
Up Against The Wind

" You can't leave me like this ,not now ...am not ready ! " . When he said those words I could feel the pain ,sorrows and rage in his voice ,tears scatting down his eyes . How was I to make him understand? , I couldn't fight fate! I could feel my body getting cold, slowly losing my breath as every second goes by, heart beat decreasing. Call me mad but I can see the bright light, and that glorious music has begun ringing in my ears...

Dolly_nonduh · สมัยใหม่
30 Chs

Heart stopping surprises

I was head over heels in love with Malik Wright he rocked my world . I remember the first time we went to the doctor for a checkup ,we were so looking forward to hearing the heartbeat of our baby , was not used to the term mommy ,but I loved it a lot . When I did my first sonogram Malik was by my side holding my hand ,he was so hyped then the doctor extended our joy ,he informed us I was pregnant with twins ! .

Twins it was twice as much joy . There were a little complications the doctor told me I needed to rest my body ,and not take strain because my womb was affected by the gunshot ,and that there was fifty percent I could carry those babies to term . Those words crushed me that there could be a chance that after I had bonded with my babies I could lose them. I could see Malik was as scared as I was but he remained strong and hopeful . He told me to believe in his God because he could make anything happen . He was right there to nurse me and make me believe I was going to be the best mom ever .

Six months into my pregnancy ,I couldn't believe that I had gone that far . The sad part is that I couldn't work ,but Malik was there to take care of me since he was waiting for his leg to heal . I thanked God for everyday that passed without any harm coming to my babies . It was as if Malik loved me more when he knew the twins were boys ,He couldn't wait to teach them rugby . He got rid of his cast and went back into exercising ,so he could go back to his career .

Weeks passed and I was his personal trainer ,I would be hard on him so he got into shape whilst I stuffed my face . We were living together ,so I had I couldn't keep an eye on Lwandile ,but I just had a feeling he was up to something ,but I did not let that worry me . Daddy visited as often as he could to ,talk baby talk to my tummy ,letting the boys know he was going to spoil them rotten, then when I thought of the things I had been through that made me appreciate Malik more . He was my guardian angel sent from above ,now I know why mom left she knew I had a great guy to take there of me .He referred to me as his good luck charm , he taught me everything concerning rugby and took his time explaining the game to me .

The big day came ,Malik was ecstatic he couldn't wait . Early in the morning ,I was woken up by loud screams ,when I went to the lounge it was Musa and Malik cheering . They were getting ready to leave for the game ,Malik begged me to come early so he could look at me and play a perfect game . He gave me the most passionate kiss and they ran off ." Men ,kiddos I hope you don't turn out like that " I said that whilst running my tummy .I used to talk to the boys and they seemed to understand because the moved around whenever I talked to them.

I was one lazy person , to be honest during that time even bathing was like climbing a mountain . I took my time getting ready and I had to get some food . I finally got ready ,when I checked the time it was five minutes before the game began ,and I had several missed calls from Malik . I rushed out and tried to drive as fast as I could. It was as if I was being punished , I couldn't find parking. When I finally found one ,getting to my seat was a mission . When I arrived Lwandile looked worried . " You late ..The guy is just running like a headless chicken ! "

It was my fault his head was not in that game ,and that was bad since he wanted to shine ,and make a great comeback . When I sat watched ,I couldn't bare it no more ,they were throwing him all over the place , and he just did not play as he used to . I had to do something ,I got up and got ready to root for him and be his cheerleader . Lwandile helped me make my way near the stadium ." MALIK?MALIK ? " When I shouted his name he turned instantly ,and when he saw me he smiled . " Come on baby you can do this ,beat their asses okay ? " He actually laughed when I said that , blew me a kiss and had his game face on .

After that he was on fire ,invincible ,he dribbled and tackled and scored a lot of tries ,which caused his team to win and he got that shine he wanted ,and needed for his ego . The crowd was cheering out his name and it was amazing . Suddenly the referee blew the whistle and the crowd went silent . Malik had a mic in his hand ,I was sure he wanted to talk to his fans ,but instead he turned and looked at me .

" Everybody I had something to say to that beautiful pregnant woman over there ..." when he said all people turned their eyes to me . I could believe my eyes ,he went down on one knee " Lorna Mkhize-Sokhulu ..Please add my surname to those ,what I mean is please do the honor of becoming my wife ...would you marry me ? " People kept on cheering and shouting "say yes ! Say yes ! " I slowly went down and he came to me half way.

He had tears in his eyes ,dude stole my role I was supposed to be the teary one there . He looked at me " So ? " he was so anxious . I took a deep breath " I thought you would never ask !" When I said that he looked confused ,like he couldn't believe ." Malik Wright I said yes I will marry you " He jumped onto my arms ,put me up and spun me around ,the fans were cheering loudly . He then slipped a key ring on to my finger . I was speechless . " I thought of all this when I saw you standing there but I will be getting you a better ring boo " He whispered , that was the most precious key ring to me ." I love you " And we kissed ,I felt sorry for all the single ladies ,because that hot guy was going to be my husband .

He sacrificed getting drunk with his friends to take me home and give me a well-deserved foot massage .I received a call from my dad telling us he was cooking dinner and invited us over to celebrate the engagement he only heard about on television ,my dad was fond of Malik and always told me I chose well . Malik had to meet up with his mom so he told me to go ahead and he was going to meet me there .

I got dressed formally ,because I knew my dad had something special planned . I got a cab to drive me to my dad's because I was too tired to drive. When I got there everybody rushed to look at my finger and couldn't hold in the laughter when they saw my engagement ring . We all sat down and catched up .Time was passing by but Malik did not pitch . When I called him his phone sent me straight to voicemail. He stood me up on such a special night ,and couldn't call to tell me the reason. I took a cab back I was fuming but had a glimpse of hope that he had a valid explanation .

When the cab driver dropped me ,as soon as I got in to that elevator I took of those dammed heels . As I approached the door to the apartment there was laughter and could hear footsteps ,I wanted to know what the hell was going on. When I got in on the couch there was some white lady ,sitting comfortably ,and Malik was running around with a small boy ,when he saw me he froze as if he had seen a ghost .

" Malik what is this ? " He stood straight ,took a deep breath ,and when he tried to answer he just stuttered ! " Malik Wright who are those people ? " When I asked that I held my tummy because there were some piercing pains . He could see me frowning and tried to touch me but I pushed him away ..I sat down staring fiercely at Malik he was just quiet ,the child came to sit on his lap .My mind already had an answer ,but I wanted him to be the one to clarify things .

" That is Kyle his son ,...and I am Lisa his first love ,and you know what they say about those " that woman had a huge smirk on her face. For some time I stopped breathing and tears streamed down before I could breathe out . Malik looked so disappointed .Here I was gloating I was going to have his first babies ,but I was wrong .He already had a baby with the woman he used to love . When that child looked at me , he was the spitting image of Malik.

I began feeling intense heat ,I was struggling to breath and that piercing pains in my tummy were getting worse by the minute . He took me into his arms and raced to the car ,while I could faintly hear this woman's laughter .I was so afraid ,thinking about what was happening to my babies . When we got to the hospital they rushed me off to examine me ,anger was building in me ,blaming Malik .

After a few hours of rest ,my sleep was disturbed by Malik . He looked so scared ,the moment I opened my eyes , he wrapped his arms around me tightly ,but in was just cold towards him . " They could have died all because of you ! " when I said those words I could see he was hurt . The doctor came in informing us the twins were going to be just, but the high blood pressure almost caused a premature birth ,so I had to be calm .

When the doctor went out there was some silence ." I did not know about the boy When we were young Lisa just upped and left ,without saying goodbye . I won't lie I loved her with all my heart ,she was the reason I turned into a player ." every word he altered went out accompanied by a tear ,he was telling the truth ,I actually calmed down and gave him a chance . " But then I met you and I fell in love with you ,Lorna I'm going to marry you actually before you give birth ,we need by a house ,and begin our family . Kyle showed me how my boys will look ,and just fell in love with him at first sight please understand ! " He went quiet ,and wiped off his tears .

" You know when I saw her there I thought I was losing you ,because everything special I ever got in this world has always been snatched away from me ,so I thought I had lost ,and for a brief moment thought I lost our babies too ... I love you I need you to stay with me ! " When I said that he climbed on the bed placed me on his chest ,and let my tears wet his chest. " I am not going anywhere ,you will have to get rid of me ,and I love you more ". He said those words ,while rocking me in his arms .