Alex bent down cutting the thread from his shirt after sewing on the buttons.
Nathan smirked, "How did you learn all that?" he asked.
"Mother taught me," she said moving to him, "here put it on"
He pulled off the apron and let her help him get dressed. He was beaming as he watched her tie the buttons on his shirt.
"I never thought that I would be able to stand next to you while you dress me up"
"Am done" she pulled away with a smile "you can go ahead with your cooking".
He turned away, "Am almost done"
"I will go take a shower," she said walking off.
When Alex returned the table was filled with food.
"Let's eat" he held her hand to the table.
She sat down, "Isn't this too much"
"Just eat what you can" he sat down next to her.
"How did you learn to cook all this," she asked while they cleaned the table.
"When my mother died, my sister and I were still very young and Dad was too busy to take care of us. So I had to learn everything I could take to care of all of us, especially my sister" he said.
"She must have loved your cooking as I do "
Nathan nodded, placing the plates aside.
"She loved everything I made, but her health made it difficult for her to have some food" he sighed, "So I learned more dishes to suit her condition but even that wasn't enough and we lost her"
Alex placed the dishes aside and turned to him, "What was her name"
"Ruth" she held his hand.
"That's a sweet name "Alex smiled touching his cheek.
"She had chronic asthma and when mom died I was left to care for her," he said.
Alex let him speak gazing softly up at him.
"But I failed...cause I wasn't even there when she needed me which lead to her death "he turned away hiding his sadness.
Alex gently pulled him back at her gaze noticing his eyes were all teary.
"I don't know what happened but am sure Ruth doesn't blame you for what happened to her, cause its sounds like you loved your sister so much to let anything bad happen to her" Nathan's tears fell and Alex's hand stroked his neck, "am sorry she left you when she was still so young but you should embrace all the good memories you have of her "
She pulled him down to her shoulders hugging him, Nathan sobbed quietly in her arms. Alex's arms held his neck, "Make all those dishes for me instead so I can enjoy them for her... Okay".
"Are you sure, they are a lot of them, you might gain weight" he murmured.
She chuckled, "I don't care I love your cooking"