
These guys are crazy! (Chat group)

A guy is reincarnated in a Chinese novel world, as a "protagonist", however, the type of novel is in which the real protagonist is the villain, so in countless occasions several villains will try to suppress and torture him, however, they do not know that the original protagonist was replaced by a reincarnated and also this reincarnated is not alone.

The_Immortal_King · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Chapter 13

(Note: I know you don't like this type of chapter, and to be honest, neither do I. I even got bored writing these two chapters to the point where I haven't even written the next chapter because of the bad taste it left me with. But I don't want the protagonist to continue without a clear attitude about his life and halfway through the novel discover that his "true self" is to be a dominant person or something like that, like a certain novel that introduced a female companion to the protagonist who was very kind and good-natured, only for the author to make her disappear for 2 years and then come back treating the protagonist like trash because she discovered that her true self was a "dominant woman").

(You know what, Da Vinci, I don't care. Let whatever happens, happen, and if something happens that I don't like, I'll change it. And if I can't change it at that moment, I'll change it when I'm stronger. My past life lived without purpose or a clear direction for over 100,000 years on planet Earth. Why can't I live myself, enjoying my day-to-day life as much as possible?), I thought to myself with annoyance, feeling that everything I had thought before was just wasted time.

Since this is my new life, I'm going to do what I want regardless of how silly, illogical, stupid, or childish it may be. I'm going to try to have fun and do what I like without worrying about anything else. I'm sure this mentality will get me into a lot of trouble, but I don't care. It's not like my actions can affect anyone else.

Sure, there's the Oboro Clan, but according to Da Vinci, the Oboro Clan is even stronger than the top-level civilizations of my past life, and that's crazy. As Da Vinci told me, those guys play with batteries made of compressed universes as if it were something common, and even their most powerful weapons can use several dozen "batteries" in each shot.

So worrying about the Oboro Clan is like an ant worrying that its actions could kill a god of the multiverse, it just doesn't make any sense. The levels are completely different, and there's no point in worrying if my small movements could alter the Oboro Clan.

On the contrary, I'm pretty sure that if I get into a problem from which I can't escape for some strange reason, the clan will help me solve it without saying a single word. No, I'm even sure that if one day I say something crazy like "I wish the day would never end," someone from the clan with a lot of free time will find a way to freeze time in the universe without affecting living beings.

That's how crazy the clan is, and no wonder, since each and every member of the clan treats me like that because if one day they upset me, they would lose everything they have, as they are basically like parasites. I know it sounds bad and it's wrong to talk about them that way, but it's the best word I have to describe our relationship.

Since the Oboro Clan is named after me, or rather "the main lineage of the clan" flows within their bodies, allowing them to obtain 1, 2, or even 3 abilities from my 7 signature abilities, although at a smaller scale that I can restrict as I please. So they become powerful and have infinitely great power, while also being obligated to take care of the main household of the clan, which is basically me, so they let me do whatever I want, as long as I don't jump to my own death, which is basically impossible since I have immortality... basic immortality, but still immortality.

Anyway, there are many complicated things involved in the clan's history, but in the end, they turned the clan into a peaceful one that is 100% loyal to me, and this loyalty cannot waver no matter how much harm I do to them. So I don't have to worry about anything else except greeting them from time to time and not restricting them in any way since I won't believe I'm a god just because my subordinates are strong and follow my orders (like certain types of protagonists).

And even though I know they are completely loyal to me and I can turn them into completely ordinary beings whenever I want, I also know that I shouldn't abuse my control over them or mistreat them since they are still individuals and, from a certain point of view, my family, even though we have no relationship and anyway history has taught me what happens when you push a group of people too hard, so I don't want to make stupid mistakes.

[Congratulations, your mindset has strengthened. Luck +10,000]

(Great, at least something good came out of this mental problem I had during this time), I thought to myself as I watched the backpack slowly falling from the air, so slowly that it seemed to descend only 1 millimeter every 10 minutes, and it was currently about 40 cm from the ground.

Well, it's quite clear that my mind is no longer working at supersonic speed. In fact, I don't even have the slightest idea of how fast my mind is currently working. However, my body is still operating at supersonic speed because if I were to exceed the speed of sound, the glass and doors of this bathroom would shatter. Although according to Da Vinci, as long as I constantly maintain a speed exceeding the speed of sound, I can eliminate the sonic boom, but for now, I haven't eliminated it, so it's something I'll do later since even though I'm a bit more audacious at the moment, I'm not foolish enough to break the sound barrier right now.

Anyway, it wasn't the first time the backpack had dropped so low because the backpack went up and down several times, and in fact, I think the lowest it got was just about 2 cm from the ground. But again, I'm in super-speed mode, and at the moment I'm sure it hasn't been even 2 minutes since I entered the bathroom.

(Although I could change at this speed, I don't want to ruin my clothes because of the friction), I thought to myself as I looked at my reflection in the mirror, feeling increasingly more comfortable with my personal appearance. At the same time, I could see that something had changed since the first time I saw myself in the mirror, although I couldn't say what it was. However, whether it was my imagination or not, I felt that the clothes I was wearing were not only wearing out with every movement I made, but now that I looked closely, it seemed that they were starting to hang from my body as if they were a few sizes larger than normal.

With a slight sense of foreboding, I returned to thinking at supersonic speed and immediately grabbed the backpack that was still falling before returning to normal, feeling that the whole world was starting to accelerate. However, unlike the previous time where that feeling was more noticeable because there were many people and things in motion, this place is completely static aside from me, so the feeling was much milder.

"I have no idea when I'll get used to this sudden 'acceleration' feeling, although I really like how it feels," I said to myself, feeling that it would be a shame if this feeling disappeared since I quite like the feeling of everything speeding up all of a sudden. Although I don't know if my thoughts and ideas can affect my ability to evolve/transcendence so that this feeling continues, if that's the case, that would be great; otherwise, I can only shrug.

But again, I was getting off track, so once I cleared my mind, I started taking off the upper body clothing as quickly as I could, only to have my sense of foreboding increase when I took off the hoodie and realized that I had a thick sweater underneath, and just below that, a thinner long-sleeved sweater. And, as if that wasn't enough, it seemed that underneath this thin sweater, I had a long-sleeved shirt, and under that, a short-sleeved shirt.