
These guys are crazy! (Chat group)

A guy is reincarnated in a Chinese novel world, as a "protagonist", however, the type of novel is in which the real protagonist is the villain, so in countless occasions several villains will try to suppress and torture him, however, they do not know that the original protagonist was replaced by a reincarnated and also this reincarnated is not alone.

The_Immortal_King · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Chapter 8

"Of course I am detaining him, he is the only suspect in the death of that man over there. I can't let him go free, especially considering his behavior. This is too suspicious and obviously requires further investigation," said the policewoman arrogantly as she pushed me violently, attempting to knock me to the ground. But obviously, it wasn't working as my body reacted accordingly, preventing her from doing so.

"Zhou Zimai, you may do things as you please where you come from, but this is my city, so I order you to release Academician Ye," said the police officer, his teeth grinding audibly. I never thought I would see veins so prominent with anger on someone's face.

It was literally like watching a couple of worms moving under his skin, but anyway, his words gave me a lot of information.

Now I knew that this policewoman was one of the over 100 members of the original script's harem.

She is the only daughter of Zhou Yiming, the richest man in the demon capital, or whatever the capital of this place is called. But the point is that she "doesn't like bad people," so she became a police officer to do good regardless of how much money and influence the suspects had because, given her father's status, no one would dare to touch her.

But it turns out to be ironic because the person in charge of the entire underworld in the capital is her beloved and respected father, who wouldn't harm a fly.

Anyway, it's really absurd, because even when her father dies and she finds out, she denies everything and does everything possible to "clear" her father's name, which obviously involves incriminating someone else.

In the end, to clear her name, they condemn the butler who took care of her and looked after her as if she were his own daughter since she was a child because, for some reason, it was easier for her to blame the person who cared for her with all his soul but had no blood relation than her biological father, who never cared about her.

I mean, halfway through the novel, her father had already given her up for dead because one of his competitors in the underworld realized her true identity and tried to blackmail him with his daughter.

If it weren't for the protagonist and the butler, who moved heaven and earth to save her, she would have died.

(Suddenly I feel dirty being touched by this woman), I thought to myself with disgust, as I exerted some force with my hands to free myself from the policewoman's grip, who seemed completely caught off guard by the sudden burst of strength, almost stumbling to the ground.

"YOU—" the policewoman said disapprovingly, looking at me with fury as if she were staring at a criminal. However, her words stopped in her throat when she realized I was looking at her like a piece of food that had been sitting out for over two weeks, covered in mold and emitting a putrid odor that you wouldn't even want to get close to.

"That's enough, Officer Zhou. You are relieved of your duties for the rest of the day. And what do you all think you're doing? Gather all the necessary evidence. This place must be cleared by 3 PM," said the male officer, looking disapprovingly at the policewoman before walking towards the crowd of police officers who seemed to be watching the spectacle.

I simply sighed and started walking towards the exit, feeling like most beautiful women in this world had some kind of mental disorder.

However, as I walked towards the entrance, I noticed that it was packed with a bunch of reporters trying to push past the police officers and get statements.

And looking at all these people, I suddenly felt as if something had tugged at my eyeballs, and my gaze focused on a young couple in their early twenties who were watching everything with great curiosity. However, my gaze wasn't directed at these two people per se, but rather at the young woman, as she was quite beautiful.

So, with just that and considering the current situation, I realized she was probably the woman who was supposed to steal from me at the beginning of the novel, although there was something that puzzled me a bit.

To be clear, it wasn't just one thing that puzzled me because when I was in slow-motion mode, I thought the woman arguing with her boyfriend near the entrance was Chu Yanling (the woman who was supposed to steal from me), but she disappeared as soon as Liu Hong started shouting for help.

On the other hand, the other thing that puzzled me a bit is that apparently, the person she was walking with wasn't the person she was supposed to be with in the first place.

Although the latter isn't a big deal since I'm at least 80% sure he's one of the guys trying to take away my luck. As for why I'm only 80% sure, it's actually quite simple. It's because Chu Yanling has nothing going for her.

By this, I mean that unlike the other girls who have something outstanding about them, this girl doesn't.

In fact, as far as I know from the novel, she's only good for having sex because, despite being very beautiful, she's very daring and that's why she and the protagonist got into a lot of trouble.

So, literally, she's just a tool to advance the plot, with no other use.

But she's not even a very good tool because everything she does could easily be done by anything or even an animal, and I would feel that an animal fits better since at least an animal doesn't understand the consequences of its actions, unlike a human being.

Anyway, she doesn't really have much value in the protagonist's harem, even if she's considered a goddess by everyone, because she's actually the ugliest one in the entire harem. The lowest rating, excluding her, is 95.

Although I really don't know how this guy rates a woman's beauty in these worlds. I mean, personally, I like girls with a chocolate skin tone, and if a woman has a good body, a chocolate skin tone, and, I don't know, if I get really extravagant, white hair, then she's basically perfect for me visually. But I also wouldn't know how to classify her since what really interests me is her personality. After all, I don't think you'd like to know that your wife left you because a guy with more money than you came along.

But if the typical Chinese protagonist saw her and gave her a score, I highly doubt she would pass 80 points. After all, I've never seen a novel with a heroine with dark skin. And if they do have dark or tanned skin, they somehow cultivate immortality and become white. You know, Chinese stuff.

Sorry for the delay, it's been a pretty busy day today

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