
These guys are crazy! (Chat group)

A guy is reincarnated in a Chinese novel world, as a "protagonist", however, the type of novel is in which the real protagonist is the villain, so in countless occasions several villains will try to suppress and torture him, however, they do not know that the original protagonist was replaced by a reincarnated and also this reincarnated is not alone.

The_Immortal_King · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Chapter 7

"It's fine, that's all we needed. You're free now. The investigation of this case will continue, and we may need to contact you again during the investigation," said a police officer with a strange expression as he looked at me in the face. However, he wasn't the only one confused because I was also perplexed.

It wasn't because the police officer was staring at me strangely or that I had been detained to give a statement, but rather because of what had just happened barely half an hour ago.

When the piranha solution fell on Liu Hong's face, his face literally started to disintegrate, crumbling into pieces, while the piranha solution turned into black liquid. This caused many people to faint in shock.

And it was no wonder, with screams of fear and pain, along with the skinless face rapidly corroded by the black liquid, from the neck, shoulders, and even further down, quickly losing the skin and exposing the muscles, fat, and above all, the veins, which also corroded, causing Liu Hong's blood to gush out. Meanwhile, his eyes were also being dissolved; it was not a pleasant sight.

In fact, I could see that out of the more than 60 people on the platform, at least 10 fainted directly.

Children began to cry at the top of their lungs, and even some adults who were about to enter the station ran away as if their lives depended on it.

I'm sure most people here soiled their pants in one way or another.

However, amidst all the chaos and fear, there I was, simply observing with great curiosity as Liu Hong quickly disintegrated and died in a puddle of black acid and blood, which had corroded his face and left his skull exposed. His trachea was being burned by the piranha solution along with his carotid arteries, causing him to bleed out and die faster.

And that's what puzzled me. In my previous life (not the one in the world billions of years in the future), I was not a bad person, nor was I exposed to murders or anything of the sort.

The closest I came to witnessing a murder was when I helped my uncle in the butcher shop, although occasionally I helped him slaughter some pigs, but that was it.

I didn't even like horror movies very much because after watching one, I wouldn't be able to sleep well for at least a couple of days.

But now, I had witnessed a scene worthy of a horror movie that would undoubtedly win the prize for the scene that made the most people faint or soil their pants.

But no, I wasn't scared at all. In fact, the only thoughts running through my mind were, "This thing is much more potent than I remembered," "Their screams are becoming annoying; my ears hurt," "I'm hungry; I want to eat some fried chicken," "I wonder if someone will come for me at the station," or even something more terrifying to me, "Amazing, people's vitality in this world is much higher than I expected. They no longer have flesh on the front of their skulls; their eyes and tongues have already dissolved, and even most of the throat has disintegrated, yet they are still alive."

According to Da Vinci, this is normal for me, as in my previous life, I experienced and witnessed much worse situations.

Therefore, something like this was simply normal and even mild for me.

However, that doesn't change the fact that I was left staring with "childlike curiosity" as Liu Hong died consumed by acid until he died.

"I understand, thank you," I said absentmindedly as I got up from my seat, grabbed my backpack, and walked towards the door, still somewhat distracted, trying to assimilate the changes that had occurred in my personality.

But I didn't really have much to consider since I couldn't change what had happened to me in that past life.

I could only try to better myself, so I simply tried to suppress the negative feelings I had, which surprisingly proved to be easy.

I smiled ironically at how easily I could bury my thoughts, but I hid that small smile before opening the door because considering everything that had happened, it would be bad if I were seen smiling.

Once I opened the door, I realized that, except for the police officers securing the scene, all the other people had been evacuated.

I could see some forensic investigators near the corpse, trying not to vomit, but it was evident that they had failed several times, given their pale faces and the faint sour smell in the air, so I tried to leave quietly, trying not to draw attention.

However, it was clear that wasn't going to be possible as soon as I opened the door. More than one police officer stared at me completely frozen, either because of how I looked or the calmness I showed in the face of everything that had happened. I sighed before starting to walk towards the exit.

Sound of hurried footsteps

"Where do you think you're going? You're under arrest as the prime suspect in the death of businessman Liu Hong."

A strong female voice was heard as she grabbed both of my hands tightly, trying to push me to the ground. However, to her misfortune and my good luck, my body instinctively reacted, and I assumed a position that made it impossible for the policewoman to move me, although she continued to try to push me to the ground, while I myself was filled with questions in my head.


For my luck or misfortune, before I could ask anything, the furious voice of the previous police officer resounded, which sincerely saved me from a lot of trouble reasoning with this female officer.

If it's already difficult to reason with a woman, I don't even want to know how difficult it would be to reason with a policewoman.