
A changeling

After the king left the girl went in to the mountains, with Liam being the one to follow her when he went to the stable he saw she was gone,

"Just great, i am the one who was supposed to be tailing her and i lost the girl, wow well done, hmm i will just have to start my job when she comes back then" he said to himself as he went back to his duties until she return.

When Octavia got up there she saw a very thick fog, in which she could hardly see where she was going, she held on to her horse as she fought her way through, after she passed the fog, the girl rode to the cave in which she stayed in the last time, there the wolf appeared.

"You have a lot of guts coming back out here alone" he said,

"I wanted to talk to you about something" she replied,

"Okay what is it? " he asked,

"Umm i.. wanted to know if the scratches from the wolf could affect me in any way?" she asked,

"Oh that well the trust is, it can affect you in several ways, why are you asking?" he responded,

"Because a lot of weird things have been happening to me lately" she said,

"Hmm what happened exactly?" he asked,

"My body gets hot just like that and sometimes i start to feel ice cold when place is warm, the wound hurts even when it is fully healed and lastly it feels like my body is always in pain" she replied,

"This is bad, Octavia how long has this been happening?" he asked,

"Ever since i got my first scratch" she replied,

"Damn it, this is just as i feared, you are changing" he said,

"Changing what do you mean by that?" she asked,

"You are turning into a werewolf, more like me, we will have to wait until you change to see what you are exactly" he replied,

"Uh.... a werewolf, if i turn into one they will kill me" she said,

"Hmm maybe if you turn you can change that, there will be a full moon the day after tomorrow meet me on top of the mountain, maybe you might change then and if you do not then maybe i can stop the changes" he replied.

"Okay i have to go now, it is almost lunch time bye" she said as she left and they wolf disappeared in the fog.

The girl returned to the castle just in time for lunch, while Cassius was already at the table all freshen up waiting to have his lunch, when Octavia walked in, the queen stared at her in concern,

"Where were you babe?" Cassius asked, the girl glared at him when he called her that,

"I just went for a ride" she replied,

"Where?" the queen asked,

"In the valley do not worry i stayed away from the mountains" she said,

"Good" the queen replied as everyone took their own food including Cassius.

After everyone started to eat, the girl noticed the prince was staring at her in a really weird way, since she was sitting near him and the king and queen were looking at them smiling, he held on to her hands under the table "oh god what is he up to now?" she asked herself.

Cassius then came closer her to her whispering "hey do not feel too nice, i am only doing this because i have to make everyone one hundred percent believe we are in a relationship",

"Well i feel uncomfortable with you touching me, so quit the acting cause i do not care sire" she replied,

"The last thing you would want to do right now is get me angry, after your little charade last night i do not know what they are thinking so shut up" he said,

"Sire do not tell me to shut up, i know exactly what they are thinking, everyone thought i just went outside and slept away, which is true" she responded,

"Hmm fine for your sake i hope so little miss sunshine" he said as he went back to finishing his food and letting go of her hand.

"Beasty" she said to herself.

After knowing what could be happening to her, the girl kept quiet, finished her food and went to her room, the queen could not stop wondering about Octavia and the king was worried that she might be wrong,

"She finished her food fast" Caria said,

"Yeah after last night she did not get enough rest so she went to take a nap" the prince replied,

"Okay well i am all finish, now i have to go see how my soldiers are coming along with the plan on how to take down the wolf" the king said as he got up,

"I am coming too" the prince replied.

When they left Caria went to the garden to do some knitting, as for Octavia she was in the bathroom keep her body from warming up too much, yes the prince lied for her earlier because even he did not know what was going on with his so called girlfriend. After she finished, Octavia looked in the mirror only to see that her eyes were glowing red, she swallowed heavily.

"This cannot be happening, not now the wolf was right i am changing, if anyone finds out about this i will be dead soon and the prince will not help he already hates me so much" she said to herself. Octavia was now frustrated and did not know what to do and since the prince would be coming to the room soon, she tried to stop her eyes from glowing, the girl closed her eyes, inhaled deeply and exhaled until her eyes stopped glowing red.

"Phew thank god it stopped but i wonder what will happen next, i just hope that nothing happens while i am with the prince or the others because if it does, i will lose my head that is for sure" she said to herself as she sat down in the balcony eating some sweets.

Back in the forest the white wolf decided to meet the fairy of the forest to talk about Octavia with her and what to do when she changes because the wolf does not know what she will become exactly.