
Third Eye Devil Hero

[This novel is extremely uncanny, wacky, action packed, and has some dark and serious moments. You have been warned.] Akira, a high school who's life has been equivalent to a loser, finally gains powers when he unknowingly gains a third eye. Having insanely fast strong and capabilities and power; living in a world where anything exists, with super powered ranked hero guilds and villains roaming the area fighting for leverage and survival, Akira just wants to fit in like his older and popular brother Shin, wants to be better than him, get stronger, become a famous hero, get a first girlfriend, make friends, enjoy life and the school life after a rough childhood, and be accepted. And to do that, he wants to join his older brother Shin's hero guild and overcome the toughest of villains. Get ready to embark on an action packed, fun, and comedic journey where Akira does his best to defy all odds, climb the hero rankings, destroy bad guys, deal with the pressures of school, and proving himself to everyone, especially the higher ups in his guild.. And with the mystery of the Third Eye roaming around the world, will it’s mysteries and origin be uncovered? Or will the darkness behind conquer humanity?

TheRedRedHoodie · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Canine Kart!

Akira was zooming on the four wheeler, running red lights, and screeching on the sidewalk while screaming.


Bucky the dog was barking, and his tail was wagging fast.

Akira swerved past cars and pedestrians, yelling, "This is COMPLETELY IRRESPONSIBLE! I DON'T EVEN HAVE A LICENSE! WHAT ABOUT THE COPS?!"

Akira came towards a few children crossing the street, and Akira came to a complete stop, hitting the brakes. Akira himself went flying off the four wheeler, and he flipped over the children, falling all over the road, rolling over and over.

Akira looked up immediately, seeing that the kids were fine.

Akira sighed, "They're okay!"

Akira didn't see Bucky on the four wheeler, and he panicked, "Where did he go?!"

Akira saw a large shadow growing larger under him, and he looked up, seeing Bucky falling towards him.

Akira yelled, rolling out of the way, and Bucky slamming his sharp dog fingers into the road.

Akira got up, with a small cut of blood on his cheek.

Bucky growled, and he charged towards Akira, biting at him. Akira panicked, barely dodging the attacks.

Bucky smacked Akira with his tail, smacking him into a wall.

Akira gritted his teeth, yelling, "THAT HURT!" Akira clenched his fists, as write wrap began to wrap around it. "Maybe if I knock you out..it'll calm you down! I hate hitting animals, but this has to be done! I'm so so so sorry!"

Akira dashed up to Bucky at quick speed, and was throwing a punch, until he remembered what Licht said before he left his house: "You hit my dog, I kick your nerd ass."

Akira shook his head, and he jumped up high above Bucky.

Akira shot two wraps out of his hand, and the wraps wrapped around Bucky's body. Akira then spun around and slung Bucky over towards the four wheeler, making him sit on it.

'Got him! Gotta keep moving! I need to pass!'

Akira made his wraps go away, and he ran back to the four wheeler, and started to drive fast.

Akira was going 40 miles an hour, but he was picking up the pace. Bucky was slashing at Akira's head, and Akira got hit one, but he dodged the second and third strike.

Akira yelled, "What kinda dog are you?! Why are you like this?! I mean, I kinda can't blame you, since you live with uncle Licht! I'm sorry!"

Akira thought, 'Speed is picking up, gotta keep it at 80. A red light is approaching, I need to turn right!'

Akira turned right fast, and he sped past cop cars.

Akira said, "Oh no."

The cops sirens wailed, and they turned around, and started chasing Akira.

Akira squealed, "I'm not a criminal! I swear! I have to do this!"

The police yelled out, "Stop the vehicle! Now!"

Akira kept driving, with his foot pressing hard on the gas pedal. Akira drove past a female celebrity who was getting out of a limo and surrounded by guards and paparazzi, and when Akira went past her, the dress she had on flew up, and she pushed it down fast while blushing, saying, "No one dares expose me to this planet! Get him!"

The celebrity and his goons hopped back in the cars, and chased Akira.

The celebrity yelled, "I'll kill you brat!"

Akira said to her, "I'm sorry! Forgive me! It was an accident!"

"Excuses! Excuses! Save it for your maker! My guards have guns, and they have aimbot!"

"Aimbot?! You're too old to be saying stuff like that, ma'am! No offense! Seriously, no offense!"

"I'm young at heart! I'm definitely killing you now, nerd!"

"Y-You're saying that in front of the cops! You'll get in trouble!"

"You talk tough for a dweeb!"

Akira went faster, and he sped past some heroes as well. Streak, a hero from the Ukine battle, was among them.

The heroes said to each other:

"Yo! Someone's running from the cops!"

"Guess this is the time we shine. I've been running low on hero missions lately. Been watching anime instead."

Streak said, "I know that kid. What the hell is he up to?"

Akira said to himself, "I gotta lose these people! I can't show my face to them either! I can't slow down at all! People are in my way! I'm talking to myself! Completely normal when under stress!"

Klem and Obi were still following on the horses, and Obi asked, "This is kinda dangerous and irresponsible, ya know? He could actually hit someone! What was Licht thinking when coming up with this test?"

Klem responded, "Licht may be a weird ass goon, but he's careful. That four wheeler Akira is riding on instantly stops when approaching objects and people. Akira's real goal here is to avoid Bucky's strong ass strikes, and to follow instructions which could kill that nerd."

"You really debunked that end part, huh?"

"I just know shit. Smart as hell. You couldn't relate."


"Hoh? I see some heroes on the chase too. Should we assist and annihilate them?"

"What?! No! We're heroes! We don't kill other heroes!"

"Relaxxxx. I'm kidding. Kinda."


"Okay, okay for real, I'm joking. Get your panties out of a knot and go faster."

"That's it. You're getting pranked later."

"Thanks for telling me, which is what you AREN'T supposed to do when planning a prank. Dumbass."

"T-That's not lady like!"

"I don't even know what that means. Imagine."

"Don't test me! I-I'll explode!"


"Thought so!"

Down below, Akira was driving through a long alley, with the heroes behind him, and the cops.

Akira thought, 'Shitttt! This is so bad! How am I gonna lose them?! Oh no, I'm at 70 miles an hour, I'm losing speed when I turn corners! I don't want Bucky swinging at me again! What am I gonna dooooo?'

Streak and his large dove were flying above the alley, and Streak yelled, "Oi! Is that you? I've seen you before!"

Akira replied, "Y-You can't see my face! Can you?"

"What are you doing? Have you done something bad?"

"I have to take this dog to the park! Please let me go! I haven't destroyed anything! This is for a test!"

"Test? What test?"

Akira looked forward, and he was back out onto the road again, turning right. He tried to keep the same speed, but if he did, he would've crashed and flipped.

Akira lost speed, going below 60 miles an hour, and Bucky barked and started chomping at Akira's head.

Akira dodged it, squealing as he moved his head around.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Akira picked up speed, and thought again, 'The park is right on the other side of that building, but there's a roadblock, up ahead, and there's traffic behind me. I need to think of something! I need to pass this shit!'

Akira looked at his surroundings, and he noticed he was in an open area with no cars around.

Akira thought, 'That's it! I don't wanna use my powers for this, even though Licht said I could. But I don't wanna cheat this, I wanna earn this!'

Akira started to spin the four wheeler around the road fast, making dust come out from underneath the wheels, and the tires screeching loudly. The dust was digging the area, and many of the cop cars stopped. Even Streak from above couldn't see down at Akira.

The female celebrity and her goons hopped out of the car, and she yelled, "You're dead, brat!"

The cops looked at her, and she smiled, "Hehe, just kidding!"

Some of the cops fawned over her, saying:




Akira kept screeching around the road, and he was losing speed in the process, but he was still going a little fast.

Bucky hit Akira on the side of the face, and Akira's cheek bled again.

'Just a little more! I need to get up high! Both ends are blocked, and there are no more alleys in my forward and backward direction! If the exit is blocked, make your own! God I love Hunter X Hunter.'

Bucky swung at Akira again, and Akira dodged it, grabbed Bucky's long sharp nail from his paw, and slammed it into the road, and the nail caught into it.

From the momentum of the spinning four wheeler, and Bucky's nail driving into the ground out of nowhere, Akira and Bucky went flying off of the four wheeler, soaring into the air, and flying over a 30 foot tall building.

Akira was holding onto Bucky, and yelling, "What am I doing?! What am I doing?! What am I doing?! What am I doing?!"

Bucky and Akira were about to hit the ground, until Streak flew in and caught them both with his dove.

Akira was still screaming with his eyes closer, "AHHHH! NOOOO! W-What? We stopped? I'm not hurt?"

Akira opened his eyes, and saw Streak sitting on the dove.

Akira tilted his head, "I'm on Streak's dove! How cool is that!"

Streak asked, "Glad you're a fan, glad you're a fan."

"Oh, I never said I was a fan, haha. I just think your dove is cool."


Akira smiled, "Haha, thanks! I'll definitely post about this on the hero website!"

"You BETTER! Er I mean..yeah, that would be cool."

'This kid said test. Maybe it's the guild test. This is the kid who Kaede and Toshin have big faith in.'

Streak asked, "What test were you taking?"

"Guild test to join Shin's main squad!"

"Knew it."

Akira started getting a phone call, and he pulled his phone out, and it was Licht.

Akira answered, "Licht?"

Licht replied, "Gah damn nephew, you even had a celebrity chasing your ass."

"H-How'd you know? Are you watching?"

"It just got reported to me, by the people watching over this test."

"Who are the people?"

"People from the main squad of Shin's guild. I wasn't supposed to be specific about it, but who cares. That should give you more motivation to do your best and show the hell off."

"Cool! Wait, why do we need them to watch us when you can just watch me?"

"Cause sometimes I'm lazy. Also, because you're a potential hero about to join their squad, they need to observe for themselves as well. Right?"

"I guess you have a point. So DID I PASS?!"

"What a drag. So much action in the morning. Yeah, you did. Your next and third test will be tomorrow after school. Be ready."

Akira smiled brightly, and he leaned back with his hands in the air, "Woo hoo! I passed again! If I keep working hard like this, I'll pass every test I come across!"

Streak chuckled, "Good luck joining the squad, kid."

Akira shook Streak's hand fast, "Thank you! Thank you!"

"You're welcome. And I'll talk to these cops and such about what happened. Luckily, the annoying news people didn't catch wind of this. Probably distracted by bothering celebrities and heroes."

"Y-Yeah, sounds like them! Thank you again, Streak!"

Akira then turned around to Bucky, and Bucky was kicking himself. Then, Bucky licked Akira, almost knocking him off the dove.

Watching from a distance on a building, was Klem and Obi, obviously.

Obi said, "That was completely dangerous! But smart move."

Klem added, "The nerd's got skills, I'll give him that. I like to do parkour shit and daredevil stunts, maybe I can show him how to be somewhat daring like me if he joins."

"And I'll show him how to take cautious acts during an event!"

"Of course you will, medic stooge ass boy."



"Why is it that we're always standing on rooftops like anime characters?"

"Because it looks cool, it's a badass shot, and we look like total chads."

"A girl is saying this."

"Better believe it."

(School time)

(2 hours later)

(Same day, obviously)

[Hajimari high school]

[Sensei Ultra's class]

All the students were waiting for Ultra to come into the classroom, talking amongst themselves.

Akira was writing in his notepad fast, and he was whispering to himself, saying, "Drove a four wheeler for the first time, almost got scraped by the road and sidewalk, and a big red dog who is a knock off Clifford. Could I create that dog with my wraps? I've never really tried to create an animal with them.."

Kirin had her arms folded and her eyes closed, not bothering anyone. And Tengen was in the back of the room, forcing other students to clean his shoes off and brush his outfit, all because they accidently bumped into him and stepped on his shoes while horse playing around Tengen.

Tengen scoffed, "Clean every piece of FILTH from my shoe, commoner nerd dweeb bastard fool! Don't you dare look at me while cleaning my shoes off, it looks weird! And don't wipe too hard!"

The students responded, "Yes, Tengen!"

Suddenly, a couple of boys walked over to Akira, and asked, "Third eye Man?"

Akira closed his notepad fast, pushed his glasses up, and replied, "Y-Yeah?"

"What's in that journal thing ya got? Can we take a look?"

"I-It's mine.."

"Aw, come on. I'm sure you've got nothing embarrassing to hide, right?"

Kirin looked over at them with a side eye.

One of the boy's continued, "Am I right? Just let me see it. I'm also sure that you got the reason why none of us can hold a candle to you in that journal."


Kirin thinks, 'I can't take this anymore…'

She rushed to attack Akira, but Akira jumped up, and grabbed both of Kirin's wrists with one hand.

Akira looked into Kirin's eyes, saying, "Why are you attacking me?"

"You cannot be trusted. If I do not stand up and stop you now, the blood of innocents will follow behind. You hold the Third Eye."

Tengen stormed in, "Kirin! Don't! Fool! You can't fight him!"

Kirin thought, 'It was said by the Yōkai during the Ukine fight that the one who holds the Third Eye Curse is unstoppable…I have to be the one to break the truth from the statement, for am I different.'

Suddenly, Ultra walked into the classroom, and she had a new student behind her.

Akira's third eye was going away again, with his hair turning back to brown, and his wraps went back into his body.

Even Kirin and the other students were standing away from the situation.

Ultra asked, "Hm? The hell's wrong with you brats? Are you all straight? Need me to call the librarian?"

The students answered:

"We're fine."


"Everything is good."


The students couldn't really explain what just happened, nor could they understand what happened, they decided not to say anything.

Akira stood there, thinking, 'How..did I bring the third eye out? What…?'

Some students slowly moved away from Akira, whispering:

"Akira had another eye on his forehead. It felt evil.."

"I felt the same thing too. It felt real..dark."

"Is he really a villain? Posing as a hero to get closer to the heroes to annihilate them?"

"Who knows..?""

Akira sat down in the chair, rubbing his hair, saying to himself, "Whoa..she actually attacked me.."

Ultra and the new student stood at the front of the classroom, and Ultra introduced her, "Guys, as if you didn't know already, we have a new student. This is Naomi. Transferred here from Yokohama. Be nice to her or you'll have to deal with me and the librarian. And just a heads up now, do not touch or force her to physically talk to you with her voice. At all. She recommended this personally to us, her only way to communicate right now, is through typing on her phone. She's happy to be here."

Naomi had crows feet under her eyes (Black spots, mostly shown for how tired someone is), and she had messy shoulder length black hair, a freckle on her left cheek, and her teal eyes. She was wearing white gloves as well, and she waved without any emotion on her face.

Ultra continued, "Show her the same respect you show for me and the librarian."

Some people in the class said, "Hi, Naomi."

Naomi waved again.

In the back, Tengen was shocked, with his hands trembling to the side, and he thought, 'Naomi…? Is here? I thought she….whoa. She was in my class..in elementary school..how is she..alive?'

Naomi spotted Tengen, and her hands shook too.

Ultra said to Naomi, "You can pick out any spot you'd like. Welcome to the class."

Naomi nodded, and she started walking over to an empty desk behind Tengen's. Naomi carefully avoided touching anyone, her hands shook in the process, and she sat down in her chair as students stared at her, whispering:

"Why do most new girls gotta be super quiet?"

"I don't even know."

"She must think we're disgusting, being careful not to accidentally touch any of us."

"She must be from a rich family if she's that way."

"What does Sensei mean she talks through typing on her phone? Does she have cursed speech or something?"

Tengen stared at Naomi, and said, "You're…"

Naomi looked at Tengen, and shook her head.

Kirin, of all people, didn't care about Naomi. Kirin was still looking at Akira, and Akira was looking at Naomi.

Akira thought, 'She looks tired…really tired. Maybe I should try and be friends with her..but how do I approach girls? But I have other things to worry about. My third eye came out, what was the trigger? Was it because I was getting annoyed? I wasn't really THAT annoyed. I was just kinda…..pissed. A little. But that really can't be it. It might be the pissed part that brought the Third Eye out, but I've been pissed before, with my fight with my Yōkai clone, and I wasn't half as pissed as I was today as I was back then. What could be the true trigger? My chances with Kirin have just gone from 3% to 0%. I have to set things straight with Kirin, and show her I'm not who she makes me out to be.'

Ultra started taking roll call, and students raised their hands to signal that they were present.

Naomi obviously didn't speak, she just raised her hand, and put it down.

Tengen was sitting in front of Naomi, with his knee shaking, and he was staring off into space.

Akira noticed, thinking, 'Tengen seems on edge, is it because of the new girl? I've never seen him like this.'

Tengen started to remember him and Naomi in the same class in elementary school, and how he was her only friend. And then he just started to remember him and Naomi surrounded by festivities, and bodies lying around him on the ground, and he was crying with blood all over him, with Naomi standing there shaking.

Throughout the entire class, Tengen was still nervous sitting in front of Naomi; even when they did physical education, when the class would be outside jogging, Naomi would be walking instead of jogging. Tengen was afraid to speak to Naomi, he kept his distance, he didn't say a word all day.

Even at lunch, Tengen would be outside on the benches, with his knees shaking, not eating food at all. Naomi would sit in the classroom alone, just staring off into space.

Outside, Kirin walked up to Tengen, saying, "The hell is your deal? You know the transfer student?"

Tengen replied, jumping up off the bench, grinning, "I'm all good! Haha! Everything's fine! You think something's wrong with me? You needa get your shit checked, Kirin! Haha! I just needed some air, that's all."


Kirin started walking away, and Tengen watched her, and he sighed.

At the end of the day, the bell would ring all throughout the school, and Sensei Ultra said, "Don't forget to do your homework or me and the librarian will teach you runts how to take pain."

The class nodded fast, "Yes, Sensei!"

The students started walking out of the classroom, along with the other students through the school, walking out of their classrooms.

Naomi was already outside in the front, and she got in a car, and she was driven away by her aunt and uncle.

Tengen was about to walk out the classroom, but he was stopped by Sensei Ultra.

Tengen said, "Huh?"

Ultra asked, "You've been spacing out all day like a crazy ass hyena. What's your deal?"

"What? Nothing. Completely fine. Tch, I'm always fine."

"Not when you make it noticeable, runt. I'm your teacher for a reason, you gotta talk to me about shit."

"I'm fine, Ultra. Let me be."

Tengen walked out of the classroom, Ultra watched him.

Akira was walking up to Ultra, and he said, "Aunt Ultra!"

Ultra answered, "What's the matter? You growing pubic chest hairs? You lost your virginity?"

"N-No! None of that! I have two things to tell you."

"Well, what are you waiting for brat? Hit me."

Akira cleared his throat, "First things first, I passed the second harsh test Licht put me through this morning."

"Oh really?"


"What did he make you do?"

"Made me drive on a four wheeler and go over 60 miles an hour so his giant red dog in the backseat wouldn't attack me. Which it did, and it hurt, but it was kinda fun!"


"Mhm!" Akira nodded and smiled fast.

"You're covered in bruises and cuts, tests do seem intense. If you die, I'll kill Licht myself. Make sure you tell that bastard that. Overall, good job, nerd. I'm actually happy for your ass. Don't FUCK it up. I SWEAR IF YOU DO-!"

"I won't! I'll try my best to pass each test. I got two more tests left, with the third one starting tomorrow after school."

"You want one of my golden spears?"


"Just in case Licht tries talking shit about me, I want you to combine your wraps to the spear and impale him through the face. I'll spoil you, nephew."

Akira laughed nervously, "Haha, no I can't do that."

"Yeah, cause it's a murder. How could you think of doing something like that, Akira?"


"I don't recall, honestly. What was the other thing you wanted to tell me?"

"Oh! Right! Um.."

Akira whispered in Ultra's ear, "My Third Eye came out this morning. I didn't try to bring it out on purpose..it just came out when I was little…pissed. But I feel like that's not the real reason. And I kinda wanted to pee my pants."

"Welp, that just goes to show they don't call you Third Eye Man for nothing."

"I'm serious!"

"Mmm. How did you feel when it came out?"

"After it came out, I felt like fighting. But I was easily able to suppress it by calming myself down. If I hadn't done that, I probably would've hurt someone. I felt so much power rushing through me, I kinda like….had the urge to just release it all."

"But..you can control your third eye?"

"Yeah, kinda…I guess. It's too soon to say that u can control it, haha. But I still need to study the trigger for it coming out. I know it's probably because I got a little pissed, but I've been pissed before and it didn't come out. But when I fought my Yōkai clone during the Ukine battle, it came out because I was super pissed. But I wasn't as pissed today as I was then, and the Third Eye came out."

"What about the headaches? You got a headache from using the Third Eye last time."

"Maybe it's gone? I hope so! Haha! The head pains from the Third Eye really hurt. Badly."

"Well, if you can control it, that's a good sign. Me and your parents are still kinda looking for more info on the Third Eye curse, so hang in there. Do whatever you can to keep it intact. Understand, dork?!"

Akira stood straight while saluting, "Yes, Aunt Ultra!"

"Mhm. Now go home."

"Y-Yes! Thank you, see ya!"

Akira jogged out of the classroom, and Ultra thought, 'So damn jolly like it's Christmas or something. Guess that's not a bad thing. Bless his little heart.'

(15 minutes later)

Akira was walking on a sidewalk, surrounded by buildings, and a four way interaction with stop lights and cars.

Akira had his hands in his pockets, thinking, 'Today was..crazy. Really crazy. Too much happened, and I haven't seen Shin much. Wonder if he's alright. I'll go ahead and call him.'

Akira was about to pull out his phone, but someone screamed at him, "Kid! Watch out!"

Akira looked forward, "Huh?"

Akira looked to the left, and saw a big white moving truck zooming at him, and the headlights were glowing red.

The truck literally said, "Akira!!!"

Akira gasped, and he made his wraps form on his body.

Akira jumped over the truck, and the truck sped past him.

Akira's hair turned white, his glasses fell off, and his eyes went red with "X" shaped pupils.

Akira turned around, looking at the truck.

"Did that truck just speak?!!!"

The civilians nearby exclaimed:

"That truck really spoke!"

"What the-?!"

The truck stopped in the middle of the road, and it swerved around, shining its glowing red headlights at Akira. And there was no driver in any of the seats inside of the truck.

The truck said, "Behold! I am Truck-Kun! I am on a mission, to do what I am called to do by my own nature and history! I am to isekai all strong humans to another world! Which I believe is out there! Once you get isekai'd, save the kingdom or princess or whatever, and come back to earth and tell me if there is a fantasy kingdom type world! That's all I want! Now..Akira…I'm gonna need to go ahead and Isekai your ass, now stay still so I can squish you!"

Akira replied, "You picked the wrong opponent, Truck-Kun! Seriously, I could literally one punch you like Saitama."

"You may think so, but my truck armor is indestructible!"

"Why do you want to know if there is a fantasy world out there or not? You must've read a lot of isekai manga. Don't worry, me too! Friends?!"

"Don't be foolish! How weird is it for a truck to be reading a manga, you fucking nerd! And I want to know if there is a fantasy world out there like it is stated in the moving pictures on the screens! Once it is confirmed, then my goal has been fulfilled!"

"Sorry, just be trying to be nice. Mr. Truck-Kun sir."

Akira thought, 'I can sense life in this truck. Not anything artificial in him, he is indeed a truck that is alive, like a living thing.'

Truck-Kun continued, "I've isekai'd many before you! Wanted to tell you that so you wouldn't feel lonely or special! So far, no one has come to me to declare the existence of a fantasy world!"

"You've killed others..? Yeah, you gotta go."

Akira's head started to hurt badly, and he fell to his knees. He held his head hard, and he gritted his teeth.

"Why now?! This is stupid! So unfair!"

'The headache came late! My Third Eye came on in class, and NOW the headache wants to come now out of all times?! Duuuumb!'

Truck-Kun raced towards Akira, with its tires screeching on the ground.

Akira said, "Screw it, let's fight! If you win, just know it wasn't fair and I have a really really bad headache!"

"Get isekai'd!"