

Alex a normal average teen who had a Normal life until she discovers her true identity...she's a cross breed,a vampire, werewolf,demon and a witch.... How does she take this new change,new life.....how does she take this new world she now belonged to,a world she only read in books....now her reality..... Read on to find out! ...... exclusive content

Sophie_Davies_ · Teen
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10 Chs


We're here"....Stella said,as she was about to step out....Alex grabbed her arm and pulled her back in the car..

"Wait,am still.. Scared.....alex said with a nervous look...

"Hey snap out if it"... Stella said hitting the back of Alex's head.

"Thanks.. I think I needed that..let's do this...alex said sounding a lil less nervous now...

"That's the spirit....ok,so we leave on three....ready?....Stella asked

"Yh .....ready"... Alex replied.

"Ok so three....two....one!...Stella said as she stepped out of the truck,but she realized she was the only one who actually got out as Alex was still sitting there like a criminal about to face the judge....

"Jeez,come off it already!"...Stella said through the truck window.

"Alex you can do this ok?".....Alex said to herself trying to build her courage and immediately she thought she was ready,she reached for the door and.....

"No no no I can't,I can't do it"she said as she pulled her hand away from the door..

Meanwhile Stella was already getting pissed where she stood.... "What do you mean you can't....look Alex you grab the handle and push... that's how you do it ok?... Stella said sounding sarcastic..

"I know,I know, that's not what I mean....I just can't get out there!"... Alex said this time screaming as anxiety got the best of her....

"Am not giving any speech ..nah ah,not today... Stella said to herself as she walked over to the front seat window where Alex sat shaking.

"Looks like we're doing this the hard way"...Stella said looking straight in the eyes of Alex as she opened the door herself.. dragging her out.

"Let go!"... Alex said.

"Tsk,guess I always have to have THE TALK with you huh"...Stella Said still looking at Alex.

"Look not everyone might even know what happened,but you're gonna give them something to talk about if you keep acting this way...

Students were already watching the drama Alex and Stella were having and they kept whispering as they passed them...

"See what I mean, you're raising unnecessary attention....look around..stella said using her head to point at the noisy students...

Alex raising her head to see....

"Fine I'll come out"...Alex said as she said with a firm look.

"Now that's much better...you made us late to school, don't make us late to class too ok?....Stella said trying to get a smile off her face .....and it worked as Alex came out smiling as she closed the door.

But Alex's smile faded when she heard the whispers of some students...

"Just look at her....I heard she fell at his knees begging him not to dump her....said the first student.

"Of course, she's a nothing without Jason in this school...a nobody....they giggled as they kept staring at her....

"You were saying no one knows right?....Alex said to Stella not facing her....then she ran out in tears..

"Alex wait!"..... Stella said trying to run after her..but then the boys giggled again.

"Yah!jerk faces!,next time watch your tongue....or else you won't have a tongue to watch any more....Stella said giving them a hard glare that sent shivers to their spine.

"So.. sorry Stella, we'll ... get going now"...they stuttered as they kept holding their tongue as they walked away

"Tsk tsk, boys gossiping,I thought they said that was girl's thing....she said to herself...

Just then she remembered Alex running out...

"Oh shit!.... Alex am coming!!"

The girls were now already in class ...it was chemistry class.

"Today we'll do something a lil simple.....our topic ;MOLECULES.. Mr Johnson their chemistry teacher said as he writes it out on the board...

"So who knows what molecules are?.... anyone?... fine, not that i was expecting any hands raised... I'll call you out then"...he said closing his marker.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh"the students groaned.

"Hey hush!".... Mr Johnson said and just then silence filed the room..

Mr Johnson was a strict teacher and a no nonsense one at that... which made students behave around him...

"Alex please do define molecules for the class".....Mr Johnson said.

But Alex gave no response

"Alex!!!!"Mr Johnson called again.

"Tsk hey ally ....the teacher is talking to you"....Stella said trying to snap Her out of it ...

Alex shook as it was clear she was lost in thoughts...

"Hey dweeb,the teacher's talking to you!..... Jacob the class bully said,as he threw a paper ball at her back.

Hey!!! Stella yelled as she gave Jacob a glare..

" Sir! ..me?".... Alex said trying to come back to reality...

"No not you.... Jason!.. Jacob said again... making the whole class laugh .

Alex couldn't help but bury her head.

"Why!you lil punk".....Stella said as she cursed at Jacob.

Jacob just stick his tongue out to her,giving her a silly look....

"Errm what's the name again?... Jacob right...Mr Johnson said slowly walking to Jacob's desk...

"Bully and top dullest in class...am I right?....it's funny how the fools try to claim leaders to the wise, just cos their victims Feel inferior.... Mr Johnson now sitting on Jacob's desk.

"Stand"....he said to Jacob.

And Jacob stood,but still trying to be tough...so he didn't flinch at Mr Johnson's words..

"Define Chemistry for us dear Jacob"...Mr Johnson said.

Jacob looked at me Johnson them at Alex who was standing with her head down...

"I don't know what that is but if there's anything about chemistry i know....it's that's that dweeb and Jason don't have one... he said with a grin on his face.... which made everyone burst out in laughter again.

"Shut up....all of you!".... Mr Johnson yelled at his students.

Facing his attention back to Jacob.."You know I've read everything about you kids ....it's in your file in the teacher's office"...

"So?"....Jacob said as he scoffed....

"So?....call you dad to have a little chat with me Tomorrow would you ...I would love to have a few words with him ....u understand right"....Mr Johnson said with a grin on his face as he headed back to his own table...

Just then Jacob's face changed ...."what...my...my...dad?"..he said as he stuttered...

"Yes your father....Mr Williams,... Mr Johnson turned to reply him with a smile"....

"Every student hated teachers having "THE CHAT" with their parents....it was their worst nightmare..but for Jacob,it meant the end of his life...his dad wasn't like every normal dad,he hits him,call him a failure and makes him go without food for days as punishment whenever he did something wrong...once his dad was called to school cause he failed his make up test...his dad burnt bis back with an iron..his dad was a nightmare for him... anything but that... was the only thought in Jacob's head..

"Sir....Mr Johnson...am sorry,pls don't make me call my dad..he said stuttering again..

"Sit down and get ready for class everyone...that includes you Alex"....Mr Johnson said

Alex immediately sat down...her head not lifting her head..

Jacob on the other hand felt his heart beating like crazy as he sat down slowly...

"Bro you're doomed for real this time,your dad is gonna kill you!"...Xander said, Jacob's Friend more like a minion

Jacob who would on a normal day lash out at him... just froze there thinking what he was gonna tell his dad.

"Ohh and Jacob..do apologize to Alex after class...who knows I might decide to make the meeting with your dad about something else...Mr Johnson smiled as he went back to lectures...

"Turn to chap 26 page 221 of your textbook"....

"Boy am So dead'....Jacob said in his seat not paying attention to the lectures...

School was now over and Alex and Stella were already heading to the car when they met.....JASON!

"Alex look away... don't do it"...Stella said to Alex as she knew Alex might want to do something crazy...

"He's coming over here...Stella Jason is coming"....Alex said with a tear almost dripping on her face.

Jason approaching with a big smile.... Alex couldn't help but do the same...just as she opened her arms to hold him..... her WALKED PASS HER to hug another.... Harley his new girlfriend...

"Alex tears of joy change to that of hurt...she felt her heart stop for a couple of seconds...as she was about to lose her balance...Stella quickly caught her before she fell to the ground..

"He...he....he didn't see me did he?...Alex said in shock..

"Forget about him already ok?...stella said...

Suddenly Alex's face hardened as she turned her back to face Jason and finally have him explain everything to her...now and here.

"Hey.. Jason!.... Alex yelled...

"Hey what the hell do you think you're doing"... Stella said trying to get alex back to her Senses cause she sure was acting like one who did .

Jason who was kissing Harley...drew back and faced Alex..

"Sweetheart .... remember that problem I told you I had to deal with... yh that's the one,let me quickly get it done ok?"...he said to Harley with a smile...

"Sure baby".... Harley smile back

"And teach her a lesson"....

Jason smiled as he turned to Alex

"What do you want".....he said with a stern look..

"Huh seriously... first you call me a problem now you are asking me what I want!".... Alex said not holding back her to tongue..

"Oh boy this is not gonna end good"....Stella said running her fingers through her hair as she watched what Alex wanted to do next..

"Jason I loved you!we dated for two bloody years and now you've replaced me already...Jason do you even have a heart!!!....Alex yelled..

"Yh I do,and it's with her"....he said pointing at Harley with a smile.

Harley smiled back giving Alex a dirty look...

Alex couldn't even help but feel disgusted.....

"So you were cheating while we were still together huh!"...is that it!....Alex flared at him

"Ahhhh jeez fine!!!"...you want the truth....fine,I'll give you the truth...Jason said shouting...

"The fucking truth is I never loved you ok!,how could I even love you...I mean no offense but have you looked at you in the mirror....who would date a nerdy lil brat like you!....Jason said to Alex with no remorse at all...

"What....wh....at?.... what the hell do you mean by that!!!"...

Stella seeing the situation was getting intense grabbed Alex's hand to try to stop her,but Alex kept on going on...

"what are you talking about!"....Alex said crying as she screamed at him while pulling herself out if Stella's grip.

"Ohh pitiful.... just see how pathetic you look right now...you just had to know the truth huh ... Jason said with no emotion on his face..

"Look I only used you for good grades...I never fucking loved you ok!...jeez are you trying to embarrass me or what by saying I loved you....jeez Alex..how can a nerdy brat like you be So stupid....tsk tsk tsk....I already embarrassed myself enough those two years ok?....go back to whatever hole you came from you filthy bitch"...Jason said.

" Damn that bitch is getting on my nerves"....Jason said to Harley as he left the scene with Harley..

Everyone already gathered watching the whole thing....Alex couldn't help but fall to the ground and cry as she wrapped her hands around her knee to cry....as her glasses fell to the ground too ..

"I knew it....Jason only used her!....said a student.

"Yh but she's still the lucky one,she got to spend time with the hottest guy in school....

Alex cried Even harder as she heard the whispers ...

Stella on the other hand was just standing there,as the whole situation was even too much for her to take in...she couldn't even give those noisy students the look..

"Alex get up... let's get out of here"...Stella said with a low tune trying to get her to stand up ...

Alex got up and just cried as she got into the truck.....this time she didn't feel ashamed to cry...as the pain she was feeling was more than the shame she had...

"There goes my plans for today...you can't go out looking like that"...Stella said In the middle of their drive

Alex just kept quiet and stared through the window throughout the drive...

When Stella tried to bring up a topic to ease the air .... but Alex just put on her air phones ...and just kept on staring through the window.. looking numb.

Stella dropped her home...she didn't even get the chance to say goodbye as Alex just went straight to the door without saying a single word...or sound even...

Stella didn't bother going after her,or try to give her her normal pep talk like she usually did when she felt this way....Stella understood she needed to be alone...so she decided to sit this one out....so she drove off Alex's front porch ....

Alex got in the house,locked it and went straight to her room.... lying there staring into blank...

Few hours later her mom came back from work...she heard the door bell ring. ...Alex went and opened the door for her mom..

"Ahh darling am totally exhau.....

Alex just went back to her room not listening to what her mom had to say

Alex's mom didn't react cause this wasn't the first time Alex acted that way when she got back from school.... Mrs James immediately knew something was up but she also knew she couldn't ask her about it ....at least not now...

Alex just laid on her bed,tears rolling down her face with her face still looking emotionless....

She had a sleepover with Mr late might thoughts...at least that was she describes it as...

Her life was falling into pieces as the second goes by....it was just her and the darkness....and it didn't seem they were leaving soon

AUTHOR'S NOTE: End of chapter 3 and as always pls do say what you think about it 😊✌️

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