
These guys are crazy! (Chat group)

A guy is reincarnated in a Chinese novel world, as a "protagonist", however, the type of novel is in which the real protagonist is the villain, so in countless occasions several villains will try to suppress and torture him, however, they do not know that the original protagonist was replaced by a reincarnated and also this reincarnated is not alone.

The_Immortal_King · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Chapter 15

[Iron Can: As far as I can see, I am not a girl.]

[Bakakashi: Well, unless your definition of girls is different in your universe.]

[Priest: Hey, that concept sounds interesting, a world where gender roles are reversed.]

[Crow: Right? I have a very entertaining novel about that topic, let me find it among my books and send it to you later.]

[Bakakashi: That sounds very interesting, literature from another world...]

[Crow: Yes, the novel is very interesting as it follows the new recruit of the police, who has a double life as a criminal, but things get interesting when you discover that her younger brother was a victim of a female criminal who had a long history of sexual abuse crimes across the country and has yet to be caught.]

[Bakakashi has shared "Icha Icha Paradise - deluxe version, signed by the author."]

[Bakakashi: Ahem, consider it a small exchange.]

[Gunsmith: Since it's a detective novel, tell me if they introduce new types of weapons or if the weapons in your world are variations of existing ones.] [Crow: Hahaha, of course, weapons are an important topic in the book because...]

(Da Vinci, what the hell is going on?) I asked with a face full of doubt as I watched the chat rapidly progress without needing me to say anything. It seemed like these guys had already figured out that we were from another world and were getting along much better than I expected.

[It seems like they're exchanging adult novels... although I think that's not what's piquing their curiosity. Allow me to make a few modifications.]

As I read Da Vinci's message, the corners of my mouth twitched uncontrollably, and I turned my attention back to the group chat with a puzzled expression. But just as I did, a system message suddenly appeared.

[Crow has shared "White Harvest - deluxe version, signed by the author and illustrator."]

[An error has been detected regarding the gender of the members in the group chat.] [Iron Can: Because I suddenly have a really bad feeling...]

[Gunsmith: I just hope they don't change us.] [It has been detected that all members in the "girls' group chat" are of male gender, therefore, except for the administrator, the gender of all participants will be changed.]

[Iron Can: Wait, no!]

[Crow: When I mentioned girls, I didn't mean this!] [Priest: No, I don't want to become a goddess!]

[Bakakashi: I need to get out of town immediately!]

[Gunsmith: At least let me go back home first!]

[Iron Can: Hey, administrator! Say something or better yet, stop it!]

As I looked at the group chat, I couldn't help but feel the urge to laugh a little. This situation was really amusing, at least for me, since I wasn't involved in this gender change. But after seeing Iron Can's message, I couldn't stay still for long, even though I really wanted to see how the whole group chat would go crazy over just two system messages.

(Hey, Da Vinci, stop the prank. If this continues, the situation in the group chat will be quite awkward) I thought, giving a small sigh as I tried to control my smile at the prank Da Vinci made. I found his sense of humor quite dark, but somehow I found it amusing.

On the other hand, I didn't really care whether this was a girls-only or boys-only group chat. What really mattered to me was having fun. However, if I didn't stop the actions of this system and these guys really turned into girls, they would be quite resentful towards me until I helped them change back to being men.

"It's a shame, I had everything ready to turn all regular members of the chat into women... so I suppose I'll have to make some changes to the store along with the system title," Da Vinci said.

Listening to Da Vinci, I couldn't help but feel that his sense of humor was quite dark. It seemed like if I didn't stop him, someone here was going to suffer. The only good thing was that it wouldn't be me. So I turned my attention back to the group chat and saw a series of messages saying [Error, Error, the administrator has used their permissions to cancel the operation] [Canceling the operation] [Operation successfully canceled] and [The group chat has undergone a minor makeover].

After seeing those messages, I stopped paying attention to the group chat messages thanking me for stopping the transformation. However, Crow somehow seemed to not care about turning into a girl, making comments like "Wouldn't you like to know how you would look if you were girls?" But his opinion was quickly crushed by the public opinion of Iron Can, Bakakashi, and the Priest.

Seeing that the conversation was going to continue for quite a while, I began to explore the chat system. Even though I was the system administrator and, in a way, the owner since Da Vinci could modify it at any time, I didn't know much about this chat system.

Literally, all I knew up until this point was that the group chat had the ability to connect various fictional worlds, give gifts, and had a store where you needed points to buy things. But that was the information that appeared when I first opened the system, so my understanding of the group chat was quite rudimentary.

I started analyzing the system and realized that at the top of the chat, there was a back arrow right next to the title "Boys' Group Chat" (previously "Girls' Group Chat"), so I assumed this was not the main screen of the system. Furthermore, at the top right, there were three lines, obviously a settings button. When I pressed it, the group chat shifted to the side, revealing a menu of options that included group documents, rules (currently blank), group description, settings, and other options such as sharing videos, memories and knowledge, and creating events, among other things like punishments and more.

After reviewing all the options, I pressed the back arrow at the top right to return to a section that said "chats" at the top, along with another back button on the left and a settings button at the top right.

On the screen, all the contacts I could communicate with appeared, along with the existing groups. So I first checked what options were available in this section and found that the options were quite basic, with only "Create new group" and "Delete an existing group." Although I was curious about these options, I would explore them later when I finished exploring.

So I pressed the back arrow again, and at that moment, the screen returned to what was actually the main menu since it displayed all the options, from the store, mission section, chats, reminders, rewards, storage, and system messages, and of course, a settings gear.