it as soon as possible.

so what do you think about it what will happen next.....

i cannot spoil but you people will really like it...

share your thoughts with me .

Ankit_Bhati_8855creators' thoughts