
Villain Arc System

Bozo, the unfortunate but smart goblin, gets killed for being weak by the very humans whom he hated. But this hate takes a new turn, helping him activate the Villain Arc System. Thanks to the system, he now transmigrates to different worlds to play the role as a villain, and kills the humans whom he despises by either manipulating them, or outrightly destroying them. It's not just one world, but multiple worlds where he would be put into different situations, like a play.

1st_Manga_KING · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Chapter 7: A few main events

Chapter 7: A few main events

Yiyi, who had left the room, almost instantly vanished from the area, reappearing in front of a different building.

She marched towards her room's door with remarkable speed. It was as if she had teleported. The smile that had once adorned her face had long faded, replaced by a stern expression.

"Bring these herbs within ten minutes," she ordered.

In that very moment, a figure dressed entirely in black materialized out of thin air, kneeling in front of her.

"Yes, miss," came a deep, masculine voice that faded away after receiving a piece of paper.

"Jie has found out about that woman's actions," Yiyi muttered, catching the attention of another black-clad figure who materialized suddenly.

Similar to the previous figure, this woman wore a tight black outfit that accentuated her curvy form. A black half-mask concealed her nose and mouth, revealing only her eyes.

"So, miss, what's the plan?" the woman inquired.

"A new plan," Yiyi declared, after which silence permeated the room.

Yiyi then settled onto a swing within her room. The black-clad woman stood and began to gently push the swing.

"What's the new plan, Miss Yiyi?" the faint voice inquired.

"Jie, he wants to break and torture the woman mentally. He—" Yiyi began to reveal the plan that Jie had proposed.

It was evident that the woman behind the mask was someone Yiyi found quite trustworthy.

"As expected of the young master!", the woman said, praising Chen Jie.

"Hmm, I know right.", Yiyi smiled.

"But Miss, are you really going to let Young Master Chen go through with this?" the woman questioned after a moment of contemplation.

"Of course not! I won't allow Chen to get anywhere close to her," Yiyi responded, an evil smirk gracing her face as she mentioned it.

"Then, what about the herbs?" the woman asked.

"Chen will use them to create poisons, so don't worry about that. However, it will be me who torments and ultimately deals with her. How dare that woman lay her claws on my man!?" Yiyi's anger flared as she spoke, her voice growing louder. A sudden gust of breeze rustled a few things in the room.

The space then fell into silence as Yiyi closed her eyes to rest. The swing continued to sway gently, pushed by the mysterious woman.

Barely two minutes had passed when another woman arrived at Yiyi's location. Almost instantly, the woman who had been pushing the swing vanished into Yiyi's shadow.

"Auntie Nan, is that you?" Yiyi called out, her eyes opening as she sensed the woman's presence.

"Y-yes, Miss...", the door slid open slowly, revealing an old and chubby lady.

"What brings you here, Auntie Nan?" Yiyi stepped down from the swing, walking towards her.

"There's news... Young Master Chen is awake," she said.

"Ah, pfft. Auntie, you're a bit late," Yiyi chuckled upon hearing that.

"Late?" Nan, the old maid, squinted her eyes.

"I've already met with him and returned," Yiyi clarified.

"Ah, this old age. It seems I'm truly slowing down," Nan sighed while shaking her head.

"Who would dare to call you old, Auntie? Just say the word, and I'll pull their tongue and fry it in the sun!" Yiyi declared, reaching Nan and offering her support.

She guided Nan to a raised platform on the balcony, allowing her to sit.

Upon hearing Yiyi's words, Nan raised her hand and playfully smacked Yiyi's head.

"That's not how the heir of the Xiong family behaves!" Nan scolded.

"This is the first time I've seen anyone dare to hit you," the hidden woman remarked from the shadows. Her voice used a sound transmission technique that Nan couldn't hear.

"And she's the only one I allow to do so," Yiyi's eyes gleamed as she replied using the same technique.

Yiyi then playfully raised her hand and gently placed it on her head where she was hit.

"Ouch, it hurts!" she pouted.

Nan stared at her and raised her hand again, ready to scold further. But suddenly, she exclaimed, "Ack!"

"Auntie?" Yiyi's concern grew.

A single tear rolled down Nan's cheek as she held her right hand in the air.

Yiyi quickly realized that Nan's elbow seemed to be hurting. In an instant, she vanished and reappeared behind Nan.

She then formed a knife-like shape using just two of her fingers—the index and middle finger of her right hand—enveloping them with Qi.

Seconds later, Yiyi pressed certain points on Nan's hand, and the pain seemed to subside almost instantly.

Nan playfully rotated her hand like a toy.

"Much better now."

Sighing, Yiyi's voice carried genuine concern, "Auntie, please take better care of yourself."

"Haha, I will," Nan laughed it off, promptly standing up.

"Uh, you're leaving already?" Yiyi questioned.

"Yes, forgive me, but I need to inform Master Hao about the news."

"Oh, alright then. Auntie, do visit me after that," Yiyi said, bidding farewell with a wave of her hand.




"Alright, Ego, tell me a few more things. What other main events are present?" Bozo inquired.

[There are 3 more main events…]

[One: Chen Hao's visit and the Taunt of the Elders, which is Chapter 36.]


[Second is… Chapter 38: Fang Ryou's challenge.]

[And third, Chapter 46: The Duel.]

"Hmm, got it. Now tell me, who exactly is this Chen Hao?"

The system provided Bozo with a detailed explanation of who Chen Hao was, outlining his achievements and especially his ranking.

"What!? Rank 7?" Bozo's eyes widened.



Bozo's expression almost instantly shifted, as if he had a complete change of heart.

"Not like I know how powerful that is... but ranking seventh in the entire world, now that's someone whom I would respect."

[Fufufufu, about his strength, you will soon see that.]

"Oh? Is he the savage type?"

[Savage type?]

"Kek, meaning the ones that go rogue."

[Ah, I guess, that's somewhat true.]

"Keke, would love to see that… but wait, before that…"


"Tell me, how does Chen Jie behave when he is with his grandfather? I need to act, you know?" Bozo asked.

[Surely, I would love to tell you about that. But hear me out will you?]


[First of all, don't speak out loud.]

[Remember the saying, even walls have ears.]

[Also, you wouldn't want others to call you crazy.]

Bozo quickly adjusted to the new instructions.

'Should have told me earlier, but got it.'

[Yeah, my bad.]

'Nevermind... Just tell me about our relationship already.'

[Yeah, so...]

The system explained everything and every act necessary, addressing all other questions.

The explanation took about five to ten minutes, and just as Bozo finished, his grandfather barged in, shouting, "Chenny boy! I heard you're awake!"

The door slid open, revealing the tall figure: Chen Hao.

Hearing the shout, Chen Jie couldn't help but ask the system, 'Ah, so when you mentioned that Chen Hao behaves like a drunkard with his close ones, you meant this?'
