
transmigrated as son goten

transmigrated as son goten from the world famous series dragonball. semi au

amarril14 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Fighting to live

"Y-you're kidding right, gotenks destroyed that monsters cells?" videl speaks up for the first time

goten and looks over to her confusedly.

"Well yeah based on my memories is took him a great deal of ki to destroy a small amount buus cells" goten says while scratching the back of his head

After he spoke everyone looks over at him shocked especially the z fighters who could sense how strong gotenks was.

"goten you have to be joking right? he used most of his ki to destroy a small amount of buu? how are we supposed to beat this guy!" krillin speaks up as everyone can notice sweat building up on his forehead.

"I'm not to sure myself mister krillin but im sure once me and trunks fuse again we can figure it out" goten says as he sits down and begins meditating.

"M-man we are screwed" yamcha speaks up as everyone looks over to him with raised brows.


in a forest that is completely destroyed due to the previous battle one can hear a faint yelling even from miles away.

"GRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" buu yells out as the earth around him shakes and the wind continues to roar in response to his ki fluctuating

sensing at least 7 billion energies around the world buu stops yelling and raises his remaining hand soon a good amount of ki gathers in it, Releasing the ki it sends out billions of blast that soar all around the world effectively killing all the humans on earth

calming down after feeling all the miniscule energy's die out buus face perks as he senses 2 familiar ki's the ki of the two that took his left hand. grinning sinisterly buu zooms towards there location

(mc pov)

Rising out of my meditation I sense a sinister ki coming towards the lookout and fast.

Opening my eyes i stand up and notice everyone that can sense ki feels him coming to, 'tch he's gonna be here any second lets not wait for him to get here to power up'.

Goten thinks as he goes super Saiyan with trunks following suit and piccolo sends the ones incapable of fighting inside of the chamber.

"G-guys is that who I think it is coming to the lookout" krillin says nervously as it looks like he's ready to soil himself.

"im afraid so mister krillin" I respond as I look over and i can see that buu has finally arrived.

Landing on the lookout buu looks around at us before setting his eyes on me, he grins than vanishes from his spot.

Thinking quickly i dash forward to meet him fist to fist a huge shockwave explodes out as we clash our fist together, Ignoring the stinging pain on my knuckles I twist my body in a attempt to land a kick to buu's head which he dodges with ease.

Luckily piccolo thinking quickly dashes over and kicks buu away from me, While buu is flying away i go on the offensive zooming towards him as fast as my little body would allow me i punch buu in the face full force.

As buu's neck stretches abnormally after I landed my punch it zooms back and he headbutts me in the stomach knocking me back and making me cough out blood sinuously.

Crashing into the pavement i leave a pretty deep crater in the lookout as i slowly crawl out the crater i see piccolo and trunks trying but failing to land a single hit on buu as he dodges with ease a sinister smile on his face.

Flying in i go for a kick towards his midsection which surprisingly lands but instead of harming or blowing back buu my leg just sinks into his body 'Tch this guy is trying to absorb me'.

Thinking quickly i shoot a ki blast packed with a good amount of energy vaporizing buus body but soon pink smoke starts rising and 5 buu's spawn in 'he split his power evenly amongst them. me and trunks should be able to handle ours but I don't know about piccolo yamcha or krillin'.

Soon the clones fly in towards the 5 of us, Meeting mine head on i dodge its horribly telegraphed punch and i kick it with enough force to obliterate its upper body.

While it is regenerating i look over to see yamcha get impaled through the chest by buu 'Damnit did he even put up a fight!?' i yell internally as i dodge a punch coming from the buu clone behind me.

Turning around i briefly clash with the buu clone before quickly overpowering it again and hitting it with a mean uppercut sending its head zooming from its body.

'As i thought before split apart these clones are no match for me or trunks due to our previous zenkai boost' i think as i look over and notice trunks also dominating against her buu clone.

While i am distracted what was supposed to be yamchas buu clone zooms over to help the one i am currently beating on, Releasing my ki in a blast of yellow I obliterate there bodies. flying over to krillin i kick the clone that's about to literally knock his head off his shoulders kicking the clone away from him i look over.

"Hey mister krillin go tend to yamcha hes barley hanging on to life as we speak i say as the three buu clones fly in our direction.

"R-right!" krillin says as he flies over to yamcha who has a gaping hole in his chest, Once the three clones reach me they merge into one forming a buu that's about 60% of the originals full strength.

'tch' i think as i meet the now merged buu head on clashing our foreheads i glare into his red eyes as he has a wicked grin on his face speaking in a somewhat intelligent voice buu says "im going to kill you and all you're friends" he says wickedly as I immediately get serious.

flying away from our clash i shoot a small ki blast which he bats away with ease as he advances toward me i dodge his initial kick and i counter with a kick to the balls which he surprisingly has as he looks to be in a great deal of pain.

Taking advantage of his momentary pause i zoom forward kicking him into the air i practically teleport behind him kicking him across the lookout, Flying as fast as possible i charge up a Kamehameha and I blast him completely eviscerating his upper body using most of my ki in the blast.

As he regenerates i smirk as i notice part of his leg isnt regenerating "how does it feel buu, to be losing to someone inferior to you?" i say egging him on as his face contorts in anger and he begins screaming again hurting my ears in the process.

Reaching up to protect my ears i am caught of guard as he punches me full force in the face with his one good hand sending me zooming into the ground as he merges with his other two clones who have ran away from trunks and piccolo. The former looking worse for wear.

"Oh crap" I say as I notice buu charging up a huge ball of pink ki with a crazed grin on his face.

using a new writing approach do any of u like it?

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