
Up Against The Wind

" You can't leave me like this ,not now ...am not ready ! " . When he said those words I could feel the pain ,sorrows and rage in his voice ,tears scatting down his eyes . How was I to make him understand? , I couldn't fight fate! I could feel my body getting cold, slowly losing my breath as every second goes by, heart beat decreasing. Call me mad but I can see the bright light, and that glorious music has begun ringing in my ears...

Dolly_nonduh · Urban
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30 Chs

Being the bigger person

The doctor discharged me from hospital in just a few days and Malik took me home . He never brought up the issue of Kyle but I could see something was eating him up . He acted fine to me ,but I knew him well . One morning when he brought me some tea and gave me a foot rub ,he was so distant and far away .

I began to worry about him ,so I had to ask him " What's up Malik ? " I triggered his emotions by asking that question ,he just broke down into tears . I rushed to give him a hug and comfort him. " After training I have been spending time with Kyle for the past week !" I was confused when he said that wasn't he supposed to be happy . " Isn't that a good thing ? " He took time to breath then looked me in the eye ." The only reason Lisa brought him to me is because she did not have the money for his operation !...He had a tumor in his lungs and it has to be removed as soon as possible !...there is a chance I might lose him " when he said those words my heart broke into a million pieces . That was just cruel such a young boy .

We continued the day ,but I couldn't get Kyle out of my mind ,and how he was feeling . " I want to meet him Malik ,if you don't mind ? " when I asked he smiled ," He also wanted to meet you " now that made me feel special . He drove us to the hospital Seemed Kyle was already getting ready for surgery . When we got there Lisa was sitting next to him. " Hey I hope you don't mind if I have a chat with Kyle ? " . She was reluctant but faked a smile and nodded . I sat down and I must say he was really adorable .

" Dad you were not lying when you said she was the bomb ! " I couldn't believe he said that ,I just smiled in disbelief . Malik smiled ,blew me a kiss and walked out . " I'll take that as a compliment .And you are just adorable " .He looked at me and sat up ." Lady you don't call a man adorable ...you say he handsome " and we both broke down in laughter . I felt so connected to that boy ,as if he were my own , next part was he liked me too. " you know what I just met my dad a few years back it was awesome ...so how do you feel ?" he took his time answering me." It's amazing ,now the kids won't laugh at me ,and I will have someone to teach me football and how to be a man" .when he said that tears filled my eyes . And when he saw I was crying he gave me hug .

" Aunt Tasha said she likes you ,but I must not tell " I choked on some water ." You call her aunt ? " He broke down in laughter . " Well she is my sizzling hot aunt ...aunt got no time to be grandma " He imitated her voice and it was just too cute. I spent most of his visiting hours getting to know him better ,and then I had an idea of how my boys were going to be like . We went to Tasha's since she invited us for dinner . Malik was so happy I connected with his son .

As soon as we open the door to Malik's home it was filled with the smell of something burning , Malik rushed to find the cause of the smoke . When he came back he told me it was the food in the oven . We proceeded to the bedrooms to search for Tasha . When I opened the door to the main bedroom ,I almost had a heart attack . Tasha was in bed having sex with a younger man ,not any man...Lwandile . It was gross when they saw us they turned red with embarrassment . " Mom! " Those were the words of Malik as he pulled me to the car ,he was beyond pissed . I was stunned my mother in law, in bed with my younger brother !

When we got home there was just silence . A part of me wanted to break down into laughter ,but poor Malik was too mad . I decided to let Lwandile be ,life is too short to live by the rules ,trust me I know . We had pizza for dinner and the twins were moving around like crazy . And Malik enjoyed that he couldn't stop talking to them and kept his head in my tummy listening to their movement .

That special moment was ruined by a call . After that call Malik got dressed ." Kyle will go in to surgery really soon from now ..." I also got up and got dressed . " I am coming with you " I told him ,not asked him . When we got to the car I drove because Malik was in such a state. He ran off into the hospital ,while I parked the car . When I went in both him and Lisa were next to Kyle's bed and holding hands ,crying . I gave them space and stood by the door .

The doctor came in ," It's time for the operation ,but there is a twist to it ...we will have to perform it while he is awake ,because he is still a minor . We will need someone in there with him to distract him and keep him calm . " The doctor went out and these two parents started freaking out and fighting over whom to do it . I went to sit next to Kyle ." Would you come in with me because I am scared ?" He said that in a low tone .I surprised at his request and could see he was afraid, I just nodded in agreement .

When Malik and Lisa returned to the room ," Aunt Lorna will come with me ,so I could be close to my brothers !" . I thought Lisa would freak out ,but she just smiled and kissed her boy on his forehead . They both looked relieved .I stood up got to be sterilized ,I stood up and out of the blue Lisa gave me a tight hug ,and whispered in my ear " Thank you " . I went iin Malik followed me gave me a large kiss and Kyle and I went off.

I sat down next to him .He was trembling and I had to calm him down . " I am really angry you know ! " He turned his eyes and looked at me " Why ? " I had to come up with something strong that would keep him occupied .While I was talking I was battling my tears . " Your sizzling hot Aunt Tasha ..Is dating my brother " He smiled ," so she is shagging your brother ...nice" .That kids logic amazed me every time ,He got more of Tasha's personality ,and mouth.

There was so much blood and tears just strolled down ." Please don't cry ? " He asked of me . " I'm not sad ,it's just that the boys won't stop kicking ! " His little energy less fingers brushed my tummy . Every time I took a glance at the doctors they would instruct me to focus on him ." So what are you going to name them " he was pointing at my tummy . " I don't know, have any suggestions ? " He had a huge smirk on his face when I asked him that he came up with the most ridiculous names . He had me laughing my lungs out ,the one that killed me the most was "Drew and Dre " I was frank with him ,those words were crazy . " This is the last try Legacy and Loyalty !"He caught my attention with those and agreed ,I loved them .

After the surgery they made him fall asleep and they sent him back to his ward . As soon as I got out of that theater I sat down on a chair and let out my tears . What I experienced in there was too much .Malik came sat next to me and just he put his head on his lap . I was little traumatized but the important thing was Kyle was going to be okay and Malik couldn't stop praising me . " Lorna as soon as Kyle is healed...we are getting married " I was over the moon. I was going to be Mrs. Malik Wright ..Who knew I would come that far .