
The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

The stitched world of united American dramas allows us to step into the protagonist's perspective and save those characters who are randomly handed lunch boxes, which reasonably makes up for the nonsense plot created by the screenwriter's blind imagination. Including but not limited to "Rookie", "Jack Reacher", "Hunter", "Person of Interest", "Knight Rider", "Bones", etc. may be added in the future, and there may even be some police games. Gangster movies. Except for the protagonist Goldfinger, there are no extraordinary elements. All cases and plots serve the plot of the novel. There will be some magical changes, so readers are not allowed to take it seriously. [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

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57 Chs

Chapter 52 The sudden appearance of the accountant

military Hummer suddenly appeared and lost power instantly. It moved forward slowly with inertia, and then another scream came. There were holes in the left rear door of the Hummer. Jack could see that there were holes in it. On the road on the right, a plume of smoke also rose, it was a hit!

 "Anti-material sniper rifle, get off the road!!!"

 Jack, who was frightened out of his body, grabbed Angela, who was still in a daze, and dragged her down the road while rolling and crawling. Now he finally knew what happened to him just now What's going on with the uncomfortable sense of voyeurism?

 It turned out that someone really had been staring at the small hill not far away, and several other patrol officers quickly followed suit and hid beside them.

 Lying on the roadbed on the reverse slope of the road, Jack took out his binoculars and searched in the direction where the gunfire came from. The other party was still taking his time, shooting at the military Humvee one after another.

 Jack counted the gunshots silently in his mind, while not forgetting to announce on the walkie-talkie.

 "Don't come over yet. Someone here is using powerful anti-materiel weapons. The distance is very far, close to one kilometer. Tell the SWAT armored vehicles to stop. Their thin iron sheets can't stop them. They should be heading towards the [Southern Front] Come on, the guy in that Hummer is dead."

 When he counted to the tenth gunshot, Jack also used the binoculars to find the gunman, looking at the somewhat familiar handsome face in the camera and the more familiar one. With his ω-shaped chin, he almost blurted out, "Sini, Bateman!"

 Well, there are DC and Marvel in this world, but the people who play those superheroes are not familiar faces from his previous life, so this is the world of American TV series and not the Marvel or DC universe.

 So who is this guy? Jack couldn't name most of the male movie stars in his previous life, whether domestic or foreign, except for a few particularly famous ones.

 But the guy using Barrett in the telescope looked familiar. He was wearing a dark blue suit and tie in a coquettish manner. He looked more like an insurance seller than a killer.

 Seeing the indifferent expression on his face and mumbling something, he carefully collected the bullet casings one by one and put them into a small box.

 Obsessive-compulsive disorder, killer, and reciting children's songs, these keywords are combined, and Jack probably knows it well. Although this movie was not as box-office as Bateman back then, it was still a very profitable low-cost movie, especially since there were a lot of them on Bilibili. It's hard to remember the film and television clips of AI chanting sutras.

 Seeing that the other party was beginning to disassemble Barrett, Jack stood up and patted the dust on his body, startling Angela beside him.

 "Jack, what are you doing?"

 "It's okay, I've already seen him. The other party is dismantling the gun. This guy shouldn't be interested in us."

 Turning around to look at the miserable military Humvee, there was already blood inside the car. seeped out and started dripping onto the pavement.

 Tsk, Jack quickly ran to the car, not daring to reach out to pull the door. He was still two or three meters away and could smell the smell of diesel mixed with blood, burnt protein, and other unspeakable smells.

 Glancing in through the broken window glass, Jack resisted the desire to vomit and walked aside silently. In the whole car, only the upper body of the corpse hanging on the machine gun tower on the roof was still intact. He didn't know how to describe the part. Anyway, now he couldn't tell how many people were in the car. "All the suspects who escaped were shot dead by unknown gunmen, but I can't confirm their identities. I may have trouble

 the forensics."

A large number of police cars roared towards them. The first ones to arrive were Tim and Lucy, who were responsible for blocking the situation at the other end. Tim, who was tired, deliberately took out his pistol and made a cover gesture, signaling Lucy to come forward for inspection.

 The stupid Lucy stepped forward to open the car door, then turned around and vomited on the floor. The warm-hearted Uncle John quickly helped her aside. 

 Well, Tim, a straight man, deserves to be single. It's not unreasonable for the screenwriter to arrange for this couple to have a scene that has been delayed for so long.

 Several big bosses also arrived one after another. Among them, Superintendent Ben Sikora of the Anti-Gangster and Anti-Narcotics Division had the ugliest look on his face. His undercover police officers did not detect that there was a car hidden in the [Southern Front] lair. The modified military Humvee, if not for the timely response of the SWAT snipers, the consequences would be unimaginable.

 Hondo took Jack and repeatedly confirmed the situation. He was able to accurately hit a car traveling at 70 to 80 kilometers per hour from a distance of nearly one kilometer and directly blew the engine. If such a person appeared in the city and did something, Well, SWAT also needs numb claws.

 Superintendent Gray didn't look too good either. Although the M2 heavy machine gun had only fired for a few seconds and no police officers were directly hit, several were injured by fragments, and two police cars were scrapped.

 Of course, he is the easiest one. This time, the Wilshire Division will get the most credit for dismantling the Southern Front, the largest white supremacist gang in California.

 Jack guessed that the most troublesome person would be the FBI who was not present today. The investigation of the accountant who had escaped would probably trouble them for a long time.

 "The shooter was a veteran. The first two rounds were special armor-piercing bullets. They should have been specially prepared for the engine. However, the first round achieved its purpose, so the second round did not go towards the engine and directly hit the car's body. Cross-piercing."

 Hondo is very experienced and analyzes the rough scene after checking the scene. At this time, the SWAT team members who went to the shooting scene to investigate the situation also sent back news that not even a single bullet casing was found in the direction indicated by Jack. Not even footprints were found. Only flattened weeds and a few broken branches showed that someone had been there. It can be said that nothing was found.

 Of course, Jack was a thief and didn't reveal any other information. This kind of guy walking in the gray area was not someone he could afford to offend as a mere patrol officer. What's more, he couldn't explain why he knew so much, so he asked the FBI to Go ahead and get rid of the headache.

 He is not a young man who is passionate and full of justice. Didn't the accountant in the original drama also cooperate with the IRS? Maybe one day in the future, he will try to contact the other party. After all, accountants and lawyers are the same. The two professions that American citizens hate the most, but are also the most inseparable.

 What happened next had nothing to do with the patrol officers. Back at the police station, the superiors arranged a week of administrative leave for all the shooting officers, including the on-site commander Superintendent Gray. Zoe had to find other districts to coordinate the police force.

 At noon the next day, Jack woke up from his bed, with a satisfied look on his face, and kissed Maureen's pretty face with tear stains at the corners of her eyes.

 I did yoga with the girl with glasses last night, and it was hard on her. I couldn't help it. This time the incident was too big. Because a sniper using Barrett appeared, the FBI was alerted. Zoe was almost busy. All night, there was no way to come to the rescue.

 Jack had a surprise. The experience of system settlement not only allowed him to get two gold coins but his psychology skills were actually upgraded and are now at the proficient level.

 Now he has an unprecedented 10 system gold coins and can upgrade a proficiency-level skill to master at any time.

 Someone had just finished making breakfast happily, when the doorbell rang, and Zoe, dressed in casual clothes and looking tired, appeared at the door.

 (End of chapter)