
His mate

Later that day before the sun went down, the girl met the wolf again but this time he came to the palace to visit her, the wolf shrunk himself and looked like a normal dog but fortunately Octavia noticed him,

"What are you doing here?" she asked as he was in her room, while the prince was sleeping,

"I need to talk to you come in the balcony" he said,

"Okay fine" she replied as she followed him out,

"What is it that you want to talk about?" she asked,

"I met the fairy of the forest and got some information that will be useful" he replied,

"Okay go on" she said,

"Well the good news is that the wolf does not want to kill you" he replied,

"And the bad news?" she asked,

"Uh.. he wants you to be his mate" he said,

The girl eyes widened in fear "what?" she shouted,

"Keep your voice down, you are his mate somehow and if you refuse then he will try to kill you or the people that you care about" he replied.

"Damn it what have i gotten myself into? she asked,

"It is not your fault, it is nature but you have to try and get yourself out of it" he replied,

"Okay i will se what i can do to get rid of that demon" she said,

"So i will see you the day after tomorrow on the full moon, oh and make sure to be careful tomorrow" he replied,

"Okay bye" she said,

"Yeah take care" he replied as he disappeared.

Frustrated Octavia sat down and looked at the prince, "Hmm i do not care about him, not even a bit but they are going to be in danger because of me, oh god i have to figure this out" she said to herself as she walked out of the room and went into town.

She went to the bakery to get a few things and as she was walking back, the girl bumped into a young handsome guy by the name of Johnathan.

"I am so sorry ma'am" he said,

"It is okay, i should have watched where i was going" she replied,

"Hey you are the prince Cassius girlfriend right?" he asked,

"Wow news does travel fast and i better say yes before Cassius strangle me" she said to herself,

"Yes i am" she replied,

"Well seems like Silven will be having it's future queen sooner than we thought" he said,

"Uh.. i do not know about that" she replied,

"Well it was nice meeting you Octavia" he said as he smiled and walked away.

They guy was muscular, thin, black hair, fair in complexion and had light brown eyes, he was nothing like a commoner but that did not hook the girl at all.

While she was walking through the city back to the castle, she caught the scent of the same person that was in the balcony that night, she tried to follow it but failed to do so.

"Two days from now i do not know what will happen and i have to start preparing from tomorrow, hmm it is getting dark i better hurry back" she said as she rushed to the castle.

When she arrived the prince was taking a bath and the others were busy with the planning, the girl started to feel a little lonely.

"Hmm seems like i need to ask Cassius to train me, oh i hope he agrees without asking for anything on return" she said to herself as she went up in the room and waited for the prince to finish.

After he finished the boy came out of the bath only wrapped up in a towel not knowing that Octavia came back, instead of closing her eyes upon seeing him the girl stared, when he saw her he smirked "you know you can come and help me change if you like" he said tormenting her,

"No thank you" she replied as she turned away closing her eyes until he got dressed.

After night fall he asked her for his dinner and while she served him the girl decided to ask,

"Sire can i ask a favor?" she asked,

"What is it?" he asked,

"Can you train me to fight better?" she responded.

He looked at her and smiled wickedly while she looked at him nervously "I will help you but only if you and i be a better couple in the presence of other people" he said,

She smiled "i agree" she replied,

"Good we start tomorrow morning at 8am okay" he said,

"Okay sire" she replied,

"I suggest you have a good night rest because you will need it" he said,

"Uh... i am sure i will be fine of you do not go too hard" she responded,

"Okay but know that if you want to get better you have to train hard and surpass every hard coming " he said,

"Okay thank you for the advise" she replied and he along with her continued eating.

While she was eating the thought of being the mate of a blood thirsty werewolf came to her mind, "no way i am going to be his mate, never, i prefer staying with the prince and put up with his nonsense" she said to herself.

The prince noticed that she was lost, he held her hand and she jumped, he then removed his hand saying "are you okay?" he asked,

"Oh i am fine i was just thinking about what will happen if the werewolf attack" she replied,

"I see but there is no need to worry, we will find a solution" he said,

"Ha you are probably right, why are you pretending to be in a relationship with me, what is really wrong with the girl?" she asked,

He laughed "you are a curious one, well i do not like girls like her , i prefer simple sometimes, she boasts about being a royal, she loved the way she looks and very full of herself, i do not like those things, she uses power to her advantage" he replied,

"I see well i do not mind the act but all i wish is for you to keep a little distance" she said,

He smirked "i am the one running this show and i will do as i please but i respect people privacy so" he responded as both of them went to bed when finished eating.

"Okay good night sire" she said,

"Good night girl" he replied.