
These guys are crazy! (Chat group)

A guy is reincarnated in a Chinese novel world, as a "protagonist", however, the type of novel is in which the real protagonist is the villain, so in countless occasions several villains will try to suppress and torture him, however, they do not know that the original protagonist was replaced by a reincarnated and also this reincarnated is not alone.

The_Immortal_King · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Chapter 5

This slow-motion state allowed me to notice many small details.

I could see the security guards running slowly towards the direction of the fat man, the surprised expressions of people in the background, and even in the distance, I could see some flies moving their wings very slowly. Near the train station entrance, I could even see a young couple arguing.

But the most important thing for me was that the flying bucket spilled the liquid it contained. This made me pay close attention because I knew that this slow-motion state was temporary, and I didn't want to get dirty, even though I was still about 5 meters away.

To my surprise, it wasn't urine and feces that flew out of the bucket as I initially thought, which left me quite confused. However, what really surprised me was that, from my point of view, there were two different liquids in the air.

One of the liquids was completely transparent, as if it were just water, which seemed strange to me. But judging by the fat man's attitude, it couldn't be anything good. The other liquid did appear to be urine, as it had a slight brownish-yellow color. However, something in my head told me it wasn't urine, and somehow, I felt that if I kept thinking about it, I would figure out not only the name of this liquid but also the names of the two liquids in the air. But right now, I couldn't care much about that.

I was curious as to why there were two different liquids in the same bucket. Well, obviously, the seemingly normal bucket had a partition inside, but what was this fat guy trying to achieve?

However, it was precisely at that moment when I saw two drops of these two liquids make contact that I witnessed both liquids, out of nowhere, seeming to start boiling. It was just like when I kicked the piece of paper on the ground, something inside my head gave me the answer.

I didn't know if this something was Da Vinci or my own memories, but I knew what these two liquids in the air were.

The transparent one that looked like water was hydrogen peroxide, also known as oxygenated water, while the second one was sulfuric acid.

Individually, they are not a big problem. The first one cannot cause serious issues upon contact with the skin, except for some skin dryness and hair discoloration. And the second one, although it can cause severe damage to the skin, is nothing compared to what you get when you combine both.

Because you get what is commonly known as "piranha solution," which is an acid that can dissolve almost any organic tissue with great ease. What's worse, the way this fat guy is carrying it is even worse than a stable piranha solution, as the piranha solution is particularly effective during the exothermic reaction, when the two liquids are mixed.

(Note: I'll leave a small gif or a link to a video here showing what happens when meat comes into contact with piranha solution.)

At that moment, it can literally dissolve a piece of meat within seconds. So, at this moment, the first thing I wanted to do was to get away from this place as quickly as possible, as I was sure that the piranha solution would splash onto my feet.

[Actually, you don't have to worry. Your current body is not exactly the same as an ordinary human body. Even if the piranha solution falls on you, you will only feel a little heat because you haven't undergone the level 1 transformation yet. You also don't have to worry about the piranha solution splashing onto other people. Fortunately, the other people had already moved away when they saw Liu Hong walking towards you.]

Da Vinci's words surprised me a little, but not too much, as I expected Da Vinci to show up and save the day. However, when I heard the name of the fat man, I was astonished because I remembered him quite well.

This fat man was the best friend I was supposed to have made according to the novel's script. He was the owner of a fairly large pharmaceutical company worth over 10 billion yuan, and he was not much older than me. In fact, his parents had died not long ago, and that's why he inherited the pharmaceutical company at such an early age.

The reason the original me and Liu Hong became friends was actually quite simple. They had similar tastes and similar flirting techniques. The original me used his appearance, while Liu Hong used his fortune. You know, birds of a feather flock together.

Anyway, something strange is going on here. Obviously, I hadn't seen him before, but he seems to hold a deep grudge against me. Although I would like to think more about this, I didn't have much time because I could see the two liquids slowly merging and beginning to fall.

So, I tried to move my body while in slow-motion mode, and to my surprise, it was incredibly easy. Or at least much easier than I expected. Although I still felt a lot of resistance, as if I were walking against a strong wind, I didn't move as slowly as I thought. In fact, it was quite the opposite. If I could somehow maintain the slow-motion state, I was confident I could run through the entire station and catch all the flies in less than 30 seconds. Or at least, that's how it felt.

But of course, this was just my illusion. I could feel the great fatigue it caused my body to maintain this speed of movement. It felt like I was walking against a strong wind. So, I settled for getting away from the splash radius of the piranha solution. Although I trust Da Vinci, I don't want my clothes to have holes so soon, especially in a public place.

Once I ran a certain distance, I turned around to see what was going to happen next. Although it may seem like I'm cold-hearted for not saving Liu Hong, this guy brought it upon himself. Besides, the piranha solution was already very close to his face when he slipped, so even if I wanted to, I couldn't save him. I don't know his exact weight, but I assume he easily exceeds 100 kilograms, and I already feel absurdly tired after running a few meters at this speed. I can't even imagine trying to carry him while running.

Not to mention that this guy wasn't particularly a good person either. In the novel, it's implicitly mentioned that he keeps several girls he finds attractive kidnapped in his house. He also has a tendency to ruin the families of girls who reject him for being "fat." Though, truthfully, the novel gave me the impression that he is rejected most of the time due to his attitude towards women. But from Liu Hong's perspective, it's almost the same.

(Hey Da Vinci, before you deactivate the "slow-motion" mode, I want to ask you a question. Did you set up this fat guy to become my enemy?) I asked with a complex feeling in my heart, as I didn't know if Da Vinci had misunderstood what I wanted for my new life.