
These guys are crazy! (Chat group)

A guy is reincarnated in a Chinese novel world, as a "protagonist", however, the type of novel is in which the real protagonist is the villain, so in countless occasions several villains will try to suppress and torture him, however, they do not know that the original protagonist was replaced by a reincarnated and also this reincarnated is not alone.

The_Immortal_King · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Chapter 1

(Well, so you're telling me that basically, I died, reincarnated into another world billions of years more advanced than my original world, is that right?) I thought to myself as I looked ahead at the changing landscape outside the train, not even knowing how I got here in the first place. In theory, I became aware of this body a month ago, but my system, or at least that's what I think it is, rendered me unconscious and put me on autopilot during that entire time until just a few minutes ago.

[That's basically it. By the way, I would like you to refer to me as "Da Vinci," not as "System," as I am not a system naturally created by the universe or some god with a lot of free time. I am a "dumb" artificial intelligence that was created by yourself in ancient times.]

(Oh... I'm sorry, but, anyway, how is it that I'm supposedly in a futuristic world and this train seems to be falling apart? Literally, in the memories I have from a few hours ago, I saw how this train seems to be falling apart. The exterior is completely rusted... Don't tell me I'm in a Warhammer 40k-type universe) I thought to myself, feeling a chill run down my spine, as Warhammer-type universes are not made for normal humans.

I mean, they literally eat humans, and not just animals and plants, but even humans themselves are eaten as processed rations.

[Of course not, this is not a Warhammer 40k-type universe, so you can set aside your concerns. However, I must tell you that this is also not the "billions of years in the future" universe, as you died in that universe and reincarnated into this other universe, which is quite similar to the year 2010 in your original universe.

However, your reincarnation was not a conventional one. After your death, an energy entity that called itself "the will of heaven" found your soul and, by reading your false memories, found that the knowledge you acquired in your life could be useful to its favorite children.

Therefore, it shattered your soul into thousands of pieces, each with a different type of knowledge, and gave them to each and every one of them, bestowing upon them a great deal of abilities they shouldn't have had. However, that is of little importance, as from the moment "the will of heaven" found you and decided to fragment your soul, I placed your entire soul within a space you configured yourself and replaced the fragments of the soul with pure soul power with the designated memories recorded in them. Therefore, your soul currently has no issues and is in its best state.

As for how this body was obtained, it's actually quite curious. When the two parts of the soul made contact, the original soul of this body was instantly erased, as it is considered "the worst favorite child" (as stated by the entity known as "the will of heaven").

And despite being one of its favorite children, it only possesses four not-so-outstanding aspects that can even become disadvantages in certain specific situations.

The first is the knowledge of a large number of ancient healing methods. However, due to poor memory and judgment, the ability to perform these healing methods is deficient to the point where an infection can be confused with a tumor.

The second aspect is the connections left by your old medicine master throughout China, so you have a large number of powerful backers, of course, as long as you don't cause too many problems.

The third is your lineage, as you currently belong to the lineage of the patriarch of the ancient Ye family, so once the ancient Ye family becomes aware of your lineage, you will have access to

all the power of one of the four great families that control China, although you will need to go through many trials to obtain it, which is very inefficient and presents many risks.

And last but not least, the physical aspect of the current host's body, which, in the words of the entity known as "the will of heaven," looks so good that it even provokes lust and a strong desire for possession. Furthermore, you have the "tool" necessary to satisfy any woman of any race, which, of course, will earn you a great deal of support regardless of gender.]

Listening to Da Vinci's words, I began to understand why I felt a bit strange about this world being a Warhammer 40k-type world, as the world in my memories seemed quite peaceful. But again, I know there are a couple of worlds in Warhammer that are "peaceful" and serve as outlets for the powerful, but luckily, that doesn't seem to be the case here.

So I continued to pay attention to Da Vinci's words, but the more he spoke, the stranger I felt. Not only did I hear Da Vinci say that the will of heaven had shattered my soul and knowledge, but only at that moment did I start to react, realizing how broken I was in my previous life.

Not only had I managed to create something similar to a system that had traveled with me to my next life, but even this "system" I had created had fooled the will of heaven as if it had shattered my soul.

Although at the moment Da Vinci was talking about my supposed advantages, I began to feel much worse about these "outstanding aspects" of this body and even started to feel like an idiot, wondering how this guy managed to graduate from medical school if he can still confuse an infection with a tumor.

And the more Da Vinci spoke, the more astonished I became, as I was literally the template of the typical Chinese protagonist with little brains who expands his harem with any woman that moves, and everything I had was because it was given to me by my harem.

(... Da Vinci, just to confirm... this body never graduated from college, and it's the typical Chinese protagonist who practices medicine without a license and gets into trouble wherever he goes, right?) I asked mentally while resisting the need to slap myself in the face.

[Yes, that's exactly what it is, although in a very summarized way. However, you have to consider that your current body doesn't have a college degree mainly because you're only 18 years old. According to the design of fate, you would enter college because you got sexually involved with a university teacher, and she would find out that you don't have a degree to practice as a doctor, so she would force you to go to college.]

(God... suddenly, I don't know how to feel about this) I thought to myself as I watched the train come to a stop and several people paused at the door before their eyes briefly lit up before they quickly hid it and entered the carriage, occupying all the seats near me.

[To make things easier, I can give you the script of what was supposed to happen in this world according to the original fate's script. Would you like to know it?]

Hearing Da Vinci's words, I ultimately couldn't help but sigh before agreeing and starting to learn everything that was supposed to have happened in this world. But the more I learned about the original plot, the worse things were getting.