

When the Universe first gained sentience; The First Firmament was born and out of boredom of the first few billion years, he created the first sentient beings and gave them the task to create and destroy life for his own enjoyment. Thus began the story of MARVEL, as known by many... But! what if there was another... what if the Universe gave birth to two sentient beings... The one unknown to the Universe itself... The other Primordial...

Doctor_Blue · ภาพยนตร์
21 Chs

Into The Multiverse Of Madness!!

It had been a long time since I saw the entity, and to be truthful, I was scared shitless in the beginning, only recently have I come out from hiding in that void.

Although, awfully scary, the thought that I have died, and the entity was actually satan or maybe some kind of vengeful dream spirit that tried to enter my comatose consciousness, had plagued my mind ever since. But this time, I steeled my mind and travelled to that wall again, all the time thinking of worse possibilities, yet the fact that I have died and transmigrated, this thought never graced my mind, ie, until now...

Through the wall, I saw the most colourful, spectacular and beautiful scene, even better than my own space, but what caught my attention the most were not these things, but something utterly disbelieving; I saw colourful beings, travelling through the cosmos, in chariot-like ships... Beings, bigger than the size of tens of Sun stacked together, their bodies shaped weirdly, and the most shocking of them all was the fact that I knew these beings, more specifically I have seen one of them before, the one with four pairs of eyes; the 'Judge: Arishem'!

Well, I guess the conjecture of me dying that I dreaded the most was true, even more dreadful was the part that I had somehow transmigrated into Marvel-verse... After taking calming deep breaths and diverting my attention from the inevitable, I tried to focus on some energy constructs, that were travelling with Celestials, and as I honed my focus on them slowly but surely, I felt the same buzz in my consciousness, and starting hearing some words...

They were conversing, or a more apt description would be they were preaching to the 'Energy Constructs', they preached about the history of the Universe, their birth history, and what their creator had bestowed them with; their powers and duties. With my increasing concentration as I heard the history lesson, slowly I began to see some distorted images, which became increasingly clear, and I could see their birth, them travelling the Cosmos, them creating new lifeforms and destroying them, the identities of the 'Energy Constructs', and finally the entity they called their creator, the First Firmament, the same entity that I saw previously...

After listening and seeing all these things, my consciousness was a jumbled mess, hence, I withdrew back to my quaint void to think or more aptly rethink my new life. As time trickled away, I mulled over my past life, the choices I made etc., and when no new result came out of thinking things over, I put these thoughts at the back of my mind and concentrated on the new memories I have experienced ever since, I thought about how the entity, whom its followers zealously called 'The First Firmament', was the sentience of the Universe, and how it could manipulate and mould different energies flowing through it into these magnificent and colossal beings called 'Celestials and Aspirants', and then these energy constructs could create life and pass the judgement of death, and how it was all for the entertainment of their creator, it felt like I was sitting duck, among the Gods walking and would get trampled on their whims, if not careful.

Therefore, I also tried to create some energy beings by moulding the cosmic energies flowing in the Universe, so that I too have an army when the time comes; I was being hasty then, when I realized a few things about myself, I was shell shocked... I had to rewire my thoughts yet again as I found out some crucial things- first and most important, I and 'The First Firmament' were more like brothers, just like it, I was also born out of the Universe and the same as it I was also the first ever being or sentience, whatever you prefer. Second, I didn't have the same body of flesh and bones as before rather the same as my counterpart, I too contain the Universe inside of me or a much better term would be that the Universe contained me inside it; the only difference among us was that he had surpassed me by millions of light-years in mass and length, I guess... which brings me to the third crucial detail, the most fundamental difference between us was that, 'The First Firmament' was purely and naturally the sentience of the Universe, whereas I was a soul first, which later mixed with the Universe, hence, severely limiting my free-hand usage of Cosmic energies flowing through me, also the reason why I always felt restriction in my movement in the beginning of it all and the reason why there is wall dividing the Universe in parts(mine being smaller than half its size)...

Well, the issue with the wall was not so simple, even now I couldn't find the full truth behind it, although I have done many experiments with the wall; such as trying to phase through it but failing, then tried banging on it, but the results were the same, even tried to shout for help but no one even paid attention to it, as if I didn't exist for them at all.

After, all these experiments what I found about the wall and myself altogether were:

- The wall worked as an ethereal barrier, through which only I can observe the other side fully, and nobody knows of my existence.

- I too was the first ever sentience of the Universe just like my counterpart, but due to me having a soul, I couldn't harness the cosmic energies flowing through me as well as my counterpart or even the Celestials and the Aspirants did. Though, my soul did become immortal from mortal.

- I have been alive for billions of years and live till the kingdom come...

- Even if I can not harness the cosmic energies right now, I can practise and will be able to reach the level of my counterpart sometime, who knows maybe more than it...

- Lastly, there were some peculiar things on the other side, such as, there is time, eternity, death and life but they are not sentient. There are no infinity stones. And, there exists a place, outside of this Universe, that is called, 'The Farthest Edge Of Being', and no one knows what lies there...

- Also, because my counterpart was called 'The First Firmament', by its creations, although, I didn't have followers and was far more lonely than it, I at least, for fun, started calling myself 'Vedanta: The Primordial One'; but the moment I named myself, something happened to me, I don't what or how, but I could feel my connection with the Universe as a whole got a little cosier (I guess...)


The time kept flowing, as I dwelled in my space, mulling over my past, present and future. I observed, the working of the Celestials and the Aspirants, at first it was entertaining and kind of educational, as to how they created new life forms and then exterminated them, but very soon, that feeling turned into the horror of the madness they were doing, maybe because I was a mortal soul before, so I could feel all of this, and wanted to save or help these newborn creatures a bit, but when I saw that I couldn't do anything but to lament on the other side, just like when an ordinary person in a safe country couldn't do anything other than sympathize towards less fortunate country's civilians, and after that just get de-synthesized towards the situation; well I was the same, by the time the Celestial War was over...


A/N: There will be many time skips till we reach the 7th cosmos, but in between, I will include any and all the important characters or information, which I think is good for this story...


When, the Universe broke apart, after the war, my space went under tremendous changes, unlike the First Firmament, mine didn't break into pieces, rather, my space or I as a whole covered the Multiverse fully; meaning I was able to observe every reality of the Multiverse, but it consumed so much of my powers that, I couldn't even observe everything, altogether, for few years, without sleeping for millenniums, well, at least, I was still unknown to others.

Here are the things I observed while awake, till the 7th Cosmos:

- On the eve of Multiverse, there were many changes observed; The Universe in lieu, The First Firmament, broke into Multiverse. It also gave birth to infinity stones for every reality in the Multiverse, there was the birth of sentience of life, death, infinity, eternity and The Queen Of Nevers, among others.

- The Celestial that remained, created their first race of life forms, their servants in short, and called them 'Omegas'.

- Omegas had the duty to observe and record everything happening in the 2nd Cosmos(the first Multiverse). Whatever experiments the Celestials did and whatever lifeforms they created, Omegas recorded and observed it.

- The Multiverse or more aptly, the 2nd Cosmos was not 'eternal', it was cyclic, and it too ended.

- Before the beginning of the 3rd Cosmos, the Celestials, asked Omegas to stay out of the new Multiverse and operate on it from the outside, while, after the beginning of the 3rd Cosmos, they created, 'The Kings In Black', who worked as a counterpart to omegas, where, the Omegas were tasked to create, and became known as 'The Kings in White'(or Beyonders), The Kings in Black were tasked to exterminate or annihilate from within, hence maintaining the subtle balance.

- Something, astonishing happened, during the birth and continuity of the 4th Cosmos; The First Firmanent returned with the remaining Aspirants, to get back his powers and take revenge on the Celestials. Everyone joined the war that was waged across the realities and the Cosmos as a whole, and, in the end, the First Firmament was sealed in the 'Farthest Edge Of Being/ Far-Shore', with the help of remaining Omegas, The King in Black, the eternity, the infinity, the death and most importantly The Queen of Nevers. After the war, the 4th Cosmos came to an end.

- During the 5th Cosmos, the only interesting thing that happened was, the Beyonders created a new planet for their own experimental purpose, but before they could do anything on it, the Celestials came to know of their experiment and banished them from their duties and further cycles of Cosmos. The planet was Earth(although no one called it so, yet!)

- The King in Black of the 6th Cosmos disobeyed the orders of the Celestials and engulfed/annihilated the entirety of realities too early; out of boredom. His name was Knull, and his actions sparked yet another Celestial war; many Celestials were killed during this war by Knull's 'Necrosword'(made by the energies of the killed Celestials). The Queen Of Nevers, yet again, saved the Celestials, and in turn, they sealed Knull outside of the Cosmos and into the Void, ending the 6th Cosmos.

- All this while, I just observed the events flowing and practising the control of my powers, and yet I was not able to become proficient in them, the same way as my counterpart. Therefore by the time it was the beginning of the 7th Cosmos, I just gave up on doing so, temporarily, and out of boredom over such long periods of time, developed my powers, interestingly, in the direction of hiding my already hidden presence, and developing myself a body...


A/N: It was a long chapter, approximately, 2000 or some words. The MC/OC will start its main journey from the next or maybe next to the next chapter. Hopefully, everyone enjoyed the beginning and continue to do so.

Also, once again I would like to ask for any type of constructive remarks on my writing, till now and in the future.
