
transmigrated as son goten

transmigrated as son goten from the world famous series dragonball. semi au

amarril14 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

the emergence of super buu! and a discovery!

(third person pov ish)

Watching the buus fight gotenks is left in awe as grey buu seems to throw around fat buu even while hes angry 'woah this guy is not messing around' gotenks think's as he begins steadily recovering his ki. 5 minutes later fat buu is on the ground and grey buu turns him into candy 'he's gonna eat him i dont have a good feeling about this' gotenks thinks as he transforms into a super Saiyan charging forward he plans to stop grey buu.

Arriving in front of grey buu in a instant its too late as he already ate the chocolatized form of fat buu punching grey buu in the face full force he is sent crashing into the earth making the ground rumble, 'damnit i should've intervened earlier i was way to trusting of this guy' gotenks thinks as he senses a new evil ki coming from the ground.

as the ground continues to shake a pink light blast out of the crater grey buu was in illuminating the sky bright pink. Slowly the light dies down as a tall pink figure floats out of the his power dwarfing everyone on the planets by a good margin he has a sinister grin on his face as he gives gotenks a death stare with his pink aura washing over him making the sky turn black and the clouds begin rumbling with thunder rain also falls.

gotenks doesn't falter even while sensing the power gap between them he charges forward with a charged ki blast in hand planning to vaporize buu again but once he reaches the half way mark buu stretches out his hand at blistering speeds, Grasping gotenks neck he flies down towards the earth slamming gotenks against the pavement cause a massive crater to appear.

gotenks attempting to get free gets slammed again and this time hes sent through the ground going deeper and deeper into the earth soon hes at the earth core, Thinking quickly he covers his body in a outer layer of ki effectively protecting him from the lava's heat 'This guy is crazy!" gotenks thinks as he charges his hands up with ki and blows buu hands off his neck 'he took my all the way to the earths core.

Flying out of the lava gotenks reaches the surface in a mere instant with a few burns and a good amount of blood leaking from some of his smaller cut's. zooming through the hole toward's buu he uses a after image to trick buu appearing behind him he hits him with a full force ki-blast. Expecting buu to have been vaporized, He's left in shock as buu emerges out of the smoke charging towards him at full speed with a devious grin on his face.

Buu arriving in front of gotenks in a instant he goes for a punch which gotenks hastily blocks sending him flying backward, Not one to let someone off easy buu chases after the rapidly retreating form of gotenks who thinks quicky using the momentum of the blow delivered by buu gotenks while flying backwards fires a large amount of ki blast attempting to halt buus charge.

Seeing the high powered ki blast flying in his direction buus smile widens as he flies through the blast kneeing gotenks into a mountain vaporizing it buu looks down at the rubble of the former mountain with a large grin on his face widens his eyes as the dust clears he sees gotenks with a full charged final-kamehameha and a serious look on his face as he releases the attack capable of turning large planets to space dust.

(gotenks pov)

watching my fully powered beam connect with buu i can only hope this is the one to put him down or at least slow his regeneration once the dust from the humongous blast clears buu appears to be missing half of his body he regenerates it of course but then gotenks notices something. 'his left hand isn't regenerating!' he says as he notices buu attempting and failing to regenerate his left hand 'i must've destroyed his left hand on a cellular level he cant regenerate if his cells are gone' gotenks thinks as he slowly begins running out of gas his super Saiyan transformation drops as hes left breathing heavily.

"*huff* *huff* if only i wasn't extremally low on time and ki" gotenks says to himself as he realizes he only has at most 2 minutes before the fusion dies out while he is saying that buu slowly begins to get angry as he begins screaming so loud it hurts gotenks ears the thunder and rain intensifies as buu begins whining like a child at the lost of his left hand the winds become violently unstable as gotenks is going to pass out goku appears in front of him teleporting him back to the lookout

"goten!" "trunks" gotenks hears as he loses consciousness and the fusion dies out.

(3 hours later)

(goten pov)

waking up i am immediately fed a sensu bean by chi chi again but instead of being in tears she seems really angry at me as she literally pulls my pants down and begins spanking me. 'I dont feel a thing.' goten thinks as he say's "ow" on the outside so she thinks he feels it "i-im sorry goten its just that if your father didn't save you, You would've died like your brother and then i would have no one" chi chi says apologetically bursting into tears "im sorry mom but i didn't have any control while we were fused. i don't even think trunks had control" goten says " I think the fusion isn't either of us more like a mix of us combined" goten explains to chi chi as she nods in understanding.

"did you kids at least manage to injure buu?" piccolo says to me and trunks which we both nod at getting the memories of our fusion "yeah he cant regenerate his left hand!" trunks speaks up happily as a smile graces her face " yeah i think gotenks destroyed his cells or something" goten adds on as everyone's on the lookouts eyes widen.

ive been gettign questions on why gotenks didnt know how to kill buu and the answer is simple. gotenks didnt recieve gotens past lives memories. he only got gotens memories. and if your wondering after reading thiss chapter yes, goten is going to be the one to kill buu. remember, zenkai boost are pretty signifigant and goten and trunkss are getting them in large sums as of now there base power levels have skyrocketed after fighting super buu from goten going from 150 million in base to 500 million and trunks trailing behind at 450 million

amarril14creators' thoughts