
Trapped in a world of superheroes? (Ghost Rider X Avengers)

Portal. The bane of his existence. Now trapped in a world that is supposed to be a fiction for the rest of his life with a power that is out of this world, what shall Wilhelm do? One thing for sure, being a hero certainly did not cross his mind. It is a childish dream which is long gone. But being a teacher for future hero(es) does sound quite nice, if he is to admit. (FEM!Peter)

JustS_RandomWriter · ภาพยนตร์
12 Chs

An Unexpected Reunion

"Go and check on our police officer friend."

"Are you deaf? I said you are far too late," the HYDRA agent says coldly, still speaking in German. "In there, you'll only find the warm carcass of the traitor to HYDRA. It's a pity the ungrateful harlot was going to sell us out, despite everything we gave her."

"I do not remember asking for your opinion," Wilhelm replies icily in German, which momentarily surprises the assassin and prompts him to claws her throat with his other free hand.

The assassin brings her blade up, intending to cut the hand clawing her throat. Wilhelm retracts the said hand back, creates a space for Calida to launch a flying heel kick at her abdomen and send her soaring backward and crashing into the wall at the end of the hall. Without a word, the black-haired girl heads inside the room, before spotting none other than Jessica slumping on a chair, with several stabbing wounds across her body and a slit throat with blood still dripping out of the cut.

Calida says no word, only shakes her head as Wilhelm arrives at the door. He clenches both fists as he looks at Jessica in her motionless form. Both her eyes rolled to the back of the skull, as if paralyzed with fear, with her mouth hanging open.

A second later, Calida's ears pick up distant noises. She looks up to the ceiling while she takes in her breath deeply and summons her sword. Suddenly, the former Archdemon flings her sword squarely at Wilhelm's head; yet it sails past her companion and penetrates through the head of the man behind him, pins his would-be assailant to the wall and makes him drop his knife.

"I had the cocksucker," Wilhelm remarks dryly, though still nods at her appreciatively.

"I know." Calida beams and tilts her head slightly. "Can't let you have all the fun, can I now?"

Chuckling, Wilhelm tilts his head over his shoulder, and glances at several people behind him, within a distance. Wilhelm is aware of them, the several who do not possess any demonic energy in a place that is packed with demons. Not that he is aware of their intentions, other than coming here to have some fun while not knowing their patrons' true natures—until now. These people, or rather HYDRA lapdogs, are too stunned and fixated on their compatriot's sudden death that they do not notice the girl who killed him walking out of Jessica's room, until she gets into their sights and yanks her sword out of the wall, letting her victim slide down to the ground and leave a blood trail on the wall.

That said, the same cannot be said with the masked assassin, as she easily drags her body out of the wall and lands on the floor on both feet. The assassin cracks her neck and gives off a pop, twirls her swords and stares at Wilhelm seemingly calculatingly with a slight tilt of her head.

"You... noticed," the assassin notes plainly.

"Feigning unconsciousness while letting your friend finish me off when my guard is down?" Wilhelm shrugs, unimpressed. "It would work on normal people, definitely. Smart. Unfortunately, my partner and I are far from normal."

"So it would seem."

The assassin looks past Wilhelm, before she offers a curt nod at the HYDRA agents, prompting them to pull out their knives and guns, while she crosses her swords in an X-shape. Wilhelm senses Calida's back touching his. The duo eyeing their respective opponents. Their bodies tense, ready for battle.

The assassin makes the first move, charging straight at Wilhelm, with her fellow agents open fire and rush at Calida. The black-haired demoness beset the HYDRA lapdogs, slicing bullets with practiced ease and lunging her sword forward them. Wilhelm, on the other hand, draws his Berretta and shoots at the assassin in one swift motion. The assassin effortlessly deflects the first bullet, sending it back to him. Wilhelm snatches the deflected bullet before it hits his face; then another, another and another, at every shot he makes. Then the gun clicks, with its slide is already to the back and locked.

The assassin presses on, thrusts her sword forward. Wilhelm blocks the strike with his gun, produces several sparks as the edge of the sword grinds along the gun's slide. The assassin rearranges her grip of her other sword, aiming to penetrate his exposed side—which Wilhelm stops by sandwiching the blade between his elbow and his knee. The edges are unable to penetrates through his clothes. With a burst of strength, Wilhelm presses both his elbow and knee into the blade and snaps it, causing the assassin to be off balance.

Releasing the slide, Wilhelm punches her throat with the gun, eliciting a startled gasp as she staggers backward. At the same time, he throws the bullets that he caught earlier backwards and into the air. Calida, dispatching another HYDRA lapdog, notices the bullets coming at her, not bothering to look back. The girl rotates the grip of her sword and, in a blur, employs the arm's flat side to launch the bullets at her enemies, hitting their legs and arms.

She wants them suffer first before slaying them—for HYDRA is the one who brought the old Calida nothing but excruciating pains. Watching the HYDRA lapdogs scream in pain whilst clutching their wounds, Calida puts on a sadistic beam and continues the slaughter.

The assassin recovers soon after. Speedily, she uncloses her trench coat, revealing a bodysuit under it, and retrieves a backup sword. Meanwhile, Wilhelm holsters his handgun and takes out a wooden hilt of sort, before unfolding the machete blade hidden within it. The two charge, exchanging blows. Metal clashes against metal, giving off tiny spurts of sparks.

Before long, their blades lock. Using the advantage of having an extra sword, the assassin lunges the blade towards Wilhelm's face. He tilts his head and dodges the thrust; however she manages to slice his cheek open and draws blood. Yet the wound heals and closes instantly, flabbergasting her.

With unrivalled strength, Wilhelm hardens the muscles of the arm gripping the machete and pushes her back. With his other arm, he curls the fingers into fist and launches a bone-shattering punch right at her chest. The blow fractures most of her ribcage, makes her spit out some blood and knocks the wind out of her throbbing lungs. The assassin teeters, tasting the iron in her mouth, and growls, only to take another step back to evade a slash before she can do anything else.

While the assassin avoids a fatal wound, her gas mask is split into half horizontally and begins falling off her head. Wilhelm slightly widens his eyes as he takes in her face and the numerous scars present on it, ranging from burn scars to battle scars, not to mention the ghastly-looking tear from her lips all the way to her ear on the left side. Perhaps most particularly are the unusual marks on her neck and around the side of her forehead; the latter is barely covered by her long messy blonde hair.

"You were experimented on..." Wilhelm realizes quickly. "What have done they to you?"

At the out of nowhere remark, the assassin suddenly flinches with squinting eyes. Though, she returns normal quickly and wipes the blood off the corners of her mouth.

"None of your business, American," the assassin hisses. "HYDRA gave me a task. And I have every intention to complete it!"

The assassin charges at Wilhelm once more, seemingly ticked off by his words. Her attacks gradually grow more desperate and untamed, contrast to the clean and master swordsmanship that the assassin showed earlier. The swings getting wider. The messed-up rhythm footwork. The heavy breaths. You name it. The look on her eyes is changing little by little; their lights are returning?

She employs an uncharacteristically wide attack, allowing him enough time to duck under the swing. Steeling his grip, Wilhelm clenches his jaws and lunges forward with the blade aiming at her arm. A ferocious swing later, and he cleaves the assassin's arm off her shoulder; the said arm goes flying and spatters blood across his face.

The assassin screeches, and drops her remaining sword. Wilhelm, now on her side, rotates his body to face her, before plunging the machete through her other shoulder—rendering both arms useless—and pushes the blade all the way through the other side until the guard touches her flesh. Grunting, he starts pushing and pinning her to the wall. However, she manages a haymaker, despite the injury. Though he quickly counters and throws a cross to her elbow, breaking bones and bending her arm into an unnaturally angle.

Ignoring her painful screams, Wilhelm claws her face. Memories start showing in his mind.

First, a figure ordered her to take care of Jessica. Then, her previous victims, all of whom fell by her swords. Then, the screams and cries. Some begging her to spare their lives. Ruthless efficiency with absolutely no mercy, not bounded by morals. She did not care who her victims were. In her mind, there is only one thing: complete her objective no matter the cost.

Then, the memories blackout for a moment. Then, she appears again, this time arguing with a man before storming off an apartment of sort. The moment she steps through the door, tears already form around her eyes. Soon, she breaks down in a secluded corner of the building with a diagnosed paper wrinkled in her hand.

Terminal cancer. All hope is seemingly lost, until that man appears with a promise of a cure.

He can feel everything. The pain. The desperation.

The hope when that man approaches her with a promise of a cure.

Wilhelm is forcefully brought back to reality, with the assassin howls furiously and grasps his throat, intends to choke him. However, nanites already cover his neck. Gritting his teeth, Wilhelm rears his left hand backward, hardening his fist rock-hard, and takes one more look at her eyes...

They are begging him to release her of her suffering.

Brainwashed into a HYDRA's killing machine. Wilhelm grits his teeth, though he quickly focuses on a more important matter. He touches his armored index and middle finger together, before striking the assassin on her temple with their tips. The nanites penetrate through her skin and into her skull, invading into her brain.

"I am cutting off the parts in your brain which register pain," Wilhelm says, as he begins rearing his other arm back and curls his fingers into a fist. "It will be over soon, I promise."

With a nod from the assassin, Wilhelm plunges his fist through her chest with all his might, penetrates deep into the wall. She looks down to the arm that is inside her, blinks several times. Wilhelm retracts his fingers from her head before loosening his fist, pulling his arm out of her chest. The entire forearm is covered in blood, with concrete dusts mixing with the red body fluid on his hand.

Remove the machete blade from her shoulder, Wilhelm quickly catches the assassin and lay her on the floor. She blinks her heavy eyes, staring at him as he kneels next to her. Her breaths are slowing down, her pulses are growing weaker. Laying on the pool of blood which is forming underneath her, the now-former assassin puts on a weak, yet seemingly cheeky smile, and uses the remaining ounces of her strength to give a thumb up.

"Thanks... handsome..." Her voice is barely a whisper in English. "That shit... was... lit..."

Wilhelm chuckles light-heartedly. "Looks like you are still an American at heart after all."

Nodding absent-mindedly, Wilhelm grasps her hand and presses his lips into a thin line, lowers both his eyebrows.

"I will make HYDRA pay. I promise I WILL make them pay, for everything."

She let out a low giggle. "I know... you will... big guy..."

As she slowly trails off, Wilhelm closes his eyes with a sigh as he no longer senses any strength in her hand. "Fuck. I... I really am sorry."

Wilhelm gently lays her hand down. He hovers his palm over her face, peaceful, and closes her still-open eyes. He takes in his breath deeply.

A hand is placed on Wilhelm's shoulder, prompting him to tilt his head over it. Calida gazes at him with worried eyes, squeezes his shoulder lightly.

"Are you alright?" she asks quietly while unsummoning her sword.

"...Funny." Wilhelm sighs. "One moment ago, we were fighting to death, and I was more than happy to inflict all manners of pain on her. Then, the next thing I know after probing into her mind, she is a victim as much as the children we saved a week ago. Experimented on and brainwashed into one killing machine on behalf of HYDRA."

"Do you regret hurting her?"

"A bit. Not that much. It had to be done," Wilhelm admits. "I am not even going to defend myself, nor my actions. I know what I did. Still, I wish it did not have to end this way."

"If it brings you some comfort, the ones I slain were more than willing to put me down. There wasn't any form of minds being controlled or brainwashed," Calida reassures. "They were all aware of what they were doing, and paid the ultimate price for it."

'Calida is telling the truth, partner...'


'I am sorry, partner... I... should have said something earlier... But I hesitated...'

"I suppose that is expected," Wilhelm remarks; his tone not accusing the Spirit of Vengeance. "It is against your belief to tell me this kind of thing. In your eyes sins are sins, no matter the circumstances. In her case, even if she was brainwashed, she did kill a lot of people."

'Thank you for understanding, partner... I appreciate it...'

"Like I said, I only wish it did not have to come to, well, this."

"But at the end of the day, you and Bones still have to remove sinners, either by your Penance Stare or straight up killing them, don't you?" Calida points out.

"True," Wilhelm agrees as he rises to his feet and coats his left hand with Hellfire. "However, killing willing... evil has a vastly different feeling than killing unwilling evil, after all. Am I correct?"

Calida, in return, smiles. "Maybe you're correct."

Straightening his back, Wilhelm turns around and looks at Calida's handiwork. Headless and limbs-missing corpses, men and women, scatter across the hall. Bits of flesh and bones here and there, with the floor and wall painted in red. One corpse with her missing lower body is stuck in the ceiling; the intestines dangling as the body slightly sways. Another has the upper half of their skull smashed into the wall, with only the lower jaw remains. One even has their guts wrapped around their neck, as if they hung themselves—which is definitely not the case.

At first glance, it might look out of Calida's character. As far as he knows, the former Archdemon is into clean cuts more than making a mess like him. Before long, however, it clicks with him.

She makes this seem like this is the work of ONE person.

"Very considerate of you." Wilhelm strokes her hair, prompts her to purr and sway her materialized tail side to side, all the while her hair-flaps flap delightedly like a puppy.

With the hand that is not on fire on top of her head, Wilhelm looks to the former assassin before he snaps his finger. Red scorching flames emerge from the ground and surround her body and her cut-off arm. Shortly, she is reduced into ashes, along with her blood.

He turns to the rest of the corpses and clenches his head. Flames cover the heads before they return to Hell once more, with him putting out the fire on his hand.

"What did you do?" Calida asks curiously with a tilt of her head.

"Burnt their brains," Wilhelm answers. "Cannot risk having somebody look into them. There might be a tech that allows them to look into the brains of the dead."

"And why did you only incinerate her?"

"Because I refuse to let those motherfuckers get their hands on her body and not knowing what they will be doing with it. They can retrieve those—" which he gestures to Calida's victims "—and do, well, whatever they want with them. I do not give a flying fuck."

"Aren't you afraid they'll try to revive them, or something similar to it?"

Wilhelm scoffs. "They are not important enough for HYDRA to spend their resources on such thing, even if resurrecting the dead is possible here. Hold on. Is it really, though?"

"...I have no clue, but Lucifer did try to revive one of her children before. It didn't work."

"Either way, let us head upstairs and—" Wilhelm glances at Jessica's room "—deliver the news. But... before that. Can you gather her ashes and keep them somewhere safe?"

Nodding, Calida extends her hand towards the remains of the former assassin, gathers the ashes and forms them into a ball. Meanwhile, Wilhelm goes inside Jessica's room, and finds a water bottle. He uses Hellfire to vaporize the water, but leaves the bottle itself intact. Carefully, Calida pours the ashes into the bottle, quickly filling it up. Soon, Wilhelm puts the ash-filled bottle in his blazer, giving Calida another headpat before the duo starts making their way upstairs.

They draw attention to themselves the moment Wilhelm opens the door. The uneasy gazes land on him, possibly from the blood on his face and that everybody here must have heard the gunshots and all the fighting down there. Though, Lucifer seems unfazed, blows a kiss at him while the succubuses are—put to simply and leave it to one's imagination—having their fun with their ruler, considering the ruler of Hell only has her black t-string thong on her body and is spreading her toned legs.

Wilhelm rolls his eyes and diverts his attention to the owner of this place, who is looking as paled as a ghost in his human disguise. He sighs, approaching the said demon with Calida at his elbow.

"You... Jessica... did you..."

"She was already gone by the time we got to her," Wilhelm clarifies. "I am sorry."

"No." The demon slumps to the ground. "I was so stupid! Why the fuck did I waste your time? You could've... No, no. I-I should've checked on her..."

"Rest assured. Her killer is already dealt with."

"...Did you make the fucker suffer?"

There is a momentarily pause. "More than enough... more than enough."

"Heh." The demon chuckles bitterly. "Maybe you ain't so... bad after all, God's Vengeance... I thank you, truly. I... I probably should head down and check on her."

"Remember to call the police."

Wilhelm pats the demon's shoulder and exits the building with Calida follows behind him. Not long after, the duo finds themselves under the moonlight, breathing the fresh crisp air; although that New York's stench kind of ruin it for Wilhelm.

"What'll you do now?" Calida inquires while turning to Wilhelm.

"...Visit our friend first, then home." Wilhelm tugs his shirt with a frown. "I need a shower soon."


"They said Jessica is dead. Multiple wounds on her body, throat was slit. Was that you?"


George leans into his chair as he closes his eyes for a moment. Wilhelm simply leans against the wall in his office with his arms folded, as he is cladding in his armored suit, patiently waiting for the good Captain to gather his thoughts.

"So," George continues as he opens his eyes and gazes at Wilhelm, "those bodies they found in the hall, they must've been the ones who were sent to tie up the loose ends?"

Wilhelm simply nods in acknowledgement.

"Lord Almighty. Was it really necessary...?" George questions tiredly. "You traumatized some of my men. You didn't just kill them. You executed them! Why?"

"A message."

"Like Dr. Wilson?"

"Like Dr. Wilson," Wilhelm says; no hint of remorse in his voice.

George heaves a long sigh. "I get what you're doing, Ghost. I understand it. But... to be honest, I am starting to really regret helping you."

"You knew what you were signing up for, Captain." Wilhelm chuckles. "Too late to go back now."

"I know, I know," George grumbles. "Working with a vigilante. Oh, God has mercy on my soul."

"Do not be so overdramatic. By the by, I reckon you got the envelope?"

George blinks. "That was you? And that much money?"

"You would not think I am going to let you help me without any compensation? You sacrificed your time to help me—the time which you could have used to spend with your daughter—and that means something. Knowing you, you will probably try to give it back but I am going to say no. Do keep it. They are not blood money, so rest assured."

They are blood money. Kind of? But the good Captain does not have to know that. That being said, Wilhelm needs to consult Adam on how to generate a legit income instead of relying on him stealing from politician embezzled funds, crime families, so on.

Seeing the gaze from the helmet's glowing eyes, George relents, understanding Wilhelm is not going to change his mind anytime soon.

"...Very well," George says, exhaling deeply. "I suppose I can bring Gwen to one of those restaurants that she wants to visit. Thank you."

"I will be heading back. See you again soon."

And Wilhelm disappears before George's eyes. It might take a while for the latter to get used to.

He really hates his job sometimes.


Wilhelm exits the bathroom and rubs his neck, letting out a deep contented sigh, as he is now fresh and clean after a quick shower. Today has been a long day, and nothing bests the familiar fragrance of his home. Home is where the heart is. However, the delight of being home soon dampens slightly. He looks to the kitchen, blissfully smiles at Carol, who is donning an apron and tending the cooker, appearing to make some sort of hot chocolate milk to help her sleep better. The same blissful smile fades the moment he switches his sight to the person whom Carol is glaring at.

A certain Lucifer, dressing in a white dress shirt and black pants which tightly hugs her lower body, especially her ass, is grinning ear to ear whilst fondling Carol's bum and leaning into her from behind, ignoring Carol's unamused glare and her growing blush; the demoness' breasts pressing against the blonde-haired woman's back.

"For the last time, I don't care if you know Will. Stop groping my ass!" Carol warns.

"Your mouth says no but your body says yes," Lucifer coos. "You're a naughty girl. I love it when a woman isn't honest with herself. We can always fix that~."

Carol bites her lower lip. "Wh-Who says I'm enjoying you touching me...?"

"But you are, aren't you—Eek!"

Lucifer utters a sharp moan, gritting her teeth as she feels Wilhelm's larger hand spanking her ass. A loud smack resonates throughout the room, with a wave of pleasure courses through every corner of her body. The soft flesh jiggles sensually under his palm and fingers.

"You came all the way here to harass my soon-to-be woman?" Wilhelm inquires with a raised brow, retracting his hand.

Lucifer grins while tilting her head over her shoulder. "What can I say? Don't tell me you don't want to bury you face in this lovely bum. I'd like to have some fun with her, per your permission obviously. You can join us too~."

"...Is there any moment you are not horny?"

"Nope," the ruler of Hell replies in a cheeky singsong voice.

"Right. My bad. Should have known the answer to that."

At the same time Carol escapes Lucifer's grasp on her ass and approaches Wilhelm, planting a deep kiss on his lips. "Now you no longer smell like blood. Made some hot chocolate for you, handsome. Wanna try some with me? It's mom's recipe. The secret is love."

"Sounds lovely." Wilhelm returns the kiss, chuckling, and rubs his nose against Carol's, with his nose takes in the savory scent of the drink.

"How about me? I'm a guest too, you know. Do I get one as well?"

"No," Carol declines blandly with half-lidded eyes staring at a pouting Lucifer.

"Aw~," Lucifer moans, then puts on a tempting grin. "Then again, I prefer to taste you more."

Carol deadpans. "Will, where did you get your friend here? She's... interesting."

"Right. Ahem. Allow me to introduce you to the ruler of Hell, Lucifer Morningstar."

In response, Carol blinks once, then twice, then thrice. She turns to Lucifer, who wiggles her brows, then Wilhelm, back and forth between the two for a moment.

Wilhelm does not blame her. It is not every day to able to meet a being from the bible, after all.

"Ruler of Hell. As in... Satan? That Satan?" Carol inquires questioningly.

"Satan is more of a title than... an actual name," Lucifer elaborates with a smug grin. "And yes, I am the sole ruler of Hell, Lucifer Morningstar! Men, women, demons, mortals. All desire to be bedded by me, the most beautiful and desirable being in all across the realms. You should feel honoured to be approached by me, my darling~."

Carol simply glares at Lucifer. Her eyebrows twitching.

"By the by," Wilhelm interjects before Carol does anything she is going to regret later on, "it is lovely and all to see you here, Lucifer. But what are you doing here anyway? Were you not having fun with your new succubus friends back there?"

"Like I said, please call me Lucy. To answer your questions, the girls didn't last long. They made a mess all over the table. And I can't visit and have some fun with my fuck buddy~?"

"Fuck... buddy?" Carol repeats, eyeing at Wilhelm and silently demanding an answer.

"We did not fuck," Wilhelm replies dryly.

"Yet~." Lucifer giggles.

"...Should I call Ms. Marvel out and drag her ass back to Hell, Will?"

"Please control yourself, or you both will level the entire neighborhood."

"Well, since you don't want me—" Lucifer gets to his other side and sandwiches his arm between her huge breasts, rubbing her erected nipples protruding through her shirt against it "—I might bring him to bed and give him the best time of his life, while you sit and watch. What say you~?"

"That's even worse. Besides, can you even satisfy him~?" Carol proceeds to sandwich his other arm with her breasts. They are not as huge as the ruler of Hell's, yet still in a size of their own. She glares more sharply at Lucifer as the demoness directs a challenging smirk back at Carol.

"If Zeus couldn't even handle me, then I think I'm more qualified to satisfy Will here~."

"Wait, what?! You fucked Zeus?!"

"Quite the horn-dog, that fellow," Lucifer reminisces fondly. "We fucked 3 days straight. By the time Hera got wind of his adultery, again, I had to use my charm and wooed her. Oh, that day she showed him, all right. Milked his balls dry. In a way, I'd say I... saved their love life, in some way?"

"Dear God."

"Oh, and there's that one time, a few years ago me and two college football teams—"

"...You know what?" Wilhelm says all of a sudden. "You both have fun and get to know each other. I am going for a walk, get some fresh air. Calida, would you mind giving me a hand?"

Which Calida teleports behind Wilhelm and wraps both of them away from the two. Carol blinks as she stares at where Wilhelm was standing, before narrowing her eyes at Lucifer.

"Well—" Lucifer wets her lips "—scissors or 69? Top or bottom? Your choice of poison, sexy~."

Adam ascends the stairs and reaches the first floor, only to return to the ground level, acting as if he saw nothing while ignoring the obvious tension going on between the two women, though mostly it is from Carol. Even as an A.I, he is sure as hell he is not going to get involved in their business.

What does his sir call it again? Ah. Male instincts.


Wilhelm strolls the late-night streets in Queen. A few convenience stores open at this hour. Although they are mostly empty, aside the clerks standing at the cash registers, appearing they are about to fall asleep at any moment. Pedestrians walking here and there, none pay him any heed. Several cars are also driving on the roads. Nothing too special.

A little quietness goes a long way after what happened tonight. Nothing is going to ruin it—


"...Me and my big mouth."

Alarmed, Wilhelm snaps his head to the source of the gunshot. He makes haste, and starts sprinting towards it. Soon after, a certain brunette-headed girl comes into his sight, as she is desperately trying to press her hands on the stomach of an aged man who is lying motionless on the ground, while she kneels next to him. The man's shirt is soaked with blood.

She cries for help. Yet none seems to involve themselves to help, with more than one are contented with only watching.

Without hesitation, Wilhelm makes his way to the two and kneels next to the injured man. Internally, he starts calling 911, while putting his fingers on his neck, then hovers in front of his nostrils. Seeing the critical condition which the man is in, Wilhelm has both hands on top of the girl's and puts more pressure on the wound, slowing down the bleeding.

"911. What's your situation?"

"Send an ambulance right away," Wilhelm issues gravely, ignoring the surprised blinks on the girl's face. "A man was shot. The bullet penetrated his abdomen, ruptured his stomach."

"Where are you now?"

"Already sent you the location. Hurry, now!"

"...We'll send an ambulance to your location immediately. Do you know first-aid?"

"Already doing it. Trying to keep him alive here! Just hurry up."

Wilhelm ends the call, exhaling through the nose. He looks up, spotting the teary blue eyes looking at him, as though in disbelief.

"Y-You're the Ghost..."

"Focus. You want to save him, right? Help me stop the bleeding, then we talk later."

The girl nods numbly, sniffing, puts more pressure into the wound. Her tears continue trailing across her cheeks and drops on the wounded man's shirt. Her hands slightly tremble.

"I-I'm sorry, uncle Ben... It's all my fault..."

Wilhelm breathes out, assuredly squeezes her hands. "Your uncle is not going anywhere. He is going to be all right, I promise."

The girl bites her lower lip, then bobs her head again. "Th-Thank you... Thank you..." she whispers, her voice cracked as she rubs her tears with her shoulder.

"I know." Wilhelm smiles assuredly at the girl. His ears pick up the sounds of the ambulance, which is gradually nearing them. "Everything is going to be alright. Just hang in there."

Today is a long day, indeed.


Whew! Long chapter!

Anyhow, you might've guessed, the assassin was Wanda Wilson, aka Lady Deadpool. Though, that's it for her appearance. Tbh, puttinng her in here was a spur of a moment decision, since I didn't want a generic assassin. And I kinda stuck with it ever since. No idea how to fit her in the whole story, aside making Wilhelm angrier at HYDRA. So yeah... sorry Deadpool fans.

See you again soon :D

JustS_RandomWritercreators' thoughts