
These guys are crazy! (Chat group)

A guy is reincarnated in a Chinese novel world, as a "protagonist", however, the type of novel is in which the real protagonist is the villain, so in countless occasions several villains will try to suppress and torture him, however, they do not know that the original protagonist was replaced by a reincarnated and also this reincarnated is not alone.

The_Immortal_King · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Chapter 19

As soon as the two system notifications appeared, I felt a surge of energy coursing through my body. However, that surge of energy was like a rock thrown into a calm lake, sinking quickly and causing only small ripples in the water before they disappeared.

With a big smile of joy for the small but significant change in my body, I opened the system panel provided by Da Vinci.

[Name: Ren Oboro/Ye Tian

Age: 18 years old

Abilities: Unknown

Strength: Supernatural Human

Luck: 242,610]

"Amazing, Da Vinci. How lucky are top-level protagonists?" I asked with great curiosity as I took out the accessories from the bag that came with the suit, like the tie and the watch. To my surprise, I somehow managed to put on the tie immediately.

[As I mentioned before, this body was originally one of the worst protagonists, so its luck was only 100 points, barely considered good. Protagonists who are only slightly superior to their previous version have luck ranging from 100 to 10,000 points, and from those 10,000 points of luck, they are considered basic protagonists. Intermediate protagonists have luck around 100,000 and above, advanced protagonists have a base luck of 1,000,000, while "pinnacle" protagonists have luck that started in the tens of millions at the beginning of the plot. However, I remind you that as the plot progresses, the luck of these protagonists will increase accordingly until they become beyond the control of the will of the heavens.]

"That's amazing. I really look forward to competing with those 'pinnacle' protagonists. Well, right now I will set a short-term goal for myself. By the end of the day, I must obtain 1 million luck points," I said to myself with joy, feeling that it was truly possible and that I would enjoy finding ways to increase my luck.

[Do you want to issue a mission?

Mission issuance cost: 50,000 luck points

Description: Maintain 1,000,000 or more luck points by the end of the day

Reward: Luck +1,000,000

Punishment: Luck -50,000]

"Hey, this looks interesting," I said as I looked at the mission that appeared in front of me. Seriously considering the mission, I didn't feel much pressure, as in the worst case, I would lose 100,000 luck points, while in the best case, I would gain 1 million points without doing anything.

Besides, it was around 1 PM, and my system had already started awarding me luck points in the thousands. I hadn't seen a number equal to or less than four digits in a while, so I still had several hours to reach 1 million points. I doubted that I couldn't achieve it because it hadn't even been 2 hours yet, and I had already accumulated over 200,000 luck points. Without much thought, I decided to issue the mission.

[Mission issued

Maintain 1,000,000 or more luck points by the end of the day

Reward: Luck +1,000,000

Failure punishment: Luck -50,000

Mission progress: 192,610/1,000,000]

[Congratulations, you have issued your first mission. Luck +10,000]

[Mission progress: 202,610/1,000,000]

Upon reading the message that appeared after accepting the mission, I felt that the system wasn't serious at all. It was literally rewarding me for every little action I took, but that didn't bother me in the least. In fact, I was happy about the increase in my luck because it never hurts to have a bit more luck just in case.

With a small smile on my face, I packed my old clothes into the backpack and headed toward the bathroom door. As I opened it, I realized that except for the police officers who were still guarding the door to prevent unwanted intruders, the other reporters who were at the door had "disappeared," meaning they were arrested inside the vans.

Although I was curious about the charges these guys had been arrested for, I didn't want to get involved in politics or something as troublesome as the law. So I looked at the man waiting right next to the door.

"Patriarch, the butler Da Vinci has already informed us of your schedule for today. President Noel is already on his way to Miss Chen's company, but he may arrive a few minutes late. So he asked me to extend his sincerest apologies," the man said, bowing deeply to me, which left me briefly perplexed because I didn't expect Da Vinci to take on a separate identity. But I didn't mind at all. After all, it wasn't a bad decision.

"Sure, no problem. If you have anything else to say, go ahead without thinking too much. It won't bother me at all," I replied, feeling that the man had something else to say. It was a strange feeling, but I could clearly sense all the emotions of the man in front of me, which would surely be useful to me in the future.

"Actually, I wanted to ask for permission to broadcast video and audio to the clan. Of course, if it bothers you, you can pretend I didn't say anything," the man said, kneeling down and looking at the ground as if expecting some kind of punishment.

"Sure, no problem," I responded with a sigh. I felt that all this formality was becoming increasingly uncomfortable as it seemed like I was interacting with some kind of servant.

"Thank you, Patriarch, for your understanding... If it's not too much trouble, I will guide you to the car," the man said, still on his knees. I could only sigh and say "Alright" before following the man to a rather luxurious black car. Although I didn't recognize the brand of the car, the man opened the door for me to get in. It was the first time someone had treated me so servilely, and it generated a strange feeling in me as I wasn't accustomed to it at all.

[Congratulations, you have successfully angered Zhou Zimai. Luck +5,000]

[Mission progress: 207,610/1,000,000]

"YOU! What did you order your men to do? Everything they did is illegal, it goes against the laws!" exclaimed an annoyed and rude voice from the back seat, which startled me a little. My heart skipped a beat as I wasn't expecting it, so I turned to see with a bewildered look who the source of that voice was, and I found a familiar face. But before I could say anything, the man who had been following me entered through the driver's door.

"Miss Zhou, unless you want to add more crimes to your already long criminal record, I suggest you remain silent. Otherwise, neither your butler nor your elderly father will be able to get you out of jail," the man said, and I felt an extremely strong and intimidating aura emanating from him. However, that aura felt quite familiar to me.

[Congratulations, one of your subordinates has successfully suppressed Zhou Zimai. Luck +10,000]

[Mission progress: 217,610/1,000,000]

(Isn't that the same aura my body had when I developed my death perception?), I thought to myself, feeling that it made sense for someone who looked so intimidating to be related to one of my "most dangerous" abilities, or at least in the early stages. But on the other hand, I was curious about the "criminal record of Officer Zhou" since it was never mentioned in the novel.