
Trapped in a world of superheroes? (Ghost Rider X Avengers)

Portal. The bane of his existence. Now trapped in a world that is supposed to be a fiction for the rest of his life with a power that is out of this world, what shall Wilhelm do? One thing for sure, being a hero certainly did not cross his mind. It is a childish dream which is long gone. But being a teacher for future hero(es) does sound quite nice, if he is to admit. (FEM!Peter)

JustS_RandomWriter · Movies
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12 Chs


She was not alone. There were others with her, who were also taken to this cold and confined place, somewhere underneath the ground. She loathed the air and the smell. It reminded her of the hospital, where people in white would lie and tell her it would not hurt. She felt like a dead person, as mama told her only dead people get to live under the ground.

But she could not say anything, not with a gag on her mouth. And the people that took her here, all of them looked scary. There were people in white again. She wanted to cry, to return to her mama's embrace. She felt pains all over her body. Where did her step-pa go? He promised he would make them disappear. He promised her.

She was chained to the bed, like other kids with her. Some were thrashing around on their bed, and some remained still like her.

Then, the needles. She despised them. She cried tears when the cold tip of the syringe stabbed her, wanted to wail but the gag did not let her do so. Then, something was injected inside her.

She remembered her body burning inside out. She remembered the agonies. She remembered the callous stares of those people in white.

...She remembered everything went dark and cold, and eerily quiet afterwards.


Calida slowly draws up her eyelids, feeling her eyes slightly damp at their corners. She brings a hand to her face and touches her cheeks, surprised. Has she been crying in her sleep this whole night? That memory, was it the old Calida's? Was that how she parted this world?

Ever since Wilhelm came out of that room with Carol by his side, looking happier than all the times Calida caught him in such mood. At that moment, a voice whispered in the back of her head, telling her she was going to be casted aside. So, in a manner that was unfit of a former Archdemon, Calida did everything she could to claim him back from Carol's grasp.

Wilhelm is hers, and hers solely, not Carol's.

For a moment, Calida deemed Carol as a threat, that she would take Wilhelm away from her. And she felt guilty for it. For not having enough trust in the man who welcomed her into this family with open arms, despite their past confrontation. For painting the woman who Wilhelm is willing to take responsibility in such a bad light for no other reason than her paranoia.

She feels ashamed for what she did. Yet nonetheless they are kind to her. Even at the moment, the two, Wilhelm and Carol, are sleeping on her either side whilst cuddling her in their peaceful slumber. Calida feels safe within their warm embraces.

Smiling, Calida turns her body to Wilhelm, materializes and wraps her scaled tail around his leg, as she shifts closer to the man with her back to Carol; her head is underneath his chin while she plants her face on his collarbone. His soothing scent allows her to drift back to her sleep once again.

No more nightmares nor unpleasant memories resurface.


Carol Danvers is certainly not difficult to live with. At times she can be the most active person in the house, easily balancing the more reserved natures of Adam, Calida and Wilhelm. Other times, Carol can strike as a quiet person, seemingly in deep thoughts occasionally. As Adam puts it, the blonde-headed woman has a welcoming air around her and excellent at reading moods. Furthermore, her regularly positive presences make her an enjoyable addition to the house.

The same day Wilhelm asked Carol to move into his house, the man also offered her to retrieve her belongings and bring them over to the house. Surprisingly, and also not so surprisingly—considering she used to be a pilot in the U.S Air Force—her apartment was almost spartan, aside the few, ahem, interestingly risqué choices of undergarments so as to spice up the 'nights' and girly stuffs, a few band posters here and there and a collection of teddy bears.

Other than that, everything could be stuffed in a large luggage. That day, riding his VMAX with two passengers and a luggage might not be the most brilliant idea. But if the girls were ecstatic, Wilhelm had no problem with it. After all, he was taught to appreciate a woman's happiness.

Her alter ego, Ms. Marvel, on the other hand, was elated and gave Wilhelm conceivably one of the sweetest kisses that he has ever tasted. Calida did not look too happy at the blatant show of affection, however; she pouted with a calculating half-lidded stare directed at Ms. Marvel during the act.

Regardless, Calida shortly succumbed to Carol and her motherly aura, as the woman started spoiling the girl rotten and occasionally giving Calida her favourite headpats, sometimes letting the girl sleep and nap on her lap. The latter slowly became Calida's favourite, for obvious reasons.

Then came the topic regarding their true identities. Adam, Calida and Wilhelm unanimously agreed to let Carol learn who they really are. She deserves to know, as she now is a part of this family.

Adam was the easiest of the bunch. Being a friend with the Fantastic Four has its perks. Susan already told her about Adam. Carol was only a little shock to see an actual armored suit walking around the house and tending to several chores to keep it clean upon seeing the A.I for the first time, which was to be expected. Knowing is one thing, but seeing with your own eyes is another matter.

The difficult part was Calida and Wilhelm.

And boy did Carol deliver. She practically gaped when Calida changed her stunning white hair back to her original fiery red, alongside her piercing-blue to amethyst-purple. In addition, Calida opted to also materialize her pair of deer-like horns and the dragon-like scaled tail. Then Calida's true nature, an Archdemon whose soul is merged with the old soul of this body. An accident on Bones' part, as the Spirit of Vengeance originally planned to tame the Archdemon instead... this.

Happy little accidents, as a certain American painter used to say. Bless his gentle soul.

Wilhelm dropped another bomb by changing into his God's Vengeance form right before her very eyes. The hollow sockets of the skull bored into her eyes, unnerved her at first before the scorching-red flames soothed into a mild blue; skin and flesh slowly returned to his head soon after.

Then Wilhelm told her of how he and Adam came across the accursed room on the top floor, the events which followed suit, to the showdown between Wilhelm and Calida, the dealing with a certain gang leader who started all this because of some extra bucks, before ending with their crusade against the HYDRA after busting their little lab in Hart Island in its early stages.

It goes without saying it was a lot information to digest. None of them could fault Carol. Surprisingly, the first thing she did after a moment of silence was hugging an anxious Calida, who frankly thought the woman would see her in a different light, now that the beans were spilled. Wilhelm could easily tell how relief Calida was when Carol accepted who she really is. From there onwards, both of them got a whole lot closer, practically glued together, akin to a pair of mother and daughter.

Carol did not really like the fact Calida and Wilhelm had to return to Bronx to search for HYDRA's lair that same day. She protested at first, seeing Calida is only a kid, before remembering who Calida truly is. Nonetheless, Carol, or rather Ms. Marvel wanted to come along, though later reconsidering the notion after recalling how she would approach the whole thing.

Simply put, covert and stealthy missions are not her forte.

Carol did voice her displeasure about the Dr. Wilson's situation, although not necessarily disagreeing with to why he did it. A little brutal and savage to her taste. Yet, HYDRA are the worst of the worst scums. That so-called doctor deserves no peace of death for everything he did.

She did make them promise to look after themselves and keep each other safe, and that they would return home some time during the mid-early morning.


The following week after Carol moving in, with love-making sessions every single day to ensure she is impregnated, Wilhelm finally received the first tip from Captain Stacy. A police officer, two years of experiences, has not turned up to work for an entire week following the crucifixion of Dr. Wilson. According to Captain Stacy, the female officer was last seen at a shady part of Midtown, Manhattan, before she out of the blue vanished off the earth, like a ghost.

The important part of the tip? Over the course of these past four months, her bank account received large sums of money. The amounts of money would never cause the bank to be suspicious; but they were all from several unidentified sources, enough to raise some serious flags.

After giving the good Captain a generous tip in the form of hard cash in envelope for his hard work—Wilhelm is not going to have the honest man help him without compensation—he and Calida at once head to their designated point after a quick dinner and track down this officer.

The moon is already up when the duo nears their provided location, one of the piers which is situated right at Hudson River, with the state of New Jersey just on the other side of river.

This time, Wilhelm does not put on his armor, but instead goes for a more casual look for the place he and Calida are entering. White shirt, navy-blue pants and service boots, alongside dark blazer to conceal his arms. For Calida, she is no longer in her 8-ish-year-old body. The girl is now a full-fledged lady, likely what the old Calida would look in her young adult age. She dresses in a black turtleneck sweater that hugs her frame nicely, with a dark pantyhose under booty shorts—which highlights the bewitching curves of her bum—and finishes with a pair of high-heeled ankle boots.

The appearance appears to match her long flowing black hair and red sharp eyes, as Wilhelm dubs it as her "night mode".

The duo heads in the dimly-lit building, a bar slash bowling alley kind of establishment. At this hour, it is already alive with people. They could hear the hubbub of voices and laughs from outside whilst inside everybody looks to be enjoying themselves and ready for their nightlife.

But for all that, as soon as Wilhelm and Calida open the front door and step their feet in, everything comes to a stop stiffly, motionless and quieted, even the background music. Everybody, both patrons and staffs, turns their whole attention on the duo; their bodies tense and their eyes widen with several look to run for their lives as quickly as possible.

Wilhelm curves a brow while he and Calida scans the hushed crowd.

"Another retreat for hell-spawns?" Wilhelm dryly inquires no one particularly. "And what is with the looks anyway? Why do they all look close to begging for their lives?"

"Almost everybody in Hell knows who you're, Will," Calida answers nonchalantly. "Your fight with me and your revelation as God's Vengeance already cemented a certain image in the minds of hell-dwellers. Unsurprisingly everybody here is afraid of you."

"And how do you know?"

"Former Archdemon, remember? I can easily return to Hell if I want to, but I won't."

"Still, it is odd," Wilhelm muses, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "If the demons are here, Bones should have said something before we entered."

'Foul creatures of Hell... Most likely a spell to mask their demonic energies...'

"Ah, there he is; and quite grumbly too." Wilhelm chuckles. "You are pretty quiet these days, Bones. Is there anything wrong? Are perhaps you are getting sick of watching me and Carol—"

'I do not speak when there is no need to...'

"Right." The grey-haired man returns his attention to the crowd, unintentionally causing everyone to recoil at the sight of his gaze. "Carry on whatever you were doing. I am not here for you. I am here for other businesses. Rest assured, the other guy is not going to come out, yet, unless somebody here gives him a good reason to. Though, be warned; he can be quite... short-fused."

With that announcement, every demon here—all of whom are still in their human's disguises—seems to accept it before returning to their fun, albeit reluctantly. The music returns and the night is on full swing once more. They cast their wary gazes at both Wilhelm and Calida, uncertain if the former is going to keep his words, as the duo makes their way towards the bar counter.

It is not until a certain quartet of succubuses catches his attention from the corner of Wilhelm's eyes, as he tilts his head to a corner of the building. They must be the only ones to perk up when they see him, and they are with another person. Possibly another succubus, who is intently evaluating Wilhelm with her deceptively uncaring red eyes.

Then, Wilhelm senses the tiniest surge of power coming from none other than the said succubus, as the hairs on his arms start standing up.

'She is dangerous, partner... More dangerous than Calida in her true form...'

Wilhelm says no word while the white-haired succubus smiles mysteriously for a brief moment.

"Hey, big guy~! Over here! Come join us with your gal!"

As one of the succubuses wave them over, Wilhelm looks to Calida, who nods, before the duo walks to the table. Beaming brightly, another succubus rises to her feet, hugs his arm while she presses and sandwich his arm between her stacked breasts, before pulls the man to sit down next to her. Calida, meanwhile, remains standing still and stares at the new addition of the group, and bows before her.

"Your Majesty," Calida greets courteously, surprising everybody near her. "I didn't anticipate to see you here. What brings you to Earth, ma'am?"

"Your... Majesty?" Wilhelm repeats, blinking, and looks to the succubus whom Calida is addressing to with nothing but unadulterated reverence. "This one here? Her?"

"Will, allow me to introduce you to Lucifer Morningstar, the Fallen One, the Devil, Lady of the Pit, and supreme Hell-lord of Hell, or Satan," Calida introduces Lucifer cordially with a smile. "Ma'am, this is Wilhelm, the man who bested me two weeks ago and a vessel of the Spirit of Vengeance. He prefers to be called Will."

"Well, I will be damned," Wilhelm mutters under his breath, deadpanned. He turns his attention to the other succubuses at this table, only to find them frozen in shock. "I think you might have broken them, Calida. And bloody Lucifer, that Lucifer in the bible?"

"The very same being."

"...So, Lucifer is a woman all along, and one hell of a beddable at that? No pun intended." Wilhelm stares at a smiling Lucifer with half-lidded eyes, and sighs tiredly. "Bloody Christ. I need a drink."

The Ruler of Hell simply giggles at Wilhelm's dry reaction, amused. "Not really," she rectifies with a sultry tone whilst gesturing Calida to take a seat as the girl sits next to Wilhelm. "I have no definite gender. Even so, my female form is much more approachable in the mortal's world. Thus, I've been using this look for... perhaps 2 millenniums, give or take."

All of a sudden, Lucifer smiles knowingly and unbuttons her dress shirt to the middle, revealing her braless huge breasts as she leans forward to Wilhelm and rests them on the table, seemingly enlarging them in the process. Her large, erected pink nipples are mere millimetres away from slipping off the shirt, as they visibly protrude through the thin fabric.

Lucifer puts brushes her white sidelock behind her ear—white like wool, like snow—and twinkles her pleasantly think eyelashes at Wilhelm, wetting her lips with her tongue.

"That being said, as you stated, Will... you might as well call me a woman." Her tone takes a deeper and more alluring tone, enough to take any man's heart. "So, would you like to have a taste of this...? Think of it as my present for the entertainment you provided two weeks ago. And I might be willing to bear and raise some of your brats if you play your cards right, handsome~."

"Eh. Tempting, but unfortunately I am here for business tonight."

"That doesn't sound like a decline for me," Lucifer coos slyly.

"Would not say no to a beautiful who wants to carry my children," Wilhelm says with a grin, "granted this is not some sort of nefarious scheme. Besides, I am not sure if I should bed with somebody who had her hand in the death of a certain Elizabeth."

Lucifer giggles as Wilhelm slightly narrows his gaze while still smiling. Simultaneously, her shirt starts re-buttoning itself, covering her breasts. The ruler of Hell sits with her back straightening. "That was not me who made the deal with Elizabeth. It was somebody else in my realm. My rival who wanted the title 'Satan', and used my name and title to shift the blame."

Wilhelm merely raises his brow.

"Believe me, handsome. I have no reason to lie to you, especially in front of your friend. He can see through my lies as easily as me letting a man pound my pussy until his balls are empty."

'Rather crude... But the demoness is telling the truth, partner...'

"With that out of the way—" Lucifer turns her attention to Calida "—it seems the Spirit of Vengeance did more than just making you submit to him, didn't he?"

"He did, ma'am," Calida confirms.

"And you." Which Wilhelm points at himself as Lucifer addresses him, tilting her head. "That's odd. Your Spirit of Vengeance isn't under the control of Zadkiel. And his power feels closer to my creator than any other Spirits of Vengeance I crossed paths before. Odd, indeed. Yet also intriguing."

"...Right," Wilhelm says dryly. "What are you doing here anyway, Lucifer?"

"Please, call me Lucy." Lucifer smiles, which slightly unnerves Wilhelm as it seems both sincere and deceitful at the same time. "You've earned it after your spectacular battle with... you see yourself as Calida now, isn't it? Now, as for why I'm here, you could say I was bored out of my mind."


'The demoness is telling the truth...'

"But are you not supposed to be the ruler of Hell? Is it okay to leave your realm like that?"

"It won't collapse when I'm away for a few years," Lucifer assures simply. "Hell may be nice and all, but the routine can get repetitive. Contrary to belief, we don't actually punish sinners there. We have a functioning society down there too, albeit a little chaos. Also, I prefer to seduce mortal males, and let them go wild at me. And maybe sporadically carry their seeds if they're worthy enough or willing to exchange something equivalent in return if they want me to bear their baby."

"...You do sound like an irresponsible mother, not going to lie."

"I raise my brats better than a lot of single mothers in your world, handsome."

Lucifer giggles again, prompts Wilhelm to roll his eyes. Simultaneously, the succubuses seem to snap out of their stupors and gape at they turn to the ruler of Hell.

"Y-Your Majesty?! We thought you were just a fellow succubus!"

"How could we be so ignorant?! Please forgive us!"

"We must've acted so rude towards you, your majesty!"

"Forgive me! I promise I'll be a good succubus from now on!"

The last sentence brings back some deja-vu.

"Now, now, darlings~. Don't blow up my disguise~." Lucifer suddenly snakes her hands around the succubuses sitting on her either side and starts fondling their breasts, eliciting aroused moans. "If I'm to be honest, I like the way you girls approached and talked to me so casually. Getting formal most of the times can be tiring, so this is a change I wholeheartedly welcome~."

"R-Really?" the succubus on her right asks between soft moans, making the succubuses who are not being fondled touch their crotch and bite their fingers, looking hungrily and enviously at the two that are enjoying Lucifer's touch.

"Let's have a fivesome, just us girls," Lucifer suggests lewdly, licking her lips. "What say you~?"

Their horny and madly-blushing faces are more than enough for an answer.

"So, Calida, handsome, wanna join us? Think you could take six of us at the same time, hmm~?"

"Thanks, but no thanks," Wilhelm deadpans. "You are going to milk me dry; and I am quite certain I am not doing 'that' with Calida anytime soon."

Chortling light-heartedly, Lucifer grins, slightly tilting her head, as she starts focusing her eyesight on Wilhelm's left hand. Without warning, smoke emits off the back of his hand, getting his attention, as he turns the said hand around and spots a pentagram engraved and seared on his skin. Before long, it fades away, leaving no scar, as though nothing happened.

"If you want to have some fun in the near future, just focus your mind on it to summon me," Lucifer elaborates with a seductive grin, and puts a little more force into the groping, making the succubuses moan a little louder. "I'll make sure to ride your whole world, handsome~. I may bring my daughters with me and let them know the pleasures of becoming a mama too. Who knows~?"

'No tracking spell, or any spell in it... A simple summon spell...'

"...I will keep that in mind."

"Now," Lucifer continues, appearing a little more professional and truer to her title, despite her hands are still having their ways with the succubuses' breasts, "aren't you and Calida both here for business? I already took up much of your time."

"In that case, do excuse us."

Calida and Wilhelm stand up from their chairs, with the latter straightening his blazer. Calida gives Lucifer another respectful bow. They have a bar to attend to.

"Speaking of which," Lucifer speaks up before they could go, "see that man over there, just around those bowling alleys? He's the owner of this establishment and knows where to look for your female police officer. Don't ask me how I know that. And a tip for you: he's a demon who can detach all of his limbs—including his HEAD."

Wilhelm raises a brow, but still nods appreciatively at the information after Bones confirm Lucifer is not lying. So, instead of the bar, they make their way to their new target.

"Do all female demons always flirt and want to have sex?" Wilhelm asks dryly.

"It's normal in Hell," Calida answers coolly. "Besides, demonesses and succubuses usually have sex with male mortals to increase their power, and satisfy their lustful nature. However, in Lucifer's case, she has no need for more power at the moment. I think she just wants to have some fun."

'Demons are unpredictable creatures... Do not ever let their honeyed words and their bodies deceive you, partner... That demoness particularly, she would not approach you without reason... Be careful around her, even if you friend her and have her as an ally... I suggest making her submit to you by besting her through having intercourse with her if needed... Lucifer is too dangerous...'

"You really hate hell-spawns, huh?"

'Sinful beings must be punished, one way or another...!'

Approaching the owner of this place, Wilhelm coughs into his hand and draw the demon's attention to him. The demon turns to Wilhelm, though flinches at first but manages to compose himself soon after. The demon looks like a generic middle-aged man you can find in every U.S' cities.

"You are the owner of this bar and bowling alleys?" Wilhelm questions, with Calida stands just right behind him, glances at others who are playing bowling.

"...Depends on who's asking," the demon replies dismissively, averting his gaze.

"Does the name Jessica ring any bell?"

The demon's body language briefly twitches at the name. "D-Don't know who you're talking about, man."

"Really?" Wilhelm presses. "Her friends at N.Y.P.D are looking for her, you know."

"She has no friends in N.Y.P.D—!" the demon instantly shuts his mouth.

"Look here. After the crucifixion of Dr. Wilson, N.Y.P.D is now focusing most of their resources on the Bronx to search for the missing children, so they cannot really spare men to look for Jessica. Her superior and I happen to be acquaintances, and he asked me to find out where she is. Now you may have an idea or two where this is going to go, so try to make it easier for both of us."

"I have nothing to say," the demon suddenly snaps, "and I ain't afraid of you! I don't give one flying fuck about who you're, so piss off!

Which Wilhelm places both palms on either side of his head and grips it tightly.

"H-Hey! What the fuck are you doing?!"

"If Lucifer is right, your head should come off."


Which turns out to be correct after all, as the demon's head really separates from his neck and leaves behind a headless, which starts flailing his arms around frantically.

A small crowd is already gathering around the commotion, while Lucifer in the distance is laughing to her heart's content while fingering the succubus who is straddling on her lap.

"What the fuck?! You think you could come into my place, and rip my head off?!" the demon, more precisely the head seethes and materializes his horn while changing his skin to a red tone.

"...Yes," Wilhelm replies dryly. "Hey, Calida. Want to try bowling?"

Calida practically has stars in her eyes as she nods eagerly; her scaled materializes and wags happily and the dog ears look alike tufts of hair flap delightedly.

"Hey, hey, hey, w-we should talk about this—"

Wilhelm throws the head to Calida, which the girl intentionally misses and let it fall to the floor with a cringing thud. Some in the crowd wince, while some start to giggle.

"Oh, sorry," Calida apologizes in a definitely unapologetic tone.

"Why does this look like that scene from that... alien movie I saw ages ago?" Wilhelm muses, before he shrugs nonchalantly.

"Fucking bitch! You think you can just—" The head yelps as Calida uses her boot to kick it up to her hands. "Fuck you! Once I get my head back, I'm gonna go and—wait, that ain't how you throw a f-fucking bowling ball!"

Calida raises one leg up, standing on one leg with the raised leg raising up high, to the point it looks like she is doing a vertical split. All the whilst she positions herself to look like she is going to throw a baseball. This is going to hurt a lot.

"Wait, wait! Don't do it! Don't do it, for Satan's sake—AAAAAHHHHHHH!"

And Calida practically hurls the screaming head squarely at the end of the lane, as it comes crashing at the pins and makes them go flying with several broken pieces. Frankly, this is most violent method to enjoy bowling. Everyone winces at the impact. Wilhelm almost feels bad for the demon; almost.

As the machine grabs the sole pin that is still standing, unfortunately for the head, the head rolls back to Calida, dazed and bruised with several purple marks on the skin, and one missing tooth. Giggling sadistically, which somewhat makes Wilhelm nervous, Calida picks up the head and turns to him.

"Ready to talk now?" Wilhelm asks. "We are on tight schedule at the moment."

"Fuck... Fuck you... and your fucking whore..." the head wheezes painfully.


Calida grips the head with one hand, as she approaches the lane in a more familiar bowling stance. However, before she can release the head to take down the remaining pin, the head seems to slip out of her grip conveniently, plants his face to the floor with a painful groan.

"Eh. It could use a little cleaning." Which Wilhelm brings out a bowling ball cleaning bag, much to the head's horror. "Here. Throw that here."

"Wait—Oh, c'mon!"

The head rolls around uncontrollably as Wilhelm violent shakes the cleaning bag, with the said head emits a butt-ton of creative curses and swearing that direct at him and Calida.

Moments later, the demon has enough of it.

"O-Okay! Fine! Fine! I'll fucking talk! Just stop!"

Which Wilhelm grips the head and pulls it out of the bag, revealing the messy hair and dirty skin on the demon's face. "Well? Talk now."

"Fine! She's my girl, all right! After that Dr. Wilson got nailed, she came to me tearfully and told me she can't do it anymore. Didn't know what she was talking about, though," the demon admits. "She kept telling me she wanted to quit, but she's already too deep in whatever it was. Now she just stays in her room the whole time. No matter what I say, she wouldn't come out."

"Where is Jessica?"

"Go to the back and head downstairs! There's a door on the left of the hall, near the end!"

"Thank you for cooperation." Wilhelm throws the head to Calida. "You still have one pin left."

"W-Wait! I already told you everything!"

"That is for wasting our time."


This time, Calida heads into a basketball throwing stance and throws the head at the remaining pin in the lane. "Kobe!" And the throw hits the pin perfectly.

"Where did you even learn that?" Wilhelm inquires curiously as he drops the bag.

"The TV," Calida replies with V-shaped peace sign fingers, smiling proudly.

Wilhelm ruffles her hair. "Good work. Now come. Let us find Jessica."

Dematerializing her scaled tail, Calida instantly follows behind Wilhelm as the duo makes their way towards the back door. Wilhelm catches the sight of Lucifer laughing and holding her belly, though he promptly ignores the demoness and focuses on the objective at hand.

Soon, they find themselves striding across the hall downstairs, where several steel doors are located. Following the demon's instruction, they move to the door that is to Jessica's room...

...only to find a trail of blood slowly seeps through the gap between the door and the floor. Alarmed, Wilhelm covers his arms with nanomachines while Calida summons her sword and watches his back, as the two prepare to intercept any immediate danger.

Then, footfalls from the inside of her room. Then, the door opens. A figure wearing a gas mask with a dark trench coat exits the room; a pair of short swords in each hand with blood drips off the edges of the blades. The figure tilts her head—identified as a woman thanks to the evident feminine curves that the coat is hugging her, looking as though staring at Wilhelm in his eyes. And on her shoulder, a familiar logo of a red skull with octopus tentacles.

"You are far too late, Americans," she speaks in German; no emotion behind her tone. "If you were here a little earlier, you might've been able to hear her screams."

Then, both she and Wilhelm charge, with her blades clash against his nanite-covered arm, producing blue sparks which illuminate the eerie look of her mask and the icy stare on his face.

HYDRA has made their move.


Whew, chapter 11 done! If you want to imagine how Lucifer looks like, just, well, think of that "Lucifer" from "Helltaker". As for Calida, I think the closet person that resembles her in the appearance is gonna be "Surtr" from "Arknights".

Lucifer will be a one-time thingy. But that may change in the near future.

See you again soon :D

JustS_RandomWritercreators' thoughts