
These guys are crazy! (Chat group)

A guy is reincarnated in a Chinese novel world, as a "protagonist", however, the type of novel is in which the real protagonist is the villain, so in countless occasions several villains will try to suppress and torture him, however, they do not know that the original protagonist was replaced by a reincarnated and also this reincarnated is not alone.

The_Immortal_King · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Chapter 4

[Actually, you don't have to worry about not having a goal. You can find one along the way, but if you truly feel that this world is small and you don't believe you'll achieve a goal, then I can grant you one of the systems I collected while your soul was wandering in space. It may not be the best or the strongest, but with a little modification, I believe this will be the best chat group for you.

By the way, I recommend that you try to control your expressions more, as without my help, many people would currently be doubting your mental health... although, well, I suppose there's a lot to take in. Anyway, it's a pleasure to help you conceal your expressions, but consider using your cell phone or a book to keep them unnoticed most of the time.]

(Note: I want to clarify that although this seems to be going down the harem route, I honestly have no idea which route it will take since I write as things come to me or seem interesting).

[Congratulations, you have become the administrator of the chat group for girls].

[Congratulations, you have gained all the benefits of being the administrator].

[5 random invitations have been sent].

Listening to Da Vinci's words, I finally reacted and realized that, without his help in concealing my facial expressions, there would be several people on the train right now giving me strange looks due to my constantly changing expressions.

And it's not without reason. I literally just woke up after my death, and I've been told that my body was destined to be an ordinary jerk who would bed any pretty girl that crossed his path.

Not only that, but I also found myself in quite a peculiar situation, as I now had a "system" that I had created in my previous life and that was helping me reshape the world so that the same fate wouldn't repeat itself.

So I was quite grateful to Da Vinci for the help he had given me in concealing my facial expressions. However, just as I was about to thank him, I saw a translucent screen appearing in front of me.

(…Da Vinci, you're the best), I said to myself with joy, as I looked with a pair of bright eyes at the messages on the translucent screen, before a simple chat screen resembling a certain green messaging application's web version appeared in front of me.

[I know, I hope you enjoy your new system. If you need any more help, remember to call me, and above all, control your expressions, as I'll stop controlling them in 30 seconds. By the way, your train has arrived at its destination, don't forget your backpack and wallet].

Hearing Da Vinci, I suddenly snapped out of my little daydream and excitement. I quickly grabbed my backpack and checked that my wallet was still in place before getting up from my seat. I looked out the window and saw that we had already arrived at a fairly crowded train station, feeling like I was still in a dream.

But that couldn't matter less to me, as I was very happy at this moment. It showed in the small excited smile on my face. So, ignoring all the momentarily stunned people staring at me, I stepped out of the train car and quickly moved away from the people trying to get in, finding myself in a rather ordinary train station, to say the least.

You know, it's the typical things you can find in a train station. People boarding and disembarking, some brochures or scraps of paper lying around, a few policemen, and several people buying tickets in the distance. Meanwhile, some people were cleaning the floor, trying to keep the train station tidy.

However, my observation of the train station didn't last long, as out of nowhere, I felt a strong resentment coming from someone towards me. This made me unconsciously look in the direction of the person who obviously didn't have good intentions toward me, only to find a man in his late twenties or early thirties, severely overweight, dressed in a typical cleaning uniform, and holding a plastic bucket in his hand, walking toward me.

At first glance, this person didn't seem like the type to harm someone, as he appeared quite cheerful, always wearing a smile and seemingly unable to hurt a fly.

However, I could see a deep resentment in his eyes, as if he were looking at the person who ruined his life, which made me raise a big question mark above my head.

And that's because, theoretically, I shouldn't have left the mountain until now, or rather, I shouldn't have met this person unless Da Vinci had done something and hadn't told me. That's why I had to ask Da Vinci about it, to find out if he had set up some enemy for me or something like that. But the first thing I had to do was to distance myself from that guy, as I didn't want to end up covered in feces and urine.

I mean, I'm not sure what he has in the plastic bucket in his hand, but I'm sure it's not something good, especially considering that this is a typical Chinese novel with a protagonist who has an IQ of zero, and the authors of this kind of novels love to play with excrement and urine. So, I started walking in a different direction.

But just as I tried to change direction, I realized that this fat man was approaching me even faster. This alerted a couple of security guards who began walking toward him.

However, to my misfortune, this fat man seemed to have it all planned. As soon as he noticed this, he started running towards me with his eyes completely red, while I, on the other hand, was completely frozen. But just at that moment, I felt something inside me "click".

And before I could think of anything else, I gave a small kick to the ground, kicking one of the brochures lying on the floor. It landed right where the fat man was about to step, causing him to slip and send the plastic bucket flying into the air.

But as soon as the bucket was in the air, it was like the whole world froze. It was like those slow-motion videos, but unlike those videos where the image becomes darker as it slows down, my vision somehow became even brighter.