
Unbreakable love: Only one I love

Alex had one goal in life to make enough money so she could give her mother a comfortable life. But her efforts always seemed less fruitful even with her adoptive father and step-sister by her side. "Am not crying, just got something in my eye " Alex sniffed. "Am sorry, here is something that might help" the stranger said passing his handkerchief. "Thank you," she said taking it. After wiping the falling tears she turned to look at the stranger. His long brown hair was moving with the breeze around him as his dark orbs stared down at her. He bent down took his hankie and gently wiped the still falling tears from her eyes, "you missed a spot" he smiled. She smiled remembering that night, it was the day she had met him. Nathan Livingston. The man who claimed to only have eyes for her and soon had proved it.

jandralitto · Urban
Not enough ratings
132 Chs

"I like it"

Nathan's tongue was at her shoulders now, sneakily pushed away the strap of her top kissing her chest.

Alex's head jerked forward as his teeth sunk into her skin again, he was filling her with love imprints as a sign of claiming her.

Pulling them back up, she found herself on his lap, her legs trapped on his waist tightly. His black eyes were filled with adoration for her, Alex gazed back at him, with red lips and messy hair.

Nathan's hand fully pulled down the straps of her top exposing her braless white perfect breasts. He bent down kissing them, her grip on his shirt tightened pulling on it and a few buttons slipped off as she tried to control her emotions.

The straps of her top slid down giving him more access to them, he gently pulled down it away and his mouth trapped one of her nipples in his mouth.

She bit her lips concealing her moans, the feeling was new but addictive, she didn't know why her body was opening up to his touch this much but she loved every second of it.

He took possession of her lips again and when he finally pulled away, they were both breathless.

He held onto him and he gently laid her down on the sofa. Laying next to her, his fingers traced her skin as he pulled back her top covering her breasts and held her.

He breathed, "Are you okay Alex?"

She opened her eyes, "Am okay"

"Am sorry I just can't seem to control myself when it comes to you"

She giggled, "It's alright, and am sorry about your shirt" he looked down to see missing buttons.

He laughed, "Don't be sorry I like it"

Alex hid her face in his chest and Nathan laughed even more.

"So are we still making dinner?" she asked.

"Depends if you still hungry now," he said

"I am" she answered.

"Then I can't let you starve" he kissed her forehead.

He got up and Alex followed him.

"You can lay down and wait till dinner is ready," Nathan said.

"Let me fix your shirt will you do," she said, "you like it but I kind of feel guilty"

"You know how?" he asked. And she nodded.

He scoffed kneeling he picked up the buttons and placed them in her hands then pulled off his shirt under her gaze.

Her face blushed instantly when his upper naked body appeared in front of her. "Thank you," he said and walked to the kitchen.

Nathan peeked at her and Alex looked away like she was caught red-handed. He laughed and she got up and ran to her room.