
Villain Arc System

Bozo, the unfortunate but smart goblin, gets killed for being weak by the very humans whom he hated. But this hate takes a new turn, helping him activate the Villain Arc System. Thanks to the system, he now transmigrates to different worlds to play the role as a villain, and kills the humans whom he despises by either manipulating them, or outrightly destroying them. It's not just one world, but multiple worlds where he would be put into different situations, like a play.

1st_Manga_KING · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 8: Unexpected Development

Chapter 8: Unexpected Development

"Chenny boy, I heard you are awake!", Hao shouted, his voice reverberating in the room.

As for Chen Jie, he chuckled upon hearing it.

"Old man, do you think I will die from something so uncool? Qi deviation?", Jie asked as he squinted his eyebrows, behaving the exact way he had practised in his mind after the system had revealed how Chen Jie behaved with his grandpa.

Chen Hao then marched forward, kneeling right in front of the bed. He then placed his hand on the bed and then sighed, "You know how much I was worried, Cheeny?"

[Cheeny? Pfft.]

"Yes yes, old man. I understand…"

"But can't help it. I have no idea how I ended up in a Qi Deviation…", Jie said, a smile sitting on his face as if he was mocking his own grandpa.

Hao scoffed and then brushing off the matter, he said, "Tell me, boy, do you want to go somewhere…? To travel the world?"

"All of a sudden?", Jie stared down, meeting Hao's gaze.

"Yes… I mean…"

'How do I tell him?'

'How do I tell him that his fiancée has decided to-'

Before he could utter more, Nhi Zhi decided to make her presence be known.

She was standing right outside the door and just before Chen Hao could fully mention about the current situation, she decided to walk in.

"Jie.", her voice echoed in the room, catching both, Jie's and Hao's attention.

Jie raised his gaze while Hao turned back, staring at Zing entering the room.

Hao maintained his composture, trying to be as docile as possible. As for Bozo, anger erupted within him.

His eyes visibly turned bloodshot and his clenched fists trembled.

"How are you Jie?", Nhi Zing asked, her voice soft and charming as usual, but this time, as if it carried a hint of sadness.

"Why do you care?", Chen Jie asked back rather than replying, his voice cold… too cold!

This startled both Hao and Nhi Zing, for they had never seen him treat her like this.

Hao was glanced back at Jie, noticing his trembling fists.

'No way… could it be?', Hao suspected that somehow, Chen Jie was already aware of Nhi Zing's relationship with Fang Ryou.

'Did little Yiyi tell him?', Hao wondered as he stared towards the ceiling, for Yiyi was hiding there.

Indeed, Yiyi was in the same room, but concealing herself on the ceiling which had a hidden door or something similar. It wasn't too hard for Hao to spot her!

"J-jie… this…", Zhi Ning didn't know what to speak, for his voice had surprised her.

However, she soon regained her composure the moment Fang Ryou made his appearance.

"Calm down Ning'er, let me speak.", the moment Ryou appeared, it was as if all the nervousness vanished.

Ryou turned his gaze, shifting it from Zhi Ning to Chen Jie.

"Ah, you must be Chen Jie…", Fang Ryou said, his voice mocking.

He could see that Jie had dark circles sitting under his eyes. Furthermore, there were numerous droplets of sweat drenching him – a common sign of being tired.

"Forgive me, but, Ning'er here wants to break off the engagement.", Fang Ryou said.

"Ryou!", Chen Hao roared, his voice causing the very floor to tremble, almost startling Ning and Ryou at the same time yet again!

'Yes, grandpa! Kill him!', Yiyi wished for Ryou's death as his words felt insulting.

"My grandson just woke up, and the first thing you utter is that?", Hao seemed visibly infuriated, veins popping out of his forehead.

"Ah, my bad. But he has to hear the truth some day or the other…", Ryou said, looking down at Hao and Jie at the same time accompanied by a chuckle.

"You-", Hao could barely contain his anger.

He wanted to attack Fang Ryou, but that's exactly what he wanted in the end!

He wanted Hao to attack so that he could have an excuse to make in his sect, enabling the famous war that takes place in the novel between the Chen Family and the Heavenly Sky Sect.

But of course, Chen Hao had enough control and maturity to not attack someone like Fang Ryou, especially considering the age gap. Despite the anger, he could control himself.

Then what led to the war? Simple, it was Chen Jie who burst forth, almost grabbing Fang Ryou's neck.

Then Fang Ryou challenged for a battle in which Chen Jie gets killed – this is what triggered Chen Hao who ends up injuring Fang Ryou gravely leading to the war in which, he ends up dying.

[Do you understand?]

The system had decided to explain this, seeing how Bozo was infuriated by their presence and upon hearing that, Bozo decided to take a different action.

"It's fine, old man…", Chen Jie smirked as he grabbed Hao's left shoulder, placing his palm gently.

"Chunny?", Hao turned back instantly, staring at Jie who was not angry at all.

The trembling had vanished and his eyes seemed normal.

He then pushed himself, getting down of the bed and stood straight.

Hao was worried about him getting out of the bed, almost immediately standing up, trying to support him.

Jie smiled at this attempt of his grandpa and then looked straight at the man named Fang Ryou.

"So, you both love each other, is that right?", he asked.

"Yes.", Fang Ryou's reply was confident but Nhi Zing had her gaze lowered and with a delayed reply, said, "Mhm."

"Alright. Then go and marry, who stopped you?", Jie said further.

"Chunny?", Hao stared at Jie, confused.

For as long as he could remember, Chen Jie was madly in love with Nhi Zing. He thought that his grandson would at least try to stop them!

"Eh?", Nhi Zing was surprised yet again.

She too expected Chen Jie to at least, stop her.

"Jie?", she muttered, confusion etched on her face.

The same was true with Fang Ryou, the great reincarnator, who had ideas about future events.

'Wait, what? This isn't how it was supposed to go…', he was baffled by the sudden change in the development of the story.