
The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

The stitched world of united American dramas allows us to step into the protagonist's perspective and save those characters who are randomly handed lunch boxes, which reasonably makes up for the nonsense plot created by the screenwriter's blind imagination. Including but not limited to "Rookie", "Jack Reacher", "Hunter", "Person of Interest", "Knight Rider", "Bones", etc. may be added in the future, and there may even be some police games. Gangster movies. Except for the protagonist Goldfinger, there are no extraordinary elements. All cases and plots serve the plot of the novel. There will be some magical changes, so readers are not allowed to take it seriously. [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

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 Chapter 50: The Black-faced Superintendent Who Shows His Acting Skills

 "What else do you want from me? Didn't I tell you that you are no longer of use to me? No one cares about that damn fatwa now."

 His eyes were bloodshot. [King Midas] raised his head and said solemnly: "I want to make a deal with you."

 Superintendent Gray pondered for a moment, walked into the cell, and closed the door.

 "Just half an hour ago, I was appointed by the Chief Superintendent as the Acting Director of the Wilshire Division. What leverage can you have to impress me."

 [King Midas] showed a hint of sarcasm on his face.

 "It's just an agent, isn't it? At any time, a guy who is good at playing political tricks may parachute down and occupy this position, and you can only taste the sweetness of power for a short period before you receive a pension that belongs to you. Maybe Your family will be very satisfied because you finally have time to accompany them."

 "Fakeyu, you piece of shit." Superintendent Gray grabbed him by the collar.

 "If you came back to irritate me, congratulations on your success."

 "No, no, no, my old friend we can help each other, right?"

 [King Midas] grabbed Superintendent Gray He patted his arm lightly by the collar.

 "I have a proposal. You find a way to keep my son, and then I will provide you with something, enough to let some of my old friends come in to accompany me. What do you think? With this credit, I don't think anyone can. "

 Superintendent Gray snorted coldly, grabbed the other person's collar by his hand, and pushed him directly against the wall.

 "I have never been your friend, and you are not qualified to negotiate terms with me. Hand over the evidence, and then tell me where your son is hiding. If he is lucky enough, I will arrest him before the FBI and other police Him."

 Twenty minutes later, Superintendent Gray walked out of the prison and got into his police car. After being in a daze for a while, he rubbed his hands on his fat, dark face for a while, then took out his mobile phone and dialed Made a phone call.

 "We succeeded. [King Midas] gave the criminal evidence and part of the account books of the three key leaders, which was enough to crucify them. The [Southern Front] is finished."

 In the chief's office of the Wilshire Police Department, Zoe put down the phone and announced to everyone in front of her with a smile.

 Seven or eight people were squeezed into the small office. Hearing this, Tim, John, and Angela all looked happy.

 "We will set off in half an hour. The three key leaders will be handed over to the FBI. Captain Hondo and his team will be responsible for raiding the [Southern Front] lair. Others will block the surrounding roads and be sure to capture Cole."

 Zoe After assigning the task, he turned his teasing gaze to someone sitting on pins and needles aside.

 "Superintendent Ginnie, you can ask Angela to help you remove your makeup."

 Jack jumped up from the chair, grabbed the blonde wig off his head, and let out a sigh of relief.

 "Hey hey hey, wait a minute, I haven't taken a photo yet." Angela grabbed the wig and put it back, stood next to Jack, took out her phone, and clicked it with a pouted mouth.

 "Together." How could John and Tim miss this opportunity? One on the left and one on the right, they held Jack tightly to prevent him from escaping and called for everyone to take photos. 

 In the end, even Zoe and Hondo were not left out. Everyone squeezed together, pressed the sad-looking crossdresser Jack in the middle, and took a group photo.

 Yes, all of the above originated from a trap designed by Jack based on the [Southern Front] information provided by Zoe last night.

 This violent gang is not invulnerable. Its founder [King Midas] has been in prison for several years and can only be controlled remotely through his idiot son.

 And this was not the first time that idiot Cole had done something stupid like issuing a fatwa to the police. Therefore, Jack judged that there must be several key leaders in the [Southern Front] who were dissatisfied with idiot Cole.

 This judgment was confirmed by Superintendent Ben Sikora of the LAPD's Crime and Narcotics Division. As the LAPD's anti-gang unit responsible for all gang crimes, the LAPD has placed undercover agents and informants in almost every large and medium-sized gang organization in Los Angeles.

 So Jack suggested that he first launch a cleaning operation against the [Southern Front] as planned. During the cleaning process, he would especially target those key leaders who were already dissatisfied and try not to touch those in Cole's hands. chain of interests.

 Then came the veteran actor, Superintendent Gray. He played his true character, vividly portraying a low-level commander who was going through a mid-life crisis and unwilling to be subordinated to others.

 This gave [King Midas] a strong psychological hint, giving him the illusion that he could take the initiative.

 Then there is the unexpected part. There needs to be a sudden and major event that makes [King Midas] panic and look to Superintendent Gray as the last straw.

 So the cross-dressing boss made his debut. To prevent accidents, Jack persuaded Zoe to act as a stand-in, transformed into Inspector Genie Anderson, and got into John's patrol car.

 Then the undercover agent placed by the anti-gangster group in the [Southern Front] took action with another real gang member, executed the fatwa, and then arranged for the "murderer" to escape and pass the news back to the [Southern Front].

 Immediately after the "murderer" played by the undercover disappeared, [King Midas] was unable to hand over the murderer after receiving the news, so he believed that the police would never let go of his idiot son who issued the pursuit order. No time was lost in proposing a deal to Superintendent Gray.

 Perhaps [King Midas] is still complacent at this moment, thinking that he killed two birds with one stone, saving his son and eliminating dissidents. Although his gang may suffer some losses in the short term, it will be under his control more firmly after that.

 However, the prosecutor has already reached a tacit agreement with Zoe. After capturing the three key leaders who were betrayed by [King Midas], the prosecutor will provide them with a deal to crucify his idiot son.

 This is the most critical step. Once the deal is reached and the police arrest or kill Cole, the nominal leader of the [Southern Front], this violent organization that has caused headaches for the LAPD for many years will immediately fall apart, and [King Midas] in prison will You will also pay the price of betrayal and alienation for your actions, and you will no longer be able to call the shots as before.

 "I just said that Jack is a devil who is good at playing with people's hearts. Next time, we should take him to church and try it with real holy water. Maybe white smoke will emit when we pour it on him."

 Seeing that the plan was more than half successful, John, who participated in the whole process, was still worried. I finally let go and am in the mood to tease people.

 "Those things that smoke are called vampires. You go to Wall Street and grab a lot of them."

 Jack imitated Angela rolled his eyes, and had difficulty taking off the two silicone gadgets, which together weighed almost 20 pounds. , wiped the upper body that was about to get prickly heat with a towel, and couldn't help but complain.

 "From today onwards, I am a feminist. Amazingly, you can keep up with the male police with such heavy pieces of meat hanging around every day."

 Angela finished taking off his makeup and slapped him casually. He put away his Beretta 950 on his shoulders and reluctantly looked away from the well-defined muscles.

 (End of chapter)