
These guys are crazy! (Chat group)

A guy is reincarnated in a Chinese novel world, as a "protagonist", however, the type of novel is in which the real protagonist is the villain, so in countless occasions several villains will try to suppress and torture him, however, they do not know that the original protagonist was replaced by a reincarnated and also this reincarnated is not alone.

The_Immortal_King · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Chapter 10

(Since when do I have subordinates working in the Chinese government?) I wondered to myself, with a bewildered expression, as I watched the men in black arrest Officer Zhou and confiscate cameras from the expressionless reporters.

However, it seemed that the man who arrested Officer Zhou noticed my gaze and turned to look at me after handing her over to another man in black.

At that moment, I could see his body react as if he had received an electric shock. His facial muscles twitched before he placed his right hand over his heart and bowed in a gesture of respect, which others followed suit before the man who had arrested the policewoman rushed off in a certain direction.

[Zhou Zimai has strong doubts about your identity, luck +50]

This, of course, did not go unnoticed by the policewoman, who looked at me as if I had killed her father... which could really happen if her father annoys me, as happened in the original script, but at the moment, I cared little.

Although I had doubts about what the man in black had gone to do, I simply shrugged and continued with what I was doing, which was opening the message history to find out how my luck had improved so much.

[Congratulations, you have completed one of the points in the original script (arriving at the city-train station), luck +10] [Congratulations, you have met Liu Hong, luck +5] [Congratulations, Liu Hong has great hatred towards the host, luck +150] [Congratulations, you have avoided the piranha solution incident, luck +500] [Congratulations, your speed of movement has made many villains doubt their lives, luck +700] [Congratulations, Liu Hong has died, luck +1,500] [Congratulations, the increase in your luck has made villains shudder, luck +100] [Congratulations, you have assisted with the police investigation, luck +50] [Congratulations, you have met Zhou Zimai, luck +5] [Congratulations, you have had a minor conflict with Zhou Zimai, luck +100] [Congratulations, you have classified Zhou Zimai as severely mentally challenged, luck +1,000] [Congratulations, your gaze has caused Zhou Zimai to doubt your appearance, luck +2,000] [Congratulations, you have caused Zhou Zimai to be relieved of her duties for the rest of the day, luck +800] [Congratulations, you have met Chu Yanling, luck +5] [Congratulations, you have met Su Qinlong, luck +5] [Congratulations, you have completely ignored Chu Yanling and Su Qinlong, luck +30] [Congratulations, you have made Su Qinlong doubt life, luck +60] [Congratulations, you have caused internal conflicts in Su Qinlong, luck +40] [Congratulations, your subordinates have arrested Zhou Zimai, luck +400] [Zhou Zimai has strong doubts about your identity, luck +50]

(Hahaha, this is truly amazing. I didn't expect my luck to increase this much. Who knows what will happen in a couple of hours?) I thought to myself with joy, feeling that I was no longer as useless as a "protagonist." But it was interesting that the system considered events prior to its creation. Anyway, that's a good thing for me.

[I would like to remind you again to control your facial expressions in the presence of many people, unless you hide them with a book. And as I mentioned before, don't worry about the amount of luck. At the moment, luck only increases up to 4 digits as a maximum, but in the near future, it can increase up to 9 or more digits depending on your mood. Also, remember that luck points have many other uses, but you have to discover them yourself.]

(Oh, thank you, Da Vinci. Oops, I made the same mistake again. I'll try not to do it again) I thought to myself, realizing that I had once again immersed myself too much in my system. I quickly switched to the group chat system, which was the one I was most interested in. But before I could do that, I noticed that the man who had left a few moments ago was now approaching me with a kind of bag in his hand.

"Sorry for the inconvenience, Patriarch, but it seems that Director Noel has been delayed due to traffic. If you don't mind, we can take you to any destination you want until Director Noel arrives," the man said in a respectful tone, as if he were speaking to his superior. Although I didn't care at all, even if he didn't show much respect when talking to me, I suppose those are the rules of the clan established by Da Vinci.

"Sure, no problem. By the way, what's in the bag?" I said with a small casual smile, without doubting the identity of this man since without Da Vinci's system created for me, I would highly doubt if this person is really one of my subordinates. But with the system Da Vinci gave me, at least I had the assurance that he wasn't someone malicious.

"Oh, this is just something I thought you'd like to change into. After all, your current clothes seem to be in very bad shape. I just hope you don't mind wearing the same armored suit as us. Otherwise, we can find a clan tailor shop on the way to your destination," the man said as he placed the suit bag over one of his arms and unzipped it, revealing an impeccable black suit complete with a white shirt. I even noticed that there were a pair of shoes at the bottom along with a small box.

"No problem, I've always wanted to wear armored clothing," I replied with a small smile, to which the man in the black suit let out a sigh of relief and turned it into a smile. He then pointed directly to where the bathrooms were, accompanying me to do a reconnaissance and ensure they were completely safe. Somehow, when he came out about 15 minutes later, he had over a dozen cameras of various sizes in his hands.

"Everything is ready now. The bathrooms are safe. You can go in. I'll be standing guard outside to prevent any inconveniences," the man said before proceeding to crush the cameras in his hands and throw the remains into one of the garbage bins not far from the bathrooms. I could only sigh at the incredible strength of this individual.

(... Wow, this is probably the cleanest bathroom I've ever been in) I thought to myself as I saw the bathroom shining with cleanliness, even if I tried my best. Meanwhile, behind me, the man in the suit simply closed the door without making any noise, but I could see his reflection on the floor.

I quickly snapped out of my amazement, only to realize that not far from me, there were several cleaning tools that still looked wet. So it wasn't hard to guess that someone had cleaned the bathroom not long ago, and it was obvious who had done it. I felt even more incredible because I don't think even some professional cleaners could do such a thorough cleaning in just 15 minutes.

I shook my head in amazement before fixing my gaze on the suit bag and opening it completely to see all the pieces inside. It was quite comprehensive, as there were even a pair of socks. I just hoped that everything was new or at least clean, which seemed to be the case as I couldn't see any stains on the shirt or perceive any bad odor.