
Seperation ll

Amelia's group-

When the bombs went off, the ground caved in on Amelia's squad, all but Henry. The group fell a good 10 feet into a sewer system. "We have to go back and save Henry," Amelia was the first to speak up in the group. "Why should we save that idiot, he did this to himself. We shouldn't worry about him, we need to worry about getting out of here." Atreyu retorted.

"As much as I hate to say it, he's right Amelia." Astrid agrees.

"No, I refuse to leave him behind. As your superior, I order you to help me save him." Amelia says.

"I'm sorry Amelia, but I was ordered by a higher up to not do that. Think about it, ever since Henry challenged that chairman, it's like we've been exiled ourselves."

"Getting a couple of stares in nothing compared to what Henry has been through. He's been killed and brought back, he watched his loved one di-"

"You think we haven't either, I've watched my parents get sucked dry, I watched them get killed in front of me. Plus, those rumors about him being brought back from the dead are just that, rumors. I'm done having this argument, Astrid, do it." He nods at Astrid. The last thing Amelia saw before she hit the ground was Astrid's fist.



"I heard if you put a vampire's blood in a human, it's like they're being burned from the inside out. You wanna try that?" One of the vampires say.

"Damn, now you got me intrigued, who's going to give him blood?" He pauses, he lets out a sigh, "Fine then, I guess I will." He unsheathes his sword and cuts his hand, "Now then, open up." I remain expressionless, "Damnit! Open his mouth!" The vampires do as they're told.

He sticks his hand in my mouth, letting his blood fill my mouth. Iron, that's the only thing I taste. I bite down as hard as I can, I feel my teeth sink into his hand. He instinctively pulls his hand back, "Damn thing bit me," As soon as he finished saying that, I feel something run down my cheeks. Tears? No, it cant be. "Well look at that, my blood did do something, poor bastard is bleeding from his eyes."

Fire, it feels like it's all over, damnit, I'm not going to get out of this alive. Do I chance it with Yamata, do I take his word and risk turning into a monster. "Time to take the fingers now." One of the vampires says. He takes a pair of pliers and rips one of my fingernails off. My screams fill the room, maybe I should just give up now? No, I have to stay strong to avenge her. "Do it you bastard, this is nothing compared to training," I say giving him a grin.

"If you say so," he says. He grabs another fingernail and rips it off. I clench my jaw in an attempt not to scream. "So, you want me to keep going?"

"Go to hell," I say as I spit in his face.

"Oh, you're going to regret that," He says as he wipes the spit off. He walks up to me and attaches the pliers to one of my teeth and pulls. I give the vampire a smile and spit the blood that's filling my mouth at him. "Really? I guess I'll take them all," He says and attaches it to my other tooth. He pulls it out.

"Whenth I'm free, I'm going tho killth you firth," I struggle to say.

"I'd like to see you try," He says while nodding at someone behind me. I feel a sudden sharp pain in the back of my head, slowly, my vision is staring to get darker. Eventually, all I see is black.


"You need me Henry, just as much as I need you. Let me take control, let me kill those bloodsuckers. Let me avenge Adalia, let me protect your squad. Let me protect the safe haven, you know I can. I am Yamata, the Dragon that ruled the demons and the world." Says that familiar voice.

"No, I can't allow that Yamata, if I let that happen, I'll turn into something I don't want to be. I don't want to be a monster."

"Fine then you arrogant fool! I will give you more of my power, although, I can't promise you will live. If I give you to much power, you would die almost instantly. Your organs would burst, your heart would beat to fast, eventually exploding."

"No, I can't. I can't risk that happening," I say.

"Fine then. I think it's about time we part ways for a while, Henry."

During the torture scene, I was inspired from the Tokyo Ghoul manga/anime during Kaneki's torture when he was captured by Jason.

Salty_Mageecreators' thoughts