
Villain Arc System

Bozo, the unfortunate but smart goblin, gets killed for being weak by the very humans whom he hated. But this hate takes a new turn, helping him activate the Villain Arc System. Thanks to the system, he now transmigrates to different worlds to play the role as a villain, and kills the humans whom he despises by either manipulating them, or outrightly destroying them. It's not just one world, but multiple worlds where he would be put into different situations, like a play.

1st_Manga_KING · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 6: Using Yiyi

Chapter 6: Using Yiyi

Bozo, taking large strides, walks out of the room. He turned to his left and spotted Yiyi who was not too far from him.

"Alright, let's do this…", muttering to himself, he takes a few more steps, closing the distance between himself and Yiyi.

He called out, "Yiyi!"

The moment his voice fell on Yiyi's ears, she instinctively turned back, forgetting that her face was drenched with tears.

But before she could even consider that or look at Jie, she was surprised with a hug!

She was confused, utterly baffled. Never in her wildest dreams had she expected Chen to hug her on his own.

"Eh?", she was at a loss for words.

But Bozo knew exactly what to say in the situation.

"There is something I need to tell you…", he said, whispering in her ears.

There were a few maids nearby, who were shocked to see both of them hugging.

Heck, one of the maids held a clean cloth, that she had just washed, against her mouth to hide her flustered face. As for another old maid, she merely averted her gazes.

"Yes…?", Yiyi awaited his words, thinking it was going to be something related to her and his relation.

But she was entirely wrong!

"The Qi Deviation, it was because I was poisoned."

The moment Yiyi heard that, her eyes widened in shock.

"What!?", she snapped, almost instantly moving back and breaking the hug.

In front of her stood Chen, with a determined look in his eyes, as if he was speaking the truth.

Yiyi, who heard this, could hardly believe her ears.

She then looked to her left and right, noticing the maids and then said, "Come with me!"

Grabbing his left wrist, she gently pulled him back to the room which they had exited, clearly creating a misunderstanding among the maids who blushed and ran away to spread the rumours.

Sliding the door open and then closing, now Yiyi let go of Bozo's arm.

"So you are telling me, you were poisoned?", she asked, her voice a bit louder than earlier.

"Indeed.", Bozo merely nodded his head, now sitting on the bed.

Yiyi, upon hearing this, started to walk left and right.

"Who could have dared to do this!?", she tapped her chin again and again while pondering on the matter.

Gritting her teeth, she turned back and looked at him, asking, "Are you alright now?"

"Well, if you leave the talk about being a cripple, then yes, I'm perfectly fine."

"I should thank god that the poison only made you a cripple… at least, you are alive.", she said with a lowered voice, barely audible.

"But I swear, Jie, if I find out who did it, I will-"

Before she could even finish saying it, Bozo blurted out, "It was Zhi Ning."


And silence shrouded the room.


[Did you just reveal such secretive information to her just like that!?]

The system was rather surprised by the move that Bozo made.

'If I have already altered the plot line, then why hesitate to make more changes?', Bozo said to the system inwardly, as if smirking at the same time.


[But don't you know about the Butterfly Effect?]

Bozo didn't pay much attention to the system's statement for he now had to put all his focus on the woman in front of him.

By seeing Yiyi, Bozo had come to one conclusion – Her love could be used as a potential weapon if manipulated properly.

However, he had to be careful. Previously, Yiyi had already doubted his actions, hence, any weird move and he could end up being framed as an imposter.


"Are you sure?"

"It is… it is your fiancée? She tried to…", Yiyi momentarily bit her nail as she couldn't wrap her head around the matter.

"Weird, for as long as I can remember, she genuinely loved you.", Yiyi added.

However, Bozo shook his head denying her claims.

"It was all an act."

"Listen Yiyi, although I was asleep for 12 whole days, my mind was conscious…"

"I could hear everything and yes, in the process, I overheard her talk."

"She was indeed the one who did this to me."

[What a liar… When the heck did that happen?]

'Of course, never.', Bozo smirked inwardly again.

Yiyi blinked once or twice before saying, "This…"

"This is serious then."

"How can she pretend to love you and stab you in the back?", Yiyi clenched her fist.

"Don't worry Jie, I will take care of this matter."

Yiyi thought that exposing Zhi Ning and bringing her to her knees would be the best solution to the matter, however, Bozo, who had already decided that it was not enough, walked straight towards her, whispering the entire plan in one breath!


After hearing what Bozo said, Yiyi had a smile on her face.

'This is exactly what made me fall in love with you.'

"So, what herbs do you need? Tell me, I will get them for you.", she added.


[Looks like your work lessened.]


"Just a second…", saying that, he looked at the table that was to his left, wanting to get a brush and a paper to write the names.

Yiyi, understanding him, stood up immediately and rushed to the table, getting the necessary items.

"Tell me…", she said, asking the detail as she would write it herself.

'Alright Ego, now everything up to you.'

'I will imagine the herbs and their effects. Please translate them…'

And one by one, Bozo listed about 6 herbs.

"Uh… about five of them are just useless grasses growing in the yard, are you sure you want them?", Yiyi asked just to confirm.

[Even I was thinking the same. What you mentioned were…]


"Yes. Don't miss even a single one of them."

Yiyi stood up, folding the paper as she stuffed it into her garments.

"I will be back in an hour, Jie… Take care till then.", saying this, she walked out of the room.

And now, Jie all alone, smirked, 'Rather than a villainess, she looks like a pretty prince who obeyed me like a puppet…'

"Are you sure that she is smart and cunning?"

Upon hearing Bozo's question, the system couldn't help but laugh.


"What's there to laugh?", Bozo side-eyed the screen which all of a sudden had two eyes and a face on it, a laughing emoji which he saw for the first time.

[Obeyed like a puppet?]

[Let me tell you something…]

[Yiyi was already aware of the poisoning.]


[She even knew that Zhi Ning was behind it.]

"Huh?", Bozo's eyes opened wide seconds after which a smile appeared in his face, a smile of defeat and understanding.

"I made a mistake…"

[Oh? And that is?]

"Underestimating someone…"

He shook his head and then looked straight at the system.

"I was fooled…"


"But tell me, if she knew about this, then why did she not do anything?"


[Just wait till you hear about her preparation. If your plan was cruel, then her plan was violent!]

"Wait, what exactly had she planned?!"
