
Third Eye Devil Hero

[This novel is extremely uncanny, wacky, action packed, and has some dark and serious moments. You have been warned.] Akira, a high school who's life has been equivalent to a loser, finally gains powers when he unknowingly gains a third eye. Having insanely fast strong and capabilities and power; living in a world where anything exists, with super powered ranked hero guilds and villains roaming the area fighting for leverage and survival, Akira just wants to fit in like his older and popular brother Shin, wants to be better than him, get stronger, become a famous hero, get a first girlfriend, make friends, enjoy life and the school life after a rough childhood, and be accepted. And to do that, he wants to join his older brother Shin's hero guild and overcome the toughest of villains. Get ready to embark on an action packed, fun, and comedic journey where Akira does his best to defy all odds, climb the hero rankings, destroy bad guys, deal with the pressures of school, and proving himself to everyone, especially the higher ups in his guild.. And with the mystery of the Third Eye roaming around the world, will it’s mysteries and origin be uncovered? Or will the darkness behind conquer humanity?

TheRedRedHoodie · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Truck Kun and The Headaches

Truck-Kun blasted forward at incredible speed, with Akira laying down on the ground fast so Truck-Kun could roll over him easily without touching him.

"Rats! I forgot I was a truck! No worries!" Truck-Kun scoffed.

Truck-Kun turned around, swerving his wheels around, and Akira was gone.

"Oi! Where did you run off to?! Come get isekai'd!"

Behind a building, Akira was helping nearby civilians leave, telling them, "You should be safe now, I..can't let that thing roam free. Owwww."

One civilian asked, "What's wrong?"

"Head hurts!"

"Hold up. I think I can help."


The woman civilian started reaching into her purse, and she pulled out medicine to deal with head pains.

"Here! Hurry!"

Akira stuttered, "M-My mom said I'm not supposed to take random drugs from people!"


Akira took the pill, and he ate it.

Akira hurried to leap high into the air, and land on the ground, and he yelled out to Truck-Kun, "Over here!"

Truck-Kun swerved around, "You! Stop screwing with me!"

Truck-Kun's red headlights began to glow, and it shot out red lasers.

Akira gasped, running around the lasers, running like a dog.

He thought, 'My headache is still there, but it kinda got supressed a little. It still hurts, like badly. But not as bad as it was before. I need something to suppress these headaches.'

Akira continued to dodge the lasers that were breaking the ground apart, and Akira was still continuing to run like a dog, with his hair flowing within the wind of his speed.

Truck-Kun yelled, "Stop moving! Stay still so I can isekai you! Please!"

"Why would I stop so you can hit me?!"

"Because I said please! Humans say please and it works!"

"Not always!"

Akira got close to Truck-Kun, jumped up, and kicked him in the front windshield.

Truck-Kun gasped loudly, and he exploded into parts and smoke and fire, with red lasers spiraling out of control from his engine.

Truck-Kun exclaimed, "How did you break me?! I'm invincible!"

"Can you calm down those lasers?!"

"They're outta control! I can stop them! And I WOULDN'T stop them even if I could!"

Red lasers continued to blast everywhere, hitting nearby buildings.

Akira held his hurting head, thinking, 'There's people in those buildings, gotta do something super super fast! Oh! I know!'

Akira started to make more wraps come out of his back, and he started running around the area the lasers were coming from, trapping them within a wrap ball, having ten layers around it, completely stopping them.

Akira slid around, coming to a complete stop, and he celebrated, "Woohoo! I stopped it!"

Akira started to hold his head again, saying, "Owwww! All that running made me a little dizzy, which made my headache a little more painful.."

Akira looked to the left, and saw civilians recording him, and then there were some civilians on the other side clapping for Akira.

They clapped, saying:

"Third Eye Man did it!"

"That's the little brother of Shin!"

"He completely one-shotted that evil truck!"

"Props to Akira, the Third Eye Man!"

Akira looked at the people praising him, and Akira smiled, but he could barely give off a smile, because the headache.

Akira said to himself, "They're…cheering? For me..? People are clapping for me..I saved them..I did. So this is what it feels like..to be accepted. Even if it's only a few people, it feels really really great. I want more of this feeling..!"

Akira heard sirens coming from the distance, firetrucks, and some news vans were pulling up.

Reporters got out of the car with their cameras and microphones, and they rushed over to Akira.

"Third Eye Man! Do you have a minute?"

Akira nodded fast while smiling, then held his head again because that hurt him.

Akira said, "I always wanted this!"

The reporter laughed, asking, "Third Eye Man, this fight between the super random evil truck has been live, and has been posted on the hero website. How does that make you feel, knowing that you are a new hero, under the wing of your older and much famous brother Shin?"

"It feels great! Am I getting popular?! Come on, tell me!"

"Haha, if this keeps up, you sure will be popular."


"Next question, who is a big influence to you and your entire hero career?"

"That's easy. Shin, because he's my brother, and I've always looked up to him ever since I was a kid. He's beaten me up a lot, but he's had my back a lot too. My mother and father, even though they don't have powers, they're really powerful. Sensei Ultra, because she inspired me to fight. And she's my teacher. Zenyu, because he could potentially be my first best friend. And I hate to say this, but my uncle Licht is a complete asshole who is really lazy, but he's strong, and knows what he's doing. I hope."

Standing behind Akira was Shin.

Akira accidently bumped into Shin, and Akira turned around and looked at him.

Shin said, "Did you just…bump into me?"

Akira squealed, hiding behind the camera woman. "AH! Shin! Why do you just…POP out of nowhere like that?"

"Lower your voice."

Akira quickly tried to hug Shin, but Shin pushed him away.

Shin said, "I don't hug."

"W-Where have you been? I haven't seen you much at school.."

"I've been at school."


"Avoiding people. Reasons unknown. You're in pain."

"I actually am, my head hurts."

"You need rest."

"Are you gonna..knock me out again?"

"If you want your head to stop hurting. This should be the only remedy to it until we can find a solution to stop the headaches altogether. Obi has had head pains before, and when I used this move on him, he woke up feeling better."

"Wait, I have homework, I can't let you put me to sleep yet!"

"Only for four hours, then you'll wake up."



"You tricked me like this when we were little."

"We're not little anymore. Stay still."

Shin had darkness on his hand, and he placed it on Akira's head, an Akira's appearance started to change back to normal, and Shin put new glasses on Akira. Akira was fast asleep, snoring with a smile on his face.

The reporters and civilians said:

"Look at Shin, caring for his little brother!"

"Definitely posting this!"

"Shin! I got some questions!"

Shin replied, "I hate pictures."

(Minutes later)

[Akira's house]

Akira was laying in the bed, fast asleep, with Yuu sitting beside the bed, rubbing his hair.

Yuu whispered, "I'm proud of you, Akira. Thank you, for being a hero today."

Downstairs, Yamato was watching the news while sitting on the couch, and Shin came walking into the living room.

Yamato said, "Oh, Shin."

Shin responded, "Father."

"Are you sure that ability you used to put Akira asleep won't come with any seriously dangerous after effects?"

"I'm sure. My darkness ability holds curses, yes, but it's also complex at the same time. Originally, the curse I used on Akira was supposed to put him in a long term coma, but Akira's positivity and happiness reversed the curse enough to where I can use it for good. That's how it is with all my curses. I can read emotion, and if I want to help anyone, I can use any nearby happiness and use it to reverse a curse into a positive one."

"What about healing? What if you put a curse on Akira that wounds him, and you used his happiness to reverse it, and it would heal him instead?"

"Only those who can heal, can heal. I am not skilled enough to use happiness to reverse a curse to heal. I tried it already. And if I'm not skilled enough, then healing is not within my grasp of power, Father."

"Ahh. Gotcha gotcha. I must say, son, you're giving Akira a lot of attention lately. When you two were kids, he kinda just cling to you all the time, and you shoved him off sometimes. But now, he clings to you still, and you give him attention."

Shin walked over to the couch, and sat beside Yamato.

Shin replied, "He was annoying as kids, that's why I kept pushing him away and applying pain to his body. He still followed me, even after I broke some of his bones in the process. Things started to pick up after the home invasion, when Zaeya's men were trying to take Akira's third eye. Ever since then, I realized it's my responsibility to protect Akira. Akira was weak before he started to fight, he was nothing but useless without me there to protect him all the time. And now..he's trying to be accepted by everyone and surpass me. And with everyone going on with him, he just might. But for my own pride, I won't let him surpass me. With everything going on with him, he's still my responsibility."

"I'm gonna cry!"


"I am!"

"Please no."

"I am, son!"


"I am!"


"Mmm. You've always been a good hearted kid, Shin."

"I'm actually not."

"You say that, but you are. You were praised a lot all your life, and that's because you have a gift also. Yes, you have a dark power, but you use it for good. Zaeya had two Third Eyes, and he used it for evil. But you turned out different. You and Akira. Me and your mother were worried at first, since you and Akira have powers that can dominate the world. We're proud of you both. And I'm glad to see two brothers being there for one another, that makes me and your mother even more proud."

"Thank you, Father. But…"


"Akira is still an annoying nerd with only one friend that acts just like him. I stand by that."

"And there goes the heartfelt moment. Right out the window."


Yuu started to walk downstairs, and she walked into the living room, kissing Shin on his cheek, asking everyone, "What are you two boys talking about?"

Yamato answered, "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!"

Yuu dashed up to Yamato, and stepped on his stomach, "HuHh? It's none of MY business?"

"Ya heard me!"



On the television screen, a news reporter was standing in front of cop cars and yellow police tape.

The reporter said, "Just a few moments ago, over two dozen bodies have been found on the streets in the same area. Many eye witnesses say these people jumped from the buildings on their own, commuting suicide…"

Yuu said, "Oh shit.."

Yamato says, "Suicides? It's strange for it to happen the way he described it."

"Licht might tell us more about it, since he has connections with the feds."

Shin stood up, and said, "I must check out the crime scene for myself."

Yuu said to Shin, "You know heroes can't involve themselves with police investigations or anything related to federal affairs unless asked to."


[The crime scene]

Many cops were around body bags, with forensics and detectives roaming around doing their jobs.

Licht was among them, walking to a man in a suit, grey hair and orange eyes, grey bushy mustache, and circle glasses. He was detective Conan.

Licht walked up to Conan, saying, "Ya called?"

Conan responded, "Come here."

Licht followed Conan inside of the building where the people had jumped from, and they were on the roof.

Conan said, "Did Shin do this?"

"What?! Why would you think that?"

"Come on, I know his powers. He's the only one I can think of at the top of my head that can use curses to make people off themselves."

"Shin may be a little deranged and unhinged, but he doesn't kill indiscriminately. And he damn sure wouldn't do this to people. Tighten the hell up, Conan. You're such a drag, eat a donut or something."

"There you go with the jokes."

"Lightens the mood. I heard you changed your name so you could be like the real detective Conan created by Gosha Aoyama. Dweeb."

"L-Leave me alone. I do what I want."

"Alright, alright. What are the others thinking?"

"Honestly, they all think the victims were drunk, and got a little too tipsy. They could smell the alchohol all over them, and one pissed themselves while falling it seems, there's urine with streams of alcohol within it."

"I don't want this to be just tossed to the side as a drunk case. I want a real ass case, Conan."

"Me too. I don't think this was an accident. Something else caused this. When I first arrived to the scene, I felt a dark presence around here. Which is why I asked if Shin did it. You being his family and all, and you having a history of keeping secrets before, I thought you'd know. My apologies. You indeed are a fine man to work with, I'd be dammed to lose an asset like you. We just want answers for this. I'll be working on this case day and night. I talked to my lieutenant about this, he's giving me and my partner the case, and giving you the case as well."

"Great. Awesome. Can I go home now?"


"Fax me the case file once you're ready."

"Understood. And thanks for picking up on this, Licht."

"Don't thank me."

(The next day)

[Hajimari high school]

[Sensei Ultra's classroom]

Ultra was going over the homework with the class, sometimes calling on different students to answer the questions.

Akira was taking notes in another journal, copying down the answers and figuring out different ways to solve the math problem.

Tengen was staring into space, with his leg tapping fast, and sweat running down his face.

Kirin was looking at Tengen, then looked away.

Naomi was almost falling asleep at times, tapping her fingers on the desk slowly, but she was still paying attention to what Ultra was saying.

Akira watched them, thinking, 'What is going on with them..?'

Tengen raised his hand fast, and Ultra, looked at him, "You gotta piss?"


"Go ahead. I won't stop you."

Tengen stood up, and started to walk out of the classroom, leaving.

He was out in the hallway, and Shin was standing there waiting for him.

Shin said, "You called me out here."

"I know, I know I did."

"You're not your usual angry self."

"The new girl, in my class..she's..I think she's the one behind the incidents last night."

"The suicides? Why?"

"It's like a repeat..of what happened in elementary school. I don't know what kind of powers she really has, but I know it's something off. I don't remember much about what happened since we were kids, but I remember there being a bunch of bodies, blood, and me and her, and people were offing themselves."

Suddenly, Naomi walked past Tengen and Shin, and Tengen gasped, while Shin kept a straight face.

Naomi looked at Tengen, and waved. Tengen didn't wave back.

Shin said to Tengen, "I'm reading her emotions, and because of my darkness ability I can see if there's something dark within her. It's a mix between wanting to be happy, but sadness is slowly creeping nearby. She has something dark within her, I don't think it's her in general. I can get better answers once I'm closer, for now, bear with it, and wait for me. I can't conduct investigations during school hours. Do not use your astral protection to search inside of her soul and body. Anything could happen, and it could put everyone in danger."

"Alright, whatever, I got it."

As Naomi was walking down to the water fountain, Naomi thought, 'Maybe those two…could help me…'

(Hours later)

At the end of the school day, Akira got up from his desk, and instantly went over to talk to Naomi.

Akira said, "H-Hi. I-I'm Akira. Excuse me if im stuttering a lot, I don't usually w-walk up to people and start conversations. And I tend to over-talk. I get carried away sometimes, and it becomes a problem. Not saying you're a problem, but me in general, is the problem. It's not like I'm afraid to talk to girls or anything, but like, I-I.."

Naomi started to chuckle, and she started typing in her phone.

She showed the phone to Akira, and the words read: "Hi! I'm Naomi! And you're fine, you're doing great!"

Akira replied while scratching the back of his neck, "W-Well, if you insist..so..do you.."

The bell rung, and students started to leave.

Akira was being bumped around, and by the time he looked where Naomi was, she was gone.

Akira thought, 'Wow, she moves fast. Guess that conversation didn't go TOO bad. I almost talked the entire time without giving her a chance to speak. I have a bad habit of that.'

Akira was approached by Tengen, and Tengen pulled Akira to the side.

Akira asked, "What's wrong?"

Tengen responded, "Listen, nerd! Whatever you do, do not get too attached to Naomi. At all! Are you listening?"

"I'm listening, but why? She seems really nice. It would make her sad if I just stopped talking to her after getting her to laugh with me."

"She may seem that way, but she's not what you expect! Just do what the hell I tell you."

Tengen started walking out of the classroom, leaving Akira there.

Kirin walked past Akira, giving him the side eye.

Akira said, "Kirin.."

Kirin ignored him, she kept walking.

In the hallway, Kirin was walking away from everyone, until Remy sped up beside her.

Remy said, "Kirin! Wanna train later?! I'm in the need for some GAINS!"

Kirin answered, "No."

"You haven't trained with me in.."

"I never trained with you, and I shall never train with anyone."

"Awww. Why? Is training with others too embarrassing? Do NOT fear! When training with me, you won't have that problem! We need to get stronger!"


"Mmmm. Me and Zenyu are watching over Akira's third test today!"


"Mhm! Man, I can't wait until Akira joins our main squad, I'm definitely gonna make him a cerebral monster!"

"Don't! He's already a monster! A dangerous one that must be put down by my hand only. It is only right that way."

Remy laughed, "Calm downnn. Whatever you think Akira is, I'm pretty sure he's the total opposite. He seems like a good strong sprout! Such fire!"

"He must be dealt with."

"There you go again, haha. You'll grow out of it."


"Anyway, I would like for you to hang out with the squad more, ya know? Open upppp! See the worldddd! Have fun!"

"Fun is for the blind. For those who cannot see the stakes in which lurk around them within the presence of evil."

"You know, I've had sleep paralysis a few days ago, I'm starting to think you're the cause of it."

"I'm NOT!"

"Oooo we gotta reactionnnn! Be lively, Kirin!"


"I'll buy you a basket of rice cakes if you hang out with the squad sometime."


Akira was walking out of the classroom, and he was on the phone with Licht.

Akira said, "I'm gonna be doing WHAT?!"

Licht replied, "Community service. Which is the third test."

"Uncle..I know you joke around a lot, so you can go ahead and say it's a prank, haha."

"Mmm, no. Not joking. You're gonna clean the back of my toilet, and I mean THERE'S SHIT EVERYWHERE!"

"Please, oh God no!"

"HAHAHA! I'm kidding! About my toilet I mean. You're actually going to be doing real community service though."

"Why are you tormenting me?"


(2 hours later)

[A large open field with dead vines and roots everywhere]

The field was filled with dead vines and roots, and there was some hay around as well.

Akira was standing in the middle of it all, wearing a dark blue boiler jumpsuit, wearing black gloves, and brown boots, and he was holding a rake.

Akira said, "This is a lot of stuff. This is gonna take hours! Can I use my powers to gather all of this up?! I have homework!"

There were a few tall wooden houses surrounding the field, with a large water tower in the corner.

On one of the roofs of the house, sat a farmer, his dog, and Licht.

Licht replied to Akira, "You CANNOT use your powers for this! Now, cleannnn."

The farmer asked Licht, "Are you sure this is okay? Is he gonna be alright?"

"He's survived the toughest situations. He can handle this. This is nothing to him. He said it himself."

Akira replied, "I DIDN'T SAY THAT! I CAN HEAR YOU!"

Licht responded, "Cleannn!"

Akira started to work, using the rake to scoop the dead vines and roots into place.

On the roof of the wooden house, Licht turned into a cat, and tried to play with farmers dog.

The dog barked instantly, and chased Licht all around the roof.

Licht laughed, "HAHAHA! I love doing this!"

The farmer exclaimed, "Are you crazy?! He'll maul you!"

Licht laughed, "HAHA! He won't! I'm having way too much fun with this!"

"Crazy guy!"

In another one of the wooden houses, standing at an open window on the top floor, was Zenyu and Remy.

Zenyu said, "Mannn, I wish I could go out there and help him!"

Remy responds with a grin, "Hoh? So you're craving some intense training as well? Very well, we shall train now!"

Zenyu laughed nervously, "Haha..ha..I think I'm fine, thank you though!"

"Your arms are looking kinda frail, you need more muscle!"

"My metabolism is unique! Your training is too.."

"Too what?"



"Remy..? I'm sorry, I hope I didn't offend you, I'll punish myself right now! Bad Zenyu!"

"HA! I always wanted to hear that my training was too intense! That's good! Intestines equals results. Which is all that matters."


"I hope Kubo is okay back at the mansion. I hate leaving him alone for so long."

Zenyu smiled with a fist up, "He'll be fine! Kubo is smart and strong! And he's not really alone, the maid is there helping him with school and stuff!"

"Guess you're right about that! I bet he's sitting there missing me right now!"

[Shin's guild mansion]

Kubo was sitting in the living room, scribbling over thousands of sheets of paper, while the maid was sitting on the couch, trying to teach him things about school.

The maid said, "Okay now, Kubo, can you draw me the answer to 4 plus 4?"

Kubo stopped scribbling, and he looked at the maid, saying in sign language, "Save me from Remy when she comes back, she's going to try and kidnap me and spoil me. I don't like that."

The maid chuckled, "Haha, alright. Now can you answer the question?"

[Farmers field]

Remy said, "It's crazy, that Kubo is too dangerous to be in school. He's not labeled as a threat, but he's unpredictable. It's crazy how Shin found him."

"How DID Shin find Kubo? Tell me tell me telllll me!"

"Hm? Interested? If you participate in my training camp tonight, I'll tell you."

Zenyu shook his head fast, "Nevermind, haha!"


"Hey, Remy, How do you think Akira will do in this test?"

"It's a simple but an effective clean up test. He should do fine, but I was made known that his stamina, strength, and speed was low without his powers. But his toughness is immaculate. If he doesn't push himself too hard during this simple task, he will do well. What do you think?"

"I think he'll do great! Akira is awesome!"

"Great sportsmanship! You can experience more of it if you participate in my training camp!"

Zenyu smiled and shook his head fast, "No thanks!"


On the field, Akira was steady dragging the roots and vines around, making large piles out of them. Akira was sweating hard, while breathing heavily.

'I'm not even halfway done! What is this helping me with? It's super duper hot, my body aches, I'm outta breath, and Licht is up there laughing at me! Should I just leave? No..I want to..but I can't. I gotta pass! It's only two more tests left. BUT IT'S SO ANNOYINGGG!'

An hour passed, and Akira was about to fall over, but he continued to rake.

Akira had his sleeves rolled up, and he was surrounded by piles of vines and roots.

'Almost there..almost there…not really..really want it to be though..'

Licht, the farmer, Remy, and Zenyu watched closely.

Zenyu thought, 'Keep going, Akira!'

Akira kept taking, his legs were sore, but he continued to walk forward and rake the vines and roots into piles.

Akira was about to rake up some more, until he felt a vibration in the ground under him.

Akira stopped, saying, "Um..what was that?"

The ground rumbled again, and out of nowhere, the dead vines and roots started to shake, and they started to connect with each other.

Akira took his glasses off, his hair went white, eyes went red, and wraps formed all over his body.

Akira jumped backwards, sliding backwards, yelling to Licht, "Something's here! Get the the farmer away from here!"

Licht turned back into a human, and thought, 'He immediately thought of getting the farmer to safety….'

The farmer asked Licht, "Is this your doing? What's going on?"

"Honestly, I don't even know what's going on. Akira must think it's a threat, since he has his powers ready."

The roots and vines started to merge and form into his tall vine monster with red eyes and a large mouth, with four vine arms and two vine legs.

The vine monster yelled, "Finally! Someone has awakened my power! Now, I, King Vine-root, will cover this world in dead vines so I can live in a place where I can adapt and thrive due to my nature!"

Akira replied, "Do like, ALL villains shout out their names and goals before they start getting their ass beat or what?"

King Vine-root looked at Akira, "Hoh? Who's this small fry?"

Akira turned around, smiling with his eyes glowing in excitement, saying to himself, "I just said the most badass line ever! I came up with that on my own! I was like, 'Do like, ALL villains shout out their names and goals before they start getting their ass beat or what?' I need to write that down! Should that be my catch phrase? My speech has been getting bolder nowadays!"

King Vine-root tilted his head, "Hehhh? A crazy kid is talking to himself over here, my vines will take care of him!"

King vine-root ran at Akira, jumped, and threw a punch down at Akira with vines spinning around his fists like drills.

His fist smashed down fast, but Akira grabbed the spinning vine fist with one hand, jumped up, dashed off the air to reach King Vine-roots face, and punched a giant hole in it, blasting wind and vines everywhere.

Akira landed feet first on the ground, and he turned around grinning, "Yes!"

The farmer asked Licht, "He did it! He did it..?"

Licht answered, "No. Not at all."

In the other house, Zenyu was about to jump out the window, exclaiming, "We gotta go help Akira! Don't worry, Akira, I'm on the way to help!"

Remy chuckled, grabbing Zenyu's arm, stopping him.

Remy said, "I bet you're wondering why I grabbed your arm, holding you back. Let me tell you! Akira can handle this. This is a test for a reason. Give him a chance."


Down on the field, King Vine-root was regenerating his vines back, growing bigger and stronger than before.

"Foolish pest! You may pack a punch, but it means nothing! I will regenerate! And everytime I regenerate, I grow bigger and stronger!"

Akira responded, "Awesome!!!"

"What? I mean, yes! It is awesome!"

"When my third eye comes out, every time I take damage, I get stronger! How does it feel when it happens to you?! Great, huh?"

"It feels truly amazing! Wait, why am I talking to my enemy! Die, pest!"