

Alex a normal average teen who had a Normal life until she discovers her true identity...she's a cross breed,a vampire, werewolf,demon and a witch.... How does she take this new change,new life.....how does she take this new world she now belonged to,a world she only read in books....now her reality..... Read on to find out! ...... exclusive content

Sophie_Davies_ · วัยรุ่น
10 Chs


Alex was still in bed,She was still asleep as she cried herself to sleep all through the night,her mom who was already worried cane into her room.

"Alex darling it's time for school,Stella would be here any moment from now.... her mom whispered calmly...

School was the last place Alex wanted to be right now...As Alex opened her eyes seeing her mom sitting by her bed side...

"Go away" Alex said as she turned her back on her mom..

"Sweetheart you have to go to school... her mom said trying not to sound too pushy...

"Look mom I just want to be left alone.... just for today ok?....I need to get my self together...Alex said.

"Fine...you can stay home today but only if you promise to talk to me about what happened yesterday when I get back from work ...agreed?....

"Ahhh agreed...Alex said rolling her eyes

"Good girl,so I'll get going now...I've locked the back door from inside so you can go out through there".....her mom said.

" Huh what happened to the front door?"... Alex asked..

"Am going to lock it from outside cause I know you won't be able to get out of bed to lock it when I leave....her mom replied....

Then a smile appeared on Alex's face....

"Fine.....ok mom".... Alex said with a little smile.

"That's my baby girl...bye pumpkin,love you,see you when I get back ok?...her mom said as she left for work...

Now it was just Alex at home....she didn't no what to do,she just wanted to Forget about Jason....so she decided to go for a run....then maybe a stroll.

So she got up putting on her exercise out fit....she wore an ash crop top long sleeves hanging off her shoulder with a black joggers...and a black canvas...

She then went over her reading table to get her air phone....she was all set ...

But just as she was about to head out through the front door it was locked...

"Oh mom.....tsk"...she said as she went to through the back door.... just as she was shutting the door behind her ...her neighbour Mrs Gabriel an old widow...called her.

"Alex dear... could you help me take Layla for a quick walk?....she said with a smile.

Layla was Mrs Gabriel dog....she was a sweet Little poodle....

Walking a dog won't be such a bad idea...Alex thought.

" Sure Mrs Gabriel,I would love too"Alex said with a bright smile..

"Oh thank goodness there she could really use a stretch...hold on let me get her".... Mrs Gabriel said with a smile

In about less than a minute...Layla came running and jumping on Alex, which made her fall to the ground..

" I can see she misses you....you really haven't been coming out lately...hope everything is alright dear?.....Mrs Gabriel said concerned

Alex had already stood up from the ground.. Dusting her body ...when Mrs Gabriel asked that question..

"Huh...me,am fine... just a lil busy with school work...she said as she let out a nervous laugh...

"Alright dear,if you say So"

"bye layla she said as she waved at Layla .

Alex and Layla were already walking as Alex started talking about her issues with Layla.

"Layla I know I should get over him and just be happy right..but it's just that ....am still in shock I guess? knowing for two good years we dated I was just used,that one of the best moments of my life was all a lie....Alex lamented as she sighed...

"But hey I already feel better.. thanks to you.....and I also never went for the run I was planning for...all thanks to you too"....Alex said as she smiled at Layla who had her eyes fixed on something else...a squirrel.

"Why don't we take a break and sit on that bench over there..my legs are exhausted...alex said.

And just as she was about sitting.... Layla took off just like that!

"What the...no no no no no!come back here this instant Layla!"...she yelled.

But Layla kept on running

"Oh God Mrs Gabriel is gonna kill me...Alex thought as she ran after Layla.

Alex kept on running and screaming out for Layla who was busy chasing a squirrel.

"STOP!!!"....a strange voice said and Alex actually saw Layla stopping,alex Even thought she stopped breathing!....but that would be ridiculous ....but what Alex found really strange was Layla actually listened to the stranger...while he just said a single word.

"Ahhh how did you do it?"....Alex said gasping for air as she held her knees with her head facing down

"Huh?...oh I connect with animals...in some kind of way"...the stranger said ...

"Huh so you are one of those animal whisperers ayy? ... Alex said lifting up her head...

And my oh my...it felt like she stopped breathing...in front of her was a built tall blond guy with cuteness dripping all over him....

Alex started blinking weirdly and couldn't shut her mouth....

"Hey what's with the look ..the cute stranger said smiling...am sure you think the all connecting with animals is kinda weird huh?"....he said laughing nervously as he scratched the back of his hair...

Alex just kept on staring.....

"Well am Caleb by the way...and you are?....Caleb said...

That's when Alex came back to reality

"Oh am andrex...sandrex...I mean Alex... sorry she said stuttered as she accepted his handshake while laughing nervously

"Oh nice meeting you Alex"...Caleb said with a smile...

Just then Alex shook her head trying to snap out of whatever charm this handsome stranger had cast on her..

"Oh erm do you stay around here?.... haven't seen you around these parks before...Alex said trying to get rid of the awkward silence..

"Oh I just moved here with my mom a few days ago"... Caleb said..

"Wow.... welcome to the neighborhood Caleb"...

"Thanks"..... Caleb said with a big smile...

"So since you are new here, guessing you don't know your way around here that much....mind if I show you some cool places ?.... Alex said with all the boldness she could muster...

"WOW that would be super awesome!"..... Caleb said as it was obvious he was excited...

"Cool so see you on Saturday.....same place by 12 noon?"...Alex said

"Errm sure" ....

"Can't wait"....he said happily...

Alex smiled at him as she saw how excited he looked

"So could I Maybe get your number?... that's if you don't mind though?... Caleb asked

"Sure....557-692-3185"..... Alex said as she watched him dial the numbers..

"....and saved"....he said waving his phone at her, which made Alex smile again....

"I'll call.... maybe tonight"..he said winking at her .

"Hahahaha will be expecting it".....Alex said smiling ... again,seems all caleb did was make her smile..

"So ermm sorry if am coming off strong with you.... just that you are kind of the first friend I've made here....that is if we are friends.... we're friends right?"....Caleb said looking at Alex for an answer...

"Hahaha I didn't expect you to be funny,let's just say we are acquaintance for now"...Alex said smiling at him.

"Well that seems fair enough...so could I join your stroll?"....Caleb asked

"Sure.... I'll need all the help I can get if ever she tries to run off like that again"...Alex said by walking with Caleb...

"She's cute and mischievous....cool combo ....he said while ruffling Layla's fur...

" So what's this beauty's name??" ...Caleb asked as he stood up , away from layla.now facing Alex...

"Layla"...Alex replied with a smile

"Cute name.....so she's your's?.... Caleb asked..

"Nah my mom is allergic to dogs so I can't have one in the house.... she's my neighbour's"..... Alex Said.

"Ohh so let's talk about you".... Caleb said facing Alex...

"Me?".....Alex asked surprised...

"Yh you"...Caleb replied with a smile..

"What could you possibly want to know about me....ok fine ask anything I'll answer".....Alex said

"Well I don't know but you seem interesting.....maybe one of those ermm popular kids in school?....Caleb said...

"What!me?... no no no am the exact opposite"...Alex Said laughing hard.

" C'mon....am sure you are".....Caleb said with a smile....

"Yo....see am actually really boring,and boring girls aren't popular....am more of a nerdy type....and am no fun,trust me...you don't even want to know".... Alex said laughing out loud.

"What if I do....I want to know everything about you Alex".. .Caleb said as he stopped walking to look at Alex...

Alex just stood there..... Staring at Caleb....

" Ermm I think I should get going before it gets dark".....alex said..

"Oh well that's quite a shame.....well it was nice meeting you again Alex James"....Caleb said with his hands in both pockets in his pants as he smiled.....

"Huh?.....I never .....told you my last name?... how did you know that.....Alex asked with surprise written all over her face ...

"Nah am sure you did....how else would I know?"..... Caleb said with his usual smile....

And as he smiled ...Alex quickly forgot about it.....it was like his smile had some kind of hold on her...

"Oh yh you're right..... Well goodbye then".....she said as she grabbed Layla from his hands..

Caleb just smiled as he turned back....and Alex did the same after watching h leave for a while....

Alex got home and immediately returned Layla to her owner...

Alex rushed up to her room,jumped on the bed and covered her face with a pillow screaming...

"Oh my God!!... what's happening to me!".... she screamed again..

Then suddenly she sat up on her bed...she thought about Caleb's smile... She covered her eyes with her hands .

"Damn he's cute!!"....Alex said as she felt her cheek turning red.

Just then Alex heard the door bell ring,then she rushed to the door....it was Stella .

She hugged Stella so much as she smiled.

"Well someone seems to be in a good mood.... what's the news?"....Stella said as she freed herself from Alex's grip and closed the door behind her .

"Oh my God Stella you always show up at the right timing !....yee!!.....Alex screamed excitedly...as she jumped around..

"Woah woah slow down happy feet ....and tell me what's going on"...Stella said holding Alex to stop her from jumping around...

"Ok ok well I was feeling down,so i decided to skip school today....cause I needed a break from yesterday's drama and blah blah blah.... that's when I met him"... Alex said with her hands on her chest as she remembered Caleb's smile.....damn did that smile do something to her!

"Who????"....Stella asked as it was clear that she was lost....

"Caleb .....Stella.....caleb,that's where I met that gorgeous creature"....Alex said with her hands still on her chest....

"Wow seems I missed Alot.....guess am having a sleepover tonight"....Stella said

"Yay!!!!..... I've got so much to tell you!"....Alex said as she hugged Stella again...

"I don't know but I think things are about to get exciting for me.... Alex said with a smile

(AUTHOR'S NOTE:Guys am the writer but honestly... am eager to find out what happens next...I don't know yet,but it's sure gonna be epic😌...

CHAP 5 will be out tomorrow 😝😝😝😝.... can't wait to write 🙈...tell me what you think so far in the comments😊✌️)

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