
These guys are crazy! (Chat group)

A guy is reincarnated in a Chinese novel world, as a "protagonist", however, the type of novel is in which the real protagonist is the villain, so in countless occasions several villains will try to suppress and torture him, however, they do not know that the original protagonist was replaced by a reincarnated and also this reincarnated is not alone.

The_Immortal_King · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Chapter 16

[One of the members of the group chat is summoning you to join the meeting]

"???????" Looking back at the message that appeared before my eyes, I suddenly started to doubt what these guys in the chat group were up to, as it had not even been 30 seconds since I started exploring the group chat.

I hadn't even had time to check the options in the main menu, and they were already calling me again, so I entered with many doubts in my head.

[Gentleman (Admin) has entered the room]

[Iron Can: @Gentleman, don't leave, putting aside the porn books that were sent and the gender change discussions, we are deciding which mission to take, and we need your opinion since, after all, you are the only one who can authorize the mission.]

[Gentleman: Can we already go on missions? Or rather, have the missions been unlocked for us?]

I asked with a rather strange expression on my face, as I didn't expect there to be missions we could undertake because, from what I remember reading about group chat systems, missions usually arrive on the second day or a few hours later.

But in this case, it seems that only one hour has passed since this group chat became active, and there are already missions available.

And it's especially strange that we can choose which missions to undertake.

This, in a way, baffles me, as far as I remember, no group chat system I've read about allows you to choose which missions to undertake since they all have to be completed mandatorily.

[Priest: Yes, in the missions section of the menu, there is a list. In fact, you can also view them here with the command /missions. You can try it later. Anyway, the list of missions is also above here.]

[Gentleman: ...because suddenly I have the feeling that you guys are more like the administrators of this group chat than me.]

[Crow: Hahaha, don't worry, we have already explored this group chat for over an hour. You'll catch up later. Anyway, I vote for the mission "Descend to Floor 18 of the Orario Labyrinth."]

[Priest: Impossible. It's okay to descend to floors 8 or 9, but from floors 10 to 12, they are filled with mist, orcs, infant dragons, Silverbacks, and Hard Armoreds, and the floors beyond that are even worse. It's impossible to pass those floors without at least a couple of months of training in the best-case scenario and several years in the worst. Beings with divinity cannot enter the dungeon, or else it will cause a lot of problems, although my family might be useful for this, it will be problematic to go beyond floor 10 in a short time.]

[Crow: Tsk, what a problem. So, how about taking the mission "Save Anthony Stark"? It's the only one with a countdown at the moment.]

[Bakakashi: I like how the missions "Eliminate 10 Street Devils" and "Eliminate 10 Street Exorcists" sound. They shouldn't be too strong. They should be similar to the street ninjas in my world, and we can repeat them several times. Plus, they give 5 points for each exorcist or 10 points for each devil eliminated.]

[Iron Can: No, rejected. I don't want to risk my life without knowing the capabilities of everyone here. Besides, I'm not alone; I may have been a bad person before and didn't care, but right now, I don't want to harm this new friend who saved my life.]

[Crow: No, thanks. While eliminating 10 street devils/exorcists is not a big problem, the mission has a specific area where it has to be done, and that city is currently under the control of the devils. It requires a lot of paperwork to enter that city legally, not to mention interfering in political matters (eliminating devils/exorcists without apparent reason). And to be honest, I don't want to offend the brother and sister of the two rulers of that city, as if something goes wrong, it could cause a war... Right? Come on, cheer up, my good friend Stark! You should have more confidence in us.]

[Iron Can: ...says the guy who almost turned us into women...]

[Gunsmith: So... since we've ruled out "The Test of Valor" and "Develop Ninjutsu," how about we take the mission "Unmask the Truth"?]

[Crow: Come on, it wasn't my intention. Besides, I already apologized.]

[Priest: I don't think it's a bad idea, but according to the mission description, it seems like it's not just one target that we have to expose. Plus, it will be quite troublesome to gather all the evidence, show it to everyone, and convince them.]

[Iron Can: That's not really a problem if that world is in the internet age. But if there isn't enough evidence online and these people find a scapegoat, it will be difficult to complete the mission. @Gentleman, how advanced is your world?]

[Gentleman: Well, currently, we are in the year 2010, so the internet should already be booming. But what is the content of the mission?]

[Iron Can: Should be booming? So, you're not sure?]

[Bakakashi: If I recall correctly, the mission "Unmask the Truth" is an intelligence gathering mission that says several businessmen have started acting strangely in Gentleman's world. Therefore, we must gather information and expose it to the world. I don't think the mission is bad; I can use genjutsu to make them spill everything in case Iron Can's approach doesn't work.]

[Crow: True, I don't think it's a bad option either, and I can even do something similar to what Bakakashi suggests. There shouldn't be any problems extracting some information from a few people.]

[Priest: So it seems everything is ready.]

[Iron Can: Ready, @Gentleman, you can select the mission. Remember to give me a special place to take someone unrelated to the chat.]

[Gunsmith: Hold on a minute, let me prepare a bit. Otherwise, my parents might get scared if I suddenly disappear.]

[Bakakashi: That's a good idea. Although the system says that during the mission process, time in our worlds will be frozen, nothing is certain. Well, I suppose I'll go pick up a mission from the village.]

[Gentleman: ...Alright.]

[Bakakashi is offline]

[Gunsmith is offline]

Observing how the entire chat group quickly reached an agreement, I was a bit stunned to see that the chat group seemed to have its own rhythm that I hadn't yet accustomed myself to, but it wasn't bad that the chat group was functioning on its own without needing much intervention from me.

So, while waiting for the two members who left to return and give us the news that we could start, I went back to the main menu and directly entered the missions section.

When it opened, I quickly realized that there were many more missions than I imagined, as the scroll bar literally looked like a thin line.

But as I focused on the missions, I noticed that right below the titles of these missions, there was a marked difficulty, ranging from 1 to 5 stars, and below that was a phrase that said: "Probability of completion: ***%".

So, with much curiosity, I searched for the mission that these guys had mentioned earlier since it not only had to do with the chat mission but also with myself, as after all, these "businessmen" are from my world. It didn't take me long to find it, but when I saw it, I stared with wide eyes.

[Unmask the Truth

Difficulty: ★ ★ ★ ★ ⭑

Probability of completion: 4.8%]

Being completely incredulous, looking at the mission's difficulty and the probability of completion, I suddenly felt like these guys in the chat group were looking to get themselves into trouble since it was literally one of the most difficult missions just below the 5-star missions. It was only half a star away from being one of the most difficult missions in this chat group.

So I quickly set my mind to work as fast as possible, analyzing what could have happened since I highly doubt someone like Tony Stark would be so arrogant as to jump into this pit. I came to the conclusion that they couldn't see the difficulty or the probability of completion.

But still, I was very curious to know why the probability of completing the mission was so low. So, I expanded the description.