

When the Universe first gained sentience; The First Firmament was born and out of boredom of the first few billion years, he created the first sentient beings and gave them the task to create and destroy life for his own enjoyment. Thus began the story of MARVEL, as known by many... But! what if there was another... what if the Universe gave birth to two sentient beings... The one unknown to the Universe itself... The other Primordial...

Doctor_Blue · Movies
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21 Chs

The Rebirth

Just like an artist who sketched on a blank sheet of canvas, the emptiness was filled with varying colours; the Universe was born.

After a few billion years, the Universe gained sentience, and then a few more billion years followed, but now the sentient Universe started feeling boredom and loneliness, so it created its first sentient creatures by moulding the cosmic energies flowing through itself. These energy constructs began worshipping the sentient Universe and called it the 'The First Firmament'.

The energy constructs were given the task to create new lifeforms for 'The First Firmament's entertainment, but these energy constructs could not involve directly with the planets and stars because of overflowing cosmic energies, hence they invented types of armours to contain their original bodies in; some developed armours of the same colour(black) and some developed multi coloured armours, the dark coloured ones called themselves 'Aspirants' and the multi-coloured ones called themselves 'Celestials'.

After millions of years of creating new life forms and destroying them, for the entertainment of their creator(The First Firmament); seeds of dissatisfaction grew among them, regarding their creations, while the ever-so-zealous Aspirants sought their creator's input and praise, the Celestials wanted their creations to develop, evolve and grow with the universe; this notion did not sit well with the aspirants and The First Firmament. Hence, began the fist 'Celestial War'...

For another million years, the war continued and the Aspirants, to defeat their counterparts, the Celestials, developed 'The Godkiller Armour'. The new invention was effective, many Celestials died and the remaining ran away to hide.

After the war, the Godkiller Armour was divided into parts that made a new battleship armada for the Aspirants, but during this time, a 'Civil war' began in the territories of the Aspirants, this situation was taken advantage of by the remaining Celestials; they stole the remaining Godkiler Armour and some of the battleships made by its parts, and attacked the Aspirants and The First Firmament. Many were killed and the remaining with the help of scared The First Firmament, ran away and hid in the(on the/into the/and so on) 'Farthest Edge Of Being'.

The battle was so devastating, that the universe and with it The First Firmament broke into many other Universes; this was the birth of 2nd Cosmos with it start of the first Multiverse...


Although not yet known to many, including The First Firmament and its followers, the Universe(The 1st Cosmos) was far vast. In that vastness, was born yet another sentience, together with 'The First Firmament'; born naturally like 'The First Firmament', yet unknown to it or the Universe.

This new sentience, though born in the same Universe, was different from every other part of that Universe; it did not possess enough cosmic power like its counterpart so that it can create anything new by manipulating cosmic energies flowing throughout the vastness, heck it did not even have enough; that it remained unfounded by every entity that ever existed here.

Although far from any type of conscious being, weak and some might even see it as pitiful; it was present since its counterpart's awakening, and weak as it may be, it has seen and followed every happening.

The new sentience was different from its counterpart, in that it was not originally from this Universe, yes it became one of the first sentient parts of this Universe, but it wasn't made up purely of the cosmic energies of this Universe. For you see, it was a mortal soul, that was reborn as the new sentience and received the cosmic energies. This hotchpotch of sentience; mortal soul + cosmic energies + ???= immortal and sentient soul of the young and naive doctor, who was killed in his previous Universe.


First-person POV-

I lost consciousness, whilst laying on the floor, bleeding heavily. After a stretch of time, I woke up sluggish and confused, as all around me was just darkness, it felt like I was floating in this nothingness, so after a while of confusion, I chalked this feeling to heavy blood loss and went back to sleep.

Again, I woke up face-to-face with the same darkness, after the first bout of confusion, I felt trepidation all over me, and the first thought that came to my mind was that I was in a coma, although a scary thought, it was the most plausible because even though I tried to move my body, it didn't budge much. Hence after a huge feeling of anxiety washed over me, I calmed down a bit, thinking positively, that at least I am in a coma and not dead...

Well, fuck me, I am dead and somehow transmigrated or reborn in Marvel Universe. How do I know this, you may query, well, simply because I saw freaking coloured Celestials killing darker Celestials(Aspirants).

Let me recount the events till this moment...

After consoling myself to sleep, thinking I was in a coma, I woke up again, but this time, I wasn't floating in just nothingness, there were a few glittering colourful lights surrounding me, therefore, after getting rid of some confusion, I steeled myself and tried to approach one of these lights; lo and behold, it was a fucking star, a giant red hot star, so after observing it for the time being, I moved on to another light source and found yet another white star, hence I moved to yet another, then another and so on and so forth, I found around thousands of stars, there were many more but after a couple of thousands I could not move further, something was restricting me!

At first, I gave myself a pat on the back, for having such a vivid imagination even in a comatose state, and got fascinated by these wonders all around me, hence, after who knows how long, I tore myself from the last galaxy that formed around me, and tried to move out of the restricting boundary yet again, which I had marked by remembering one of the strange galaxies; it was farthest away from the centre or the point where I first woke up, as it was a simple void of I guess few hundred light years. As I moved away from that strange galaxy(it was totally blue in colour, nothing but blue!), after few thousand light years and a few new galaxies, I was yet again restricted, this type of movement went on for so long that even my imagination or comatose subconsciousness felt tired many times and I took a lot of naps in between.

Well, who knew how much time had passed, I kept moving, taking naps, watching new stars forming in the nebulae, the formation of black holes, and I even went back to my original place and saw galaxy mergers, it was a few million light-years of back and forth but I didn't take much time(I guess the speed of thoughts is faster than the speed of light, time and space). When I might have covered a couple thousand billion light years in diameter, instead of the usual restriction, I felt an invisible yet tangible wall blocking my path, and even after a couple of thousand tries I could not break or phase through that wall, which was highly unusual and suspicious, though behind the wall there was the same nothingness, in which I first woke up, I still wanted to sate my curiosity, oh well, I slept again...

When I woke up, the first thing I saw was the slight glimmer of lights around me, then I felt the same wall, and then I saw the scariest thing yet, it was a tangible yet intangible visible yet invisible, bright but darker than the black holes, it had a shape and form of a bipedal creature yet it looked nothing like any creature I had seen before, it was intently looking in my general direction with weird beady eyes, its face was shaped like some deformed skull and had an eyeball like thing in place of a nose, its height was very tall, I mean you can probably measure it in couple thousand billion light years.

After observing it for a few fractions of time, I wanted to silently run away, but my subconscious or primal instincts were indicating to me not to make a single movement, in the end, I listened to the blaring warnings and stayed put and concentrated my full focus on the being; after a while, I felt a little buzz in my mind, which grew sharper by the second and then I heard

"So this is the extent of my being... hmm... I have existed for billions of years, and I have grown bored and lonesome, should I create something for my own entertainment... I should!..."

And then the entity vanished, leaving behind the hyperventilating and severely anxious mass full of questions; which was me...