
These guys are crazy! (Chat group)

A guy is reincarnated in a Chinese novel world, as a "protagonist", however, the type of novel is in which the real protagonist is the villain, so in countless occasions several villains will try to suppress and torture him, however, they do not know that the original protagonist was replaced by a reincarnated and also this reincarnated is not alone.

The_Immortal_King · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Chapter 18

I apologize for the delay. I was busy these past two days, but I'm free again for a while. As compensation, here's a meme.

[Actually, it doesn't matter if I wondered or not, anyway, I was going to stop him as soon as I was sure he was going to inject himself with the Plastic Man serum because it's full of issues. Although they are not really serious issues, they have more to do with the energy source from which the energy to manipulate his own matter and structure is obtained. That's because, although I modified the chat system, I didn't modify much beyond leaving it in a stable test version, as I thought it would be more interesting for you to earn the upgrades for the group chat on your own. Although currently, the source of energy for all these powers comes from a "dead multiverse" of a multiversal god that has been eliminated long ago, and theoretically there shouldn't be any issues with using the energy from this multiverse, it's better not to put doors inside your body that can be opened by other people due to the history of your past life. So, if you agree, I could preserve the Plastic Man serum while releasing some of the restrictions I left in your soul to make your current body equivalent to the body you should have once you inject the serum.]

"Well, that explains a lot... Alright, Da Vinci, I'll take your option," I said to myself as I reflected a bit on the group chat, now understanding why it felt like it had been hastily put together with a basic YouTube tutorial, as even navigating through screens within the system felt cumbersome.

But, on the other hand, the option Da Vinci presented to me seemed great, though I was still curious about what capabilities would be bestowed upon me as I didn't quite remember Plastic Man. However, before I could dwell on it further, I suddenly began to feel as if something inside my body was starting to change.

No, it wasn't just that it was starting to change; rather, it was as if all my organs were churning, as if I had thrown them into a blender.

I had no time to dwell on this discomfort when suddenly I felt as if the interior of my body was completely filled.

The situation was strange to say the least, as it felt like my body was a mass of solid muscle, and I wasn't mistaken, as something deep within my soul seemed to have unlocked and was narrating the conditions of my current body to me.

It was like having hundreds of specialized doctors constantly reporting everything happening in your body in simple terms.

[Congratulations, your physical condition has improved drastically, luck +15,000]

The feeling was exhilarating, so I raised my right hand to the level of my head and stared at it intently as I made it larger and smaller quickly. I could even stretch my hand to the farthest wall of the bathroom without feeling any inconvenience.

To further test this newfound ability, I returned my hand to its original shape before making the fingers of my hand change shape, transforming into a variety of tools: hammers, screwdrivers, knives, and more.

I felt no discomfort when transforming my body; it was as simple as moving a finger.

No... more specifically, it was like curling the tongue or moving it from left to right. Although it was a bit awkward due to lack of practice, and many of the transformations were slightly deformed, it wasn't a big issue that couldn't be resolved with some practice.

But there was something bothering me, and that was the fact that I currently had no organs. And I'm not just talking about organs like the intestines, liver, heart, lungs, and more, which are in the torso, but rather all of them in general, including the brain, eyes, and many of the systems that keep the human body functioning properly.

Normally, if a human were missing any of these organs, they wouldn't live for long. And although I was a bit concerned about the absence of my organs, it wasn't a problem for me. You could say I didn't even need them anymore, as currently, each and every one of my cells could replace the functions of all my organs.

In a way, I was already a god, for "Gods don't bleed." And currently, my body didn't have a single drop of blood or any other liquid. Although I felt like I could recreate them if I wanted to, not to mention the cardiovascular, skeletal, and muscular systems that no longer made sense due to my new biology.

At this moment, I was somewhat like a "human slime" that could change shape, size, and density at will.

And although I could somehow clearly feel my nervous system running through every cell of my body, I felt that I could somehow control it, though the feeling was still a bit vague at the moment. But I believe it won't take long for me to grasp this feeling and truly control my current nervous system.

[Congratulations, due to your improved physical condition, your Evolution capacity has increased to 1 year per second, luck +100,000]

[Congratulations, due to your improved physical condition, your Transcendence capacity has increased to 1 year per second, luck +100,000]

"You've got to be kidding me," I said to myself, while looking incredulously at the last two messages, and feeling the corners of my mouth tremble uncontrollably. Before I could call up my system to check the amount of luck I had, a message suddenly appeared in front of me.

"My apologies for interrupting your thoughts, however, I believe that if this continues, you will soon forget about your bodily transformation. Therefore, if you don't mind, while you continue with your thoughts, I will start 'adding' the muscles you had in your past life to this body to make you feel more comfortable with your body."

"Ah, yes, thank you, Da Vinci," I said unconsciously, still feeling like I was floating in a dream, before suddenly feeling my body begin to tremble irrationally, at the same time as I saw the suit, which couldn't be filled even with two of me inside, suddenly start to fill up rapidly. To the point where it even seemed like the suit was tailor-made for my body.

But unlike the man standing at the door, to whom the suit gave a much more formal appearance, there was a strange and different feeling in me. It was as if I was suddenly filled with vitality and some oppressive but gentle and inevitable feeling.

[Congratulations, you have developed Perception of Life, luck +5,000]

[Congratulations, you have developed Perception of Death, luck +5,000]