
These guys are crazy! (Chat group)

A guy is reincarnated in a Chinese novel world, as a "protagonist", however, the type of novel is in which the real protagonist is the villain, so in countless occasions several villains will try to suppress and torture him, however, they do not know that the original protagonist was replaced by a reincarnated and also this reincarnated is not alone.

The_Immortal_King · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Chapter 2

(Hey, Da Vinci... tell me... since you have the ability to access the script of the destiny of this universe, don't you have any way to make me get out of all this?) I asked with complete mental exhaustion, feeling useless even though I knew I wasn't the person Da Vinci was referring to.

And it's because literally, since the protagonist of this novel is an idiot who can't resist a girl, literally in the first chapter, when he gets off the train, he sees a girl who, according to the original, has a rating of 93 points, and he follows her like a stalker, punches her boyfriend, and takes her away running.

When I heard this from Da Vinci, I really felt the need to give myself a good slap in the face, as it seemed that the couple wasn't having a serious fight, but rather a typical couple's argument, like "you forgot to turn off the iron," but the original stole the other guy's girlfriend.

And the worst part is that he literally got the girl with just a few words and such bad lines that it sent a chill down my spine, but miraculously, they worked and the girl decided to break up with her boyfriend on the spot.

That's not the worst part. As the plot progresses, the protagonist, who supposedly knows about medicine, ends up drugged several times. On those occasions, he is sexually abused by different women and was even on the verge of being raped by one of the villains. If it weren't for the timely arrival of the police, everything would have ended badly.

But what bothers me the most is that, although you could argue that this makes sense because they had several plans to drug the protagonist, it's not really the case. In fact, most of the times he ends up drugged is due to his own arrogance and supposed resistance to poisons, which is useless 99% of the time. Moreover, it is usually treated as a bad joke, as he is supposed to have discovered that he is immune to poison because a venomous snake bit him and he didn't die from it.

However, as the plot progresses, you realize that the protagonist and his supposed master are really bad at what they do, and it is even very likely that they mistook the venomous snake for another non-venomous snake that looked similar.

The only thing I can say is that this guy's master had a lot, and I mean really a lot, of luck. It turns out he was a vagabond who found an ancient manual for healing people, and by chance, someone powerful's wife had an illness that the manual explained how to treat.

He was very lucky because people with "incurable diseases" literally kept showing up one after another, and this guy would cure them without even knowing what he was doing. It was literally the definition of "with this, even a pig could touch the sky."

But still, this so-called god of medicine died. And his death was really a mess, as it is implied in the book that this master tried to spy on this body while he was showering in the river, but he slipped and a sharp rock buried itself several centimeters deep right in the middle of his family jewels, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, this guy supposedly cured himself, but only worsened his wound. The wound got infected, started to rot, and due to his own arrogance of not seeking other doctors, he tried to treat himself again, only to poison himself and die. It was literally a poorly written comedy.

[Of course, I can. I just need you to give me an idea of what you want to modify to change it.]

Feeling a great burden lifted from my heart, I began to feel

a great relief upon hearing Da Vinci's response, while once again realizing how powerful Da Vinci is. However, I quickly started thinking about what I wanted Da Vinci to modify.

(I really have no idea what I want to modify, but I don't want to be the typical brainless protagonist who gets girls just because, and I definitely don't want to become the protagonist of the original novel...

If possible, it would be better if you even change my DNA so that I have no relation to the Ye family. That family is rotten to the core, I don't even know how it manages to stay intact with all its internal conflicts and plots...

Although it would be nice to have an organization that supports me, I don't want to go back to university... God, I don't even know if I'm asking for too much, but I really don't want to go through all the inconveniences that the original protagonist went through in the novel.)

Thinking about that, I really didn't know if I was asking for too much or if everything I asked for was beyond what Da Vinci could do, but I had a glimmer of hope in my heart. Although not much, because if it wasn't possible, at least I would like to have another identity.

I highly doubted that I would make the same mistakes as the novel version, as my values are completely different from the original owner of this body. At the very least, I wouldn't show off every moment and wouldn't seek trouble at every step, especially knowing all the problems that come with it.

(Understood. Then I will start creating your new identity along with all the necessary elements. In the meantime, enjoy some of your favorite music.)