
The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

The stitched world of united American dramas allows us to step into the protagonist's perspective and save those characters who are randomly handed lunch boxes, which reasonably makes up for the nonsense plot created by the screenwriter's blind imagination. Including but not limited to "Rookie", "Jack Reacher", "Hunter", "Person of Interest", "Knight Rider", "Bones", etc. may be added in the future, and there may even be some police games. Gangster movies. Except for the protagonist Goldfinger, there are no extraordinary elements. All cases and plots serve the plot of the novel. There will be some magical changes, so readers are not allowed to take it seriously. [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

azzari · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
57 Chs

Chapter 51 Military Hummer breaks out

In the evening, a villa next to South Klontal Park was surrounded by the LAPD.

 Because the criminals they were dealing with were violent gangs equipped with military-style weapons, the police officers were fully armed, holding various rifles, and all wore body armor with ceramic inserts.

 Hondo's SWAT team drove out two armored vehicles with battering rams. To search for possible explosives afterward, five K9 officers also came with the bark team to help.

 Jack's M16 was specially equipped with a red dot sight today and carried four 30-round magazines. When discussing the entire plan before, he intentionally or unintentionally hinted to several heads that idiot Cole died. The value of living is greater than living.

 Everyone present was also a smart person, and they all knew that only by killing [King Midas], his only son, could he completely cut off his tentacles extending out of the prison.

 Well, as for Superintendent Gray's promise, the one responsible for the raid now is SWAT, so what does it have to do with him being a mere branch commander?

 Of course, tacit understanding is only limited to tacit understanding, because it involves multi-department cooperation, and the trust between everyone is limited. If that idiot Cole still has a little bit of IQ and puts down his weapons and surrenders on the spot, it is impossible for anyone to forcefully kill him directly.

 Anyway, as long as one of the three key leaders arrested by the FBI agrees to the deal, it will be enough for him to be sent in to accompany his dear old father for the rest of his life to fulfill his filial piety.

 The two oldest and most experienced police officers in the Wilshire Police Department, Tim, and Angela, each led a group of people to set up traffic jams on both sides of the road leading to the villa.

 It was still more than two months before Angela was officially transferred to the police detective team. After Hannah left, Jack temporarily became her partner. They divided the four police cars into two rows and blocked the entire road head to head.

 After placing the tire breaker in the middle of the road, Jack squatted at the front of his police car and set up his M16. Tim and Lucy on the other end also arranged the same, just waiting for SWAT to take action.

 On the left and right sides of the villa, armored vehicles began to move slowly. Hondo's SWAT team, totaling 10 people, was divided into two groups and followed the two armored vehicles.

 The gangsters in the villa had obviously found themselves surrounded and were shouting and shooting randomly from several windows. Superintendent Gray led the remaining patrol officers from Wilshire and used more than a dozen police cars as cover. He opened fire towards the front of the villa. There was a water tower a hundred meters diagonally opposite the villa at a commanding height. With the help of SWAT snipers on top, he quickly suppressed the gangsters' counterattack.

 Listening to the lively gunshots like fried beans, Jack felt itchy. I couldn't bear it. I had too few opportunities to use the rifle, and it was distressing to spend system gold coins to upgrade. As a result, I was assigned a blockade mission this time, so that I couldn't get any chance to shoot.

 Seeing that the SWAT armored vehicles were approaching both sides of the villa, wall-breaking hammers that were much thicker than ordinary door-breaking hammers popped out one after another, directly breaking large holes in the walls on both sides of the villa, and then several shock bombs were thrown in.

 Jack, who was watching the battle from a distance with his newly purchased telescope, sighed. It seemed that he had no chance to play today.

 Just as he was about to withdraw his gaze and chat with Angela about playing time, he felt that something was wrong beyond ordinary people's perception. There seemed to be someone watching him on the right side, facing the villa.

 It was a small hill, at least 700 to 800 meters away from the villa, with sparse trees. Jack looked around with his telescope in confusion.

 "What are you looking for?" Angela noticed that he was looking around with a telescope, a little confused.

 "It's okay, it just feels weird, like someone is watching us." 

 Although it was a small hill, it was so far away, that wanting to find something was a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack. After searching for a long time and finding nothing, Jack put down the telescope, but the feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger.

 Different from the needle-like early warning when John was attacked in the parking lot, this feeling was a bit like being peeped on, without any obvious malice, but still very uncomfortable.

 At this time, the exchange of fire inside the villa gradually became sparse. It seemed that the SWAT attack went smoothly. Just as Jack was thinking about finishing work and going home to get something delicious, there was a sudden loud noise, and the garage door in front of the villa was knocked open. , a military Humvee rushed out.

 Jack's eyes widened in disbelief. This was not civilian goods. Although a bunch of messy iron plates were welded on, the desert painting of the old US Army could still be vaguely seen, especially the fact that there was still a... Inside the semi-enclosed machine gun shield, a .50mm M2 heavy machine gun had begun to fire randomly around.

 Commanded by Superintendent Gray, a group of LAPD patrol officers who were originally responsible for providing frontal cover for SWAT were caught off guard and fled. No matter how old the M2 "Laoganma" was, it was also a 12.7mm large-caliber heavy machine gun. There were two of them in an instant. The police cars serving as bunkers were turned into a hornet's nest.

 Fortunately, the SWAT sniper on the water tower performed a meritorious service at this time. The CS-5Q sniper rifle successfully killed him with one shot. The roof machine gun that had been fired for less than 3 seconds suddenly went silent.

 But then the problem arose again. The AR15 and M16 in the hands of the patrolmen only had 5.56 caliber. Even the original military Humvee was difficult to penetrate, let alone the thing in front of them with a bunch of messy steel plates welded to it.

 In a series of sparks and jingles, the military Humvee slammed into two police cars that were turned into a hornet's nest, quickly turned onto the road, and rushed towards Jack.

 Jack and Angela quickly directed everyone to get in the car and retreat, leaving away.

 This is not because they are cowardly or want to let the criminals go, but because the four police cars blocking the road are all Ford Explorers that only weigh about 3 tons. They cannot withstand the collision of military Hummers. If all four police cars are hit and scrapped, what are they chasing after?

 Seeing that the Hummer had turned onto the road, less than 200 meters away, Jack, Angela, and six other patrol officers got out of the car again, picked up their rifles, and started shooting.

 The Hummer had just turned a corner and before it picked up speed, Jack pulled the trigger until death. He pointed the Hummer directly at his windshield and emptied 30 rounds of ammunition from the magazine. Then he desperately realized that it was useless.

 The window glass of this military Hummer is original bulletproof glass, and 5.56 bullets can only knock out white dots on it.

 With Jack's current rifle shooting skills, there is no way he can focus bullets on a small area to break the bulletproof glass against a moving target. This is completely incomparable to the Humvee's deliberately long and narrow front window. Method.

 The military Hummer, which had already reached a speed of 60 yards, easily ran over the tire puncture device and whizzed past everyone's eyes arrogantly. With its excellent dynamic vision, he could see the opponent's deflated tire. Jack was so annoyed that he would replace it again. The M16 with the magazine loaded was thrown into his police car, and he was ready to get in the car and give chase.

 Although there is nothing that can be done about the latte turtle, the tank Ya drove is not a tank with tracks. How far can it go if the tire is flat?

 Military vehicles are indeed very powerful. They have a central inflation and deflation system, and they will not lose control of their direction even if their tires are punctured. However, it is impossible to escape the pursuit of police cars by rolling steel hoops.

 Just as Jack was about to close the car door, a strange sound broke into his ears. At the same time, a military Hummer that had just run out less than 300 meters not far away jumped directly as if it was hit by an invisible shock wave. After a moment, the engine at the front of the car exploded and a burst of black smoke came out.

 (End of chapter)