
These guys are crazy! (Chat group)

A guy is reincarnated in a Chinese novel world, as a "protagonist", however, the type of novel is in which the real protagonist is the villain, so in countless occasions several villains will try to suppress and torture him, however, they do not know that the original protagonist was replaced by a reincarnated and also this reincarnated is not alone.

The_Immortal_King · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Chapter 9

But, anyway, I'd really love to know how those guys classify women's beauty. I don't know, maybe it's more interesting than it seems at first glance.

Perhaps it's not just about appearance, but also about the health of these women.

Although by health, I'm actually referring to their physical well-being, since mentally, most of them have issues. But if it's not just about appearance and involves the physical health of women, then I would be quite amazed.

Because I've never read a Chinese novel in my life where the protagonist says, "That woman has over 98 points, let's end up together," but somehow realizes that she has a terminal illness.

In any case, I'm genuinely interested in knowing what women with a perfect score are like.

You know, a score of 100. I'm not trying to find and seduce her or anything like that, but purely out of curiosity.

I mean, now that I have a woman in front of me with an appearance score of over 90, I think I can confidently say that a woman with a score of 90 should be equivalent to someone who looks like they came out of an anime or something like that.

So I'm curious to know what women with a score of 100 or even higher look like. Even though the policewoman has an appearance score of 97, she usually covers it up with makeup, and according to the novel, with makeup, she has a maximum score of 90 (which is already high compared to ordinary women). And even if she were to remove her makeup, I wouldn't find her very attractive, mainly because of the impression I have of her from the novel.

(Anyway, this world is vast, and I'm sure I'll get to see it in my life... although... just in case, Da Vinci, you have to remind me when a woman with a perfect appearance of 100 points or even higher appears because I'm really curious about how she looks), I thought to myself while having a small question in my head about how to get out of this place without being harassed by the reporters who already had their sights on me, while also averting my gaze from the troublesome girl and the tasteless villain.

[Congratulations, you completely ignored Chu Yanling and Su Qinlong, luck +30]

[Congratulations, you made Su Qinlong doubt life, luck +60]

[Congratulations, you caused internal conflicts in Su Qinlong, luck +40]

(Huh? Oh, right, I completely ignored this system) I thought to myself, considering invoking my system panel that Da Vinci had created for me and affectionately named "SCREW YOU, VILLAINS."

However, before I could think of anything else, I saw the name Su Qinlong, which wouldn't have made much of an impression if it weren't for Da Vinci recently showing me the novel's script, which had stuck in my head quite strongly.

If I recalled correctly, this guy was a typical office worker who didn't take care of his physical appearance and had a crush on the secretary of my current fiancée's cosmetics company (who, in a couple of hours, will undoubtedly be an ex-fiancée). But currently, the guy looked very different from how the novel described him.

In the novel, he had a large belly, wore disheveled clothes, and was often covered in sweat, making wherever he went stink. But the guy who was here was quite slim, well-groomed, and judging by how Chu Yanling was close to his body, it didn't seem like he had body odor.

However, all of this was something I really didn't care about, as having read so many Chinese novels in my past life, I think I have an idea of what this guy is trying to achieve by asking someone out who has an appearance score just 2 points below Chen Qingyi's secretary (my current fiancée).

After all, this guy was quite persistent and detailed with the secretary, and if this guy suddenly disappeared, stopped giving her small details, and changed his appearance to a handsome and confident one, I think she would undoubtedly feel strange and start thinking about other things.

As for why this guy is trying to disturb my life, I think it goes without saying that it's mainly because in the original script, I took away his love interest and framed him, along with several other people, for a serious fund embezzlement. Actually, from what I know about the novel, this guy had nothing to do with it, but many of the guys on his team whom he worked with did, so he got caught in the middle mainly because the original wanted to take both the secretary and the company's boss.

But at least for me, that wasn't of interest. So I simply glanced at all the reporters for a moment before realizing that behind them, several large black cars had stopped, and several men in suits, some carrying briefcases, began to get out of them, walking directly toward the reporters. Those with briefcases went straight to the police officers. Seeing that all of this would be troublesome, I looked for a bench and went to sit there because I didn't want to get into more trouble than I already had, while opening my system since I had been ignoring the two systems I had, so I decided to check them, starting with the lesser intensity, which was obviously the "SCREW YOU, VILLAINS" system that Da Vinci gave me to entertain myself.

[Name: Ren Oboro/Ye Tian

Age: 18 years old

Abilities: Unknown

Strength: Enhanced human

Luck: 7,560]

Looking at the huge amount of luck I had, I began to feel very curious and, above all, happy about how my luck had increased so much. I didn't feel like I had done many things, although going from 100 points to over 7,500 points in such a short period of time is simply incredible, but I'm still a bit far from those protagonists with over 10,000 luck points, but the distance is getting closer. So, out of curiosity, I entered the message history.

"This is unfair."

"Hey, officers, do something."

"Stop, you can't take my camera, it's private property."

"Wait, I swear that's not mine."

"Stop right there, all of you! Who are you and why are you seizing these people's belongings?!" (Do I even need to say who this character is?)

"That's great, someone finally comes to bring justice."

"That's right, miss officer."

"Special Division of the State, we are acting under the *** paragraph **** of the law..."

"I don't care who you are, return their belongings to these people. They-"

"Miss, you are under arrest for obstructing the law."

"You, you're asking for death!"

"That's right, miss officer, hit them."


(And now, what's all that noise?) Just before I could see the message history, I suddenly heard a bunch of complaints from various people, so I looked up and realized that the men in suits were starting to seize all the cameras and recording devices from the reporters. They even took small bags with white powder from some of them.

But before I could think of anything else, I suddenly saw a policewoman running by, whom I recognized almost immediately. However, the corners of my lips couldn't help but twist as I saw that even after showing her identification, the policewoman tried to make these men stop, only to be arrested on the spot.

However, it seemed like the policewoman had some kind of shock. In the moment she was told she was under arrest, she suddenly kicked the man in black in the neck. The man in black simply raised his arm, blocking her leg, before kicking her other leg and knocking the policewoman down. They quickly surrounded her and put handcuffs on her.

[Congratulations, your subordinates have arrested Zhou Zimai, luck +400]