
The uchiha dimensional restaurant

Guo Huang runs a dimensional restaurant and travels around the world And his employees are not good at all Around the restaurant, you can see Shisui handing out flyers outside, Madara as a security guard in the lobby, Itachi entertaining customers at the front desk, and Obito delivering food for you Ali is responsible for enticing customers to consume, and begging for food by the way. Nezuko is standing at the door, in charge of attracting customers

Mallison · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
68 Chs

Chapter 44 Lord Madara And Obito vs Kakarot

[Is there a lottery for Host now? ]

After a few seconds, the sound of the system sounded again.

"Of course, give it to me right away!"

Without any hesitation, Guo Huang immediately agreed to the lottery.

[Okay, random ability is being drawn for Host]

Listening to the sound of the system, Guo Huang fell into deep thought, wondering what abilities the system would give him?

[Ding! Congratulations to the Host for successfully extracting the ability to pause time! You can pause other people's time, making them incapacitated and unable to move. This ability can only be used on a single target. If the Host wants to increase the effect to a group range, it needs to rely on points to upgrade]

[In addition, this ability Host can be used as you like every day. No matter how powerful the target is, the Host's time pause cannot be avoided! During this period, the Host can do whatever he wants to the target]

It didn't take long for the system to finally tell Guo Huang of the extracted abilities.

After the introduction of the system, Guo Huang raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect the system to extract him the ability of time.

Moreover, no matter how powerful the enemy is, they cannot resist this ability.

The only downside is that it can only be used on a single target. If you want to evolve into a group range, you have to use points to upgrade.

Mad, this wave of system operations is too cunning.

However, just as Guo Huang was drawing the lottery, Ali's shout suddenly came from the hall.

"Hey! What are you doing? You... how dare you steal my mother's tofu!"

Ahri, who had just come out of the toilet, looked at Goku in disbelief. At the dining table, Goku was actually stealing Ahri's Mapo Tofu.

Here's the thing, when Ahri took Sanji's Mapo tofu, he put it aside and ate it.


But halfway through eating, Ali suddenly had a stomachache, so he went to the toilet.

Unexpectedly, after she came out, her Mapo tofu has been eaten up by Goku.

Hearing Ahri's shouting, Guo Huang, Mikoto, Kuroko, Madara, Itachi, Obito, Shisui, and Thanos all looked towards Ahri.

Later, everyone found Goku who was stealing Mapo Tofu.

"Hey, sorry, sorry, I couldn't hold back accidentally."

Looking at everyone's eyes, Goku scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

Originally, he didn't intend to steal it, but the smell of Mapo Tofu was really too irritating.

So in the end, Goku still couldn't resist the urge in his heart and sneaked over to eat tofu.

This makes Ahri very angry, this Mapo Tofu is something she got by begging for her ability, and she only ate half of it!

[warn! Found Kakarot from the world of Dragon Ball sneaking in this restaurant! This behavior is really hateful! Anyone who can teach Kakarot a lesson in five minutes, the system will give him 10,000 points as a reward! This task has a time limit of five minutes, and the timeout will be invalid! ]

[Reminder: If you choose to teach Kakarot together in the end, the system will divide the 10,000 points equally among you! And you don't have to worry about destroying the restaurant during the battle. The restaurant is protected by the system and is invincible! ]

The moment it was discovered that Goku was stealing food, the system immediately posted tasks in the minds of Guo Huang, Madara, Itachi, Shisui, and Obito.

After listening to the system's words, the Uchiha spirit boys instantly boiled together.

What the hell! That's a full 10,000 points!

How much chores do I have to do to get these points?

So Madara, Itachi, Obito, and Shisui ran towards Goku as if they had eaten a chakra fruit.

"Master Madara! Your points are already the highest! Why don't you give me this chance!"

During the run, Shisui suddenly hugged Madara's arm, pitifully begging Madara to give him a chance.

Madara glared at Shisui fiercely, and kicked Shisui aside with one kick.


give you a chance? Want to eat fart? That's 10,000 points!

Itachi looked at Shisui who was kicked by Madara and gave Shisui a thumbs up.

Brother Ness! Fortunately, you helped me delay Madara's time, and the 10,000 points are mine!

Thinking of this, Itachi directly opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, ready to launch Tsukuyomi against Goku.

Because the system only said to teach Goku a lesson, but it didn't say what kind of lesson.

Therefore, whether it is to use force or to use illusion, it can be regarded as a lesson for Goku.

"Itachi, don't try to succeed!"

However, just when Itachi was about to activate Tsukuyomi, Obito suddenly appeared behind Itachi and activated his ability to suck Itachi into Kamui space.

Afterwards, Obito used Kamui to appear next to Shisui again and sucked Shisui into the Kamui space.

During this whole process, Obito did it neatly and moved quickly.

In addition, Itachi and Shisui were completely defenseless against Obito, which is why Obito succeeded so easily.

The reason why Obito does this is to obtain points steadily.

Because the system said that this integral can be divided equally.

As long as Itachi and Shisui are resolved, then he can share the 10,000 points equally with Madara.

"Madara, 5,000 points per person is pretty good, you know what I mean?"

After doing all this, Obito gave Madara a look.

Madara understood in an instant. After all, he was the old fritters of the Uchiha family, so how could he not see through Obito's mind.

"Well done, as expected of being with me before, I can share these ten thousand points with you."

I saw that Madara did not hesitate, and immediately agreed to divide the points equally.

Immediately afterwards, Lord Madara and Obito looked at Goku eagerly, and smiled at the same time.

This wave of points is stable!

"Eh? You... what do you want to do?"

The eyes of Goku's watchers Madara and Obito seemed to sense danger.

Looking at the posture of the two, it is obvious that they are going to do it themselves!

"What? Hmph, you stole something from our restaurant, do you think you can get away with it?"

Madara stepped forward aggressively, ready to attack Goku.

"Come on, Madara! Kick him!"

Ali stood by and started to act as a cheerleader to cheer on Madara.

And Thanos and Guo Huang stayed where they were, without saying a word, waiting to watch the play.

Because Guo Huang is very curious, how exciting will the battle between the Hokage boss and the Dragon Ball boss be?

Only Mikoto said anxiously: "Hey, they're going to fight, why don't you take care of it?"

Guo Huang scratched his ears with his fingers and responded, "It doesn't matter, the restaurant is not damaged anyway, let them call."

Mikoto: "..."
