
These guys are crazy! (Chat group)

A guy is reincarnated in a Chinese novel world, as a "protagonist", however, the type of novel is in which the real protagonist is the villain, so in countless occasions several villains will try to suppress and torture him, however, they do not know that the original protagonist was replaced by a reincarnated and also this reincarnated is not alone.

The_Immortal_King · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Chapter 17

"Hey, Da Vinci, don't you think these numbers are exaggerated? Crow and Priest have negative probabilities of completing the mission," I asked in astonishment.

I was surprised that two individuals possibly considered gods had negative numbers when facing "normal people" in this world.

I mean, the probability percentage of completing the mission isn't bad if we don't count them two. If we only consider Tony (95%) and myself (99%), the probability of completing the mission is around 97%. Even if Kakashi (31%) and Gunsmith (15%) were to join, although the completion rate drops to only 60%, they are still above halfway there.

But when you see Crow's -187% and Priest's -297%, it's crazy that we still have a 4.8% chance of completing the mission. In theory, we should have negative numbers, but apparently, we are not in negative numbers... I have no idea if that's a good or bad sign.

[Understood your doubts, and the reason why these people have negative numbers is quite simple. Regardless of whether they are "protagonists" or "villains," they are all protected by "the will of heaven" at the moment, making it impossible for other beings who are not protagonists/villains or similar to kill them. The reason why you and Tony Stark have a high chance of defeating the villains/protagonists is because both you and Tony Stark are protagonists and have your own aura of luck that protects you.

In the case of Kakashi and Kohta, it's a bit different since although they are not the protagonists of their world, they are close to the protagonist. Due to this close relationship, they share a bit of their luck aura, and their probabilities of completing the mission are related to their abilities.

But in the cases of Azazel and Miach, although both are very powerful, they are not protagonists in their respective worlds and are only common secondary characters. When they arrive in this world, they don't have the "approval" of "the will of heaven" to eliminate their protagonists/villains, so they are heavily affected by the auras of the protagonists/villains, which can reduce their intelligence, brainwash them, or increase their approval towards the mission's objectives.

The curious case of the 4.8% probability is mostly due to when you and the other three members with positive percentages work together, you form a "protagonistic group," which greatly increases your chances of completing the mission.]

"I see... So for now, we should avoid missions that involve directly confronting any of these guys in my world," I thought to myself as I returned to the group chat to deliver the bad news.

[Gentleman (Admin) has entered the room] [Gentleman: Hey, sorry to bring you bad news, but take a look at this: [Unmask the Truth Difficulty: ★ ★ ★ ★ ⭑ Probability of completion: 4.8% Individual probabilities of completing the task: Gentleman: 99% Iron Can: 95% Bakakashi: 31% Gunsmith: 15% Crow: -187% Priest: -297% Mission Description: ......] I think it's better if we choose another task unless we want to get into a lot of trouble.] [Crow: ( ゚д゚)] [Priest: (°□°)] [Iron Can: Well, although the above is very concerning, I need to know, how do they make those faces?] [Crow: No idea...] [Gentleman: Anyway, the mission will have to be postponed for later. How about we discuss this tonight? I have something to take care of in a bit.] [Iron Can: ... Fine] [Gentleman is offline]

"What a problem," I said to myself, thinking about the large number of missions we wouldn't be able to do for the time being. Meanwhile, I started unpacking my clothes and getting changed.

Although I was confident that we could handle most missions without much trouble in the future, it seems that currently, we can't accept a mission involving combat, as accidents could happen, let alone missions that involve facing the troublesome guys from my world.

After all, this isn't like those simple systems I had read about before, where enemies seemed to lack firearms, and if they did have them, they had terrible aim or the bullets were simply ineffective. This is the "real world," so I had to be careful with all the situations that might arise.

Because I'm quite certain that a bullet is more than enough to kill over half the group. Even in Kakashi's case, who has a superior physical constitution, I'm sure he could die if hit by a bullet. A kunai wound is not the same as a bullet wound, which brings with it a shockwave capable of injuring internal organs. And if it's a high-caliber pistol and it unluckily hits the bone of one of his limbs, his limb could be blown to pieces, and reconnecting it wouldn't be easy unless we're willing to pay a lot.

As for the other two, well, with Tony, I don't think I need to say more. He's just a regular person when he's not wearing his armor, a very intelligent person, but still within the limits of human capabilities when it comes to his body.

As for Kohta... Well, I don't even have the slightest idea who Kohta is, but apparently, he's just a regular person, although I don't rule out the possibility that he has a constitution superior to the average human, like me.

"This clothing really doesn't fit me," I said to myself, coming out of my thoughts as I looked at myself in the mirror. It seemed like the clothes were put on a stick figure because, although I was tall enough, my thin body couldn't fill them at all.

"If I remember correctly, I was given the Plastic Man serum as a starting gift... I don't remember it well, but if I'm not mistaken, this superhero should have the ability to modify his density at will, as well as stretch and change shape at will. It shouldn't be a bad idea to use it to build some muscles... right?" I said to myself as I re-entered the system and accessed my storage, which appeared quite ordinary if I can call it that because it was just a black space with a transparent glass tube containing a fluorescent green liquid that reminded me of adrenaline injections but on a larger scale.

So, I did what seemed most instinctive: I reached my hand into the black space that I shouldn't be able to touch since what I saw was only a mental representation of the true system. But... for some stupid reason, my arm entered the black space!

"If this closes by mistake, wouldn't it cut off my arm?" I asked myself as I took out the tube containing the Plastic Man serum. However, I quickly stopped worrying about that, at least for now, as I was really debating whether it was a good idea to inject myself with this thing.

I mean, I don't see many uses for this serum other than gaining muscles since I'm sure that with enough time, my control over my body should become equal to or even superior to that of the Plastic Man serum. Therefore, I did the most logical thing at this moment: I asked Da Vinci.

The chapter is late, but at least it arrived XD

Remember to leave me some power stones.

The_Immortal_Kingcreators' thoughts