
Up Against The Wind

" You can't leave me like this ,not now ...am not ready ! " . When he said those words I could feel the pain ,sorrows and rage in his voice ,tears scatting down his eyes . How was I to make him understand? , I couldn't fight fate! I could feel my body getting cold, slowly losing my breath as every second goes by, heart beat decreasing. Call me mad but I can see the bright light, and that glorious music has begun ringing in my ears...

Dolly_nonduh · Urban
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30 Chs

Butterflies filled the tummy

One thing Nathan taught was never to judge a book by its cover , to think I gave up on Malik for him . I slept the entire day ,woke up night time on the New Year . The family was in the lounge and I had to go to them and break the news .They were eating some ice cream ,I went to crash near Lj . " mama ,finally awake ... I missed you " When she said that I just took her into my arms . " Soooo I have broken up the engagement !" The boys cheered up as if their team had just won . Sheila smiled " Am glad you finally followed your heart !..So have you to told Malik? " I wanted a hole to swallow me . I just looked at them . Daddy was quiet the whole time and he just walked out .

I stood up and went to my dad who was on the porch . I tip toed behind him . " You know I know your scent right Babygirl? " He said that turning around . " Princess why didn't you tell me you did not like this Nathan boy and you actually like Malik ? " I took a deep breath and went to stand next to him . " Daddy I thought you really liked Nate and would embarrass or disappoint you when I didn't say yes " He just took me in his arms ." I told you I will always be by your side no matter what , all I care about is your happiness." . We went to the kitchen and had some warm milk and Oreos ,it was both our favorite snack . " I must have a chat with that boy " . I spit my milk out " hmm hm no ..He hasn't even asked me out, but you can beat Nate up for cheating .

When I told him what I saw ,he managed to make a very funny joke from my bad experience .We later on went to chill and play video games with the boys ,whilst Sheila and Lj played makeup artists . My family was awesome ,my dad was the best and my annoying brothers. Chilling on the couch the parents went to sleep and Lj. " You smashed Malik on Christmas ? " Musa asked me that and I acted surprised .." Where do you get that ? " I asked him ,he just pointed at Lwandile and we chased each other around the house kicking and throwing punches . Life was good, until I fell onto Musa's armpit and his cologne smelt awful. I suddenly felt nauseous and rushed to the toilet ,and puked till dawn !

I woke up next morning feeling like crap ,the nausea was still there and I didn't feel good at all . At that time I thought I developed a tummy bug which was way too persistent . I went down for breakfast and the whole family was there . The room was filled with smells of burnt oil .I felt like vomiting but I just kept in ." Morning " Dad said that in just nodded trying to keep it in ,but as soon as Sheila placed that plate in front of me ... I went running to the bathroom . When I finally stopped puking ,I went to take a bath and chilled on the porch .

Musa's car came through the gate ,I was really sick and dizzy . " Hey Tasha wanted your number and I gave it to her " He said that coming to join me ,he placed his head on the forehead ." And then ? " He smiled " It what Sheila used to do when I had flu !" .

I was so stuck on my sickness I had forgotten about Malik . " So how is Malik ? " When I asked that Musa's facial expression changed ,he looked worried. He took his own time " He tore his muscle tissue on his left leg ... if he is lucky he will recover and be able to walk again but he may not be able to play again". Oh God that was horrible ,I stood up and stood up grabbed my car keys and headed to the hospital ,I was worried about him . When I got to the hospital I headed straight to his ward . He was asleep ,so I just sat down and waited . After sometime ,I began feeling sleepy ,and was woken up by a warm touch ." You look like you haven't slept in days " I opened my eyes and he was just staring at me . " And you still look handsome, I heard the news ." He just looked to the side ,when I turned his head he already had tears fill his eyes ." All because of a girl who lied about having my baby, when she knew she was dating a criminal ,and now I have to say goodbye to my career " . I shifted his upper body ,sat down and kept his head on my lap .

My phone beeped " Hey soon to be Daughter, I am sorting some things out please can you drop Malik at my house and stay with him. I'll be back this afternoon ...yours truly Tasha " .Malik's mom was a character ,anyways he had fallen asleep ,and I was waiting for the doctor to finish up with the discharge papers . " Look at you already talking care of him " that was mother dearest I whispered " am I doing the right thing ?" .She just smiled " Baby ?" She looked down ,and that caught my attention ." It's time for me to leave now ... you don't need me you can do it on your own ." .Tears filled my eyes ,I will forever need her ,why was she just dropping me ." You already have someone who will always be there for you ,and love you truly. I won't lie there will be problems but this person will stick with you till death do you apart ...so I'm no longer needed ." I went silent for some time ." But mom I need you in my life I do, please don't live !" She started fading away but this time it was different, she was fading away to that bright white light .." I will always love you ,I will always do and will always be in your heart " .

She was gone just like that gone ! " Mom !" Malik walk up ,he looked at me " Are you okay? " I just nodded ." You better get ready you going home " He looked at me and looked kind of worried so I just faked a smile . A male nurse came to help him and he looked so uncomfortable . When he was done I pushed him out and we made it to the car . The porter came to try and help us ,but Malik bit his head off ." I'm not an invalid damn it, I can do it myself " . This was killing him . When we drove to his mom's house he only talked to me when he was giving me the directions .

It was quite a big house ,so I helped him out and placed him on the couch whilst I went to get his bags . There was some noise in the house so I ran back ,he was on the floor ." What were you thinking, Malik you going to hurt yourself . " What kind of life is this ? Huh ? I'll never be able to do the thing I do best , I love that game but now I may not play ever again." He was sobbing ." It will be fine and I am here for you " I said that picking him up . " Do you know how it feels see your life tumbling down and you can't do nothing about it. No! so please don't act as if everything will be alright " he pushed me away . I had enough of his sorry act " Look I know when life comes down on you hard, but unlike you some of us had only one choice laying on the railway waiting for death." I took a deep breath .and tears were streaming down my eyes ,and he looked at me shocked .

" And then you get saved by the devil Malik, but even then I got out ,so you can also make it out ... believe me Malik I know...you can go do that surgery and with faith you can heal and play again . But I won't sit around whilst you feel sorry for yourself . " I took my bag and headed for the door ,he did not stop me I just hope he will think about the operation .

Going home I had mixed emotions .Whenever I felt like that mom would appear and make it all better but at that moment she was not coming back . When I got home there was only Sheila so I just went into my room . She could sense something was wrong ,she just came and sat next to me ,offered me a tissue " crying always helps ,when it all fails " she brushed my hair till I fell asleep . In the morning I woke and ran to the toilet ,I was tired from vomiting ! Dad knocked " princess you might as well take a shower cause I'm taking you to the doctor you haven't eaten in days " .I didn't answer I just took the bath and got out of there and got dressed .

I went downstairs and there was a knock on the door ,when I opened up it was Tasha " Hey baby, you look horrible ", she said that letting herself in . I was really dizzy ," can I help you ? " I leaned on the door to gain some balance . " Look Malik has been miserable telling me he drove you away with all his whining .He asked me to tell you that he..." I was hearing her from a distance and was all sweaty the last thing I remember was her calling my name and I went crashing to the floor .

When I opened my eyes it was all blurry and in was tired ." I'm sorry for not listening to you , focusing on myself and not you ...in just a minute I'll be going to the operation room ,if I don't make it out please know I Love you ...I love you a lot " . I was half awake ,half asleep but I could hear those words and I knew that voice very well just that I did not have the energy to answer .I fell asleep again .

" Will you wake up ! " I opened my eyes it was Musa and Lwandile . " How long have I been asleep " I asked that whilst scanning my surrounding , I was in a hospital bed . " For the whole day " Lwandile said .I kept on replaying what Malik said and I was not sure for some time if it was a dream or reality . " Doctors took your blood for test ,said you will be fine just need rest " Musa told me that but was looking at me weirdly ." Guys where is Malik ? " I asked that and they kept on trying to avoid me . but Musa finally spoke " He is in surgery as we speak, Lorna the doctor said it's a very dangerous operation ,and it seems Malik's heartbeat may not bestrong enough " There was silence in the room .What Malik ,a rugby player with a weak heart ,so it all came together he was really here ,and he said he loved me .

" If he makes it there is a chance his leg may never work ,so you should be prepared for that,we will let you rest now ,and inform dad you are awake ." Musa gave me a shoulder rub and went out they were worried ,Malik was family to them . After all that I kept on replaying his words over and over ,what if he does not wake up and I never get the chance to tell him I love him too . The footsteps in the room disturbed my thoughts . When I looked up it was the doctor .She came in with a huge smile ." You are suffering from the severe symptoms of pregnancy, Congratulations you are going to be a mommy !" .I looked at her like " Seriously! "

" There is no way cause ..." I was about to tell the doctor she was crazy ,there was no way I was pregnant because ,I hadn't slept with no one for seven years. But then it all came back ,Christmas day ,that elevator and Malik . My mouth widely opened " Are you alright ? " The doctor asked worried . I just nodded . When she walked out I processed everything and it sinked in I was going to be a mom ! It took me to the first time I had I was pregnant I ended up on a railway line .

I thought about the baby sometimes like it would have been seven years but I just brushed the feeling off because it was best for me at that moment . Tears rolled down my eyes but this time ,they were of joy .I was going to be a mom ,and it was all thanks to Malik the man I loved with all my heart . Oh God ! I remembered the situation he was in ,and I knew I had to see him . He had to be okay ,he would be damned if he went and died on me after he impregnated and prophesied his love to me ! I got out of bed and grab a gown ,I was a bit light headed but I didn't let that stop me .

When I got out I headed straight to the receptionist ,but before I got there ,I saw Tasha in the chairs and I went up to her .When she saw me she just ran to my arms .She gave me a hug and I hugged her back ." I'm glad you fine " I just smiled and sat down next to her. Before I could ask her anything a doctor came towards us and I assumed it was the doctor operating on Malik ." How is he ? " Tasha asked . " the operation went well but we will know for sure when he wakes up, right now he is still unconscious ,and his breathing is dependent on the machines . If after two hours he is not conscious we will try reviving him and if he shows no signs of waking up ...it will probably be like that forever " Tasha broke down .

Tasha went up first to see him ,but first she had to be sterilized . I felt my stomach turn upside down and I was trying so hard to hold in my tears . Rocking back and forth and trying to hide from my doctor . Tasha came back after which seemed to be an hour or less . " I had been there and hour talking to him ,trying to get some action from him ,but he is just lying there and his is not responding, Lorna if he does not wake up what will I do without him ,without my baby . " She was crying into my arms . And after some time she pointed towards the door . I took a deep breath and went inside .

He looked so peaceful and in that room it was so quiet only the sounds of his breathing through the machine were present . He just laid there no movement nothing ,if his mom begged him to wake up and nothing happened ,how was I to do that . I sat next to him for some time and just had his hand on mine ,his hand was so cold . " Hey Mr. Wright ..It's me Lorna and I hope you can hear me, please wake up " Those were the words that came out of my mouth and I just sat quietly for some time .

Something struck me ,I had to do more than just sit next to him . " Okay look ,we have been playing around not telling each other our feelings . Malik when you said I Love you ,I didn't answer ,but here it is I love you too . The thing is when I first saw you something in me sparked . " I wiped my tears and my voice was all cracked and annoying, if he did not wake up he would have been really deaf.

." I need you to wake up ,I know you may be scared your leg might not function forever ,but I don't care. When I fell for you ,it was because of your personality , umm the thought of having a baby with big blue eyes like you and have that arrogance. You showed me love and what it was like to be a woman ,heaven for me is in your arms and I can't let you go ,so please don't leave me now ... please "

Thoughts that were circulating my mind ,was how was I to raise this baby alone ,I need him . Whilst I cried silently and wiping my tears ,I closed my eyes to pray that God help me through that time , my prayers were disturbed by the tight grip to my hand .Malik had squeezed my hand .I thought I was imagining things because after that there was no movement ,I rubbed my eyes to check if I was seeing clearly .I just put my forehead on the bed .

Something hit my head " ouch !" When I looked up ,Malik had threw the coma of his mouth he hadn't opened his eyes ." You know you disturbed the soulful choir that was singing for me " Those were the first words he said and caused me to smile through my tears . " You have been spending too much time with my mom, you guys talk a lot ! " He opened his eyes and just looked straight into my eyes . " I love you more and am glad that you love my eyes, because I'm crazy about your noise and those brown eyes " .When he said that he opened his arms ,and I stood up and hugged him ." I'm so glad you awake. How you feeing ?" I asked while gently placed my head on his chest . . He kissed me on my forehead before he let me go " just thirsty ! " I gave him some water .

I called his mom and the doctor .She was so thrilled and couldn't stop kissing him and hugging him . The doctor gave us really good news . He told us Malik's operation was successful .He just had to rest for three months and after that when he is fully healed, he could go back to his rugby .Malik was thrilled . I called Musa to tell him the news and he told me the whole family was coming .Tasha went home to rest and get cleaned up and Malik and I were left together again . " So did you run away from your ward ? " I just nodded ." the doctor said she will keep me here for some time " . We chilled for some time ,I couldn't hold my joy any more I had to tell him .

" I got something to tell you !" He looked scared ,and that made me nervous . " Baby tell me don't be scared, unless you've got aids " when he said that we both broke down in laughter . " remember the baby part ,and it having blue eyes ? " I hinted and him ." baby relax I know you want to have a baby with me someday , and we will when the time is right " he was sincere ,even brushed my hand . I had to burst his bubble " Well Malik that time is now, I am about three weeks pregnant " when I said that Malik sat up ,and there was silence . He just sat there and kept quiet ,I stood up I needed some air ." Boo where are you going ? You just told me I'm going to be a dad! My baby is having my baby " when he said that I began to breathe again .

" So you happy ? " I asked him .He shifted to the side and showed me that I can join him .I took of the gown and joined him in the hospital bed . " I can't wait to tell the whole world ,I am going to be a dad ... Lorna Mkhize -Sokhulu you just made me the happiest man . ..I love you " I lay on his chest and he held me tight , with one hand slowly rubbing my tummy . It was something I had never experienced before .