

"klein, a highschool student, has has is live shattered by the brutal pairese organization. His parent was murdered, his sister location unknown, and he and some others were kidnap by the PAIRESE. The trauma of his past have left Klein burning with a deep desire for vengeance. With his awakening power yet to be discovered, Klein is driven by a single goal: to destroy the pairese and any other person involved in his family destruction. His rage and determination fuel his every move, as he navigate the treacherous world of "eldrid". Where darkness and water govern the force of nature. As Klein face off against the pairese and their empire. He must confront the darkness within himself learn to awaken his untapped abilities. Will his taste for vengeance consume him or will he find a way to channel his anger into a force for justice ? In a world were the strong prey on the weak, Klein taste of vengeance became the Hope for those seeking to challenge the status quo. But as the stakes grew higher. Klein must confront the ultimate question: will his desire for vengeance redeem him, or destroy everything he holds dear?" ................................................................................ You can find out if you give my book a try Also here is a link to my discord https://discord.com/invite/TZ3JCuww

snap2surplus · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Trapped rebels

2 years after.

The rebel name has spread far and wide, the demon clans are reducing in number drastically, while the rebel are increasing in numbers every single day.

In a large hall room, a giant throne which look oppressing, seated upon by a man with two horn and with the same aura as the chair.

"We can't let this people to continue, since the start of this rebel we have been losing our numbers drastically, the people are already scared, " Silas said.

"And how are we suppose to stop them, any time we have any idea of their activities we quickly go there, but when we reach there we see nothing, it is like they know when we are coming, I think we have a rat among us, "another man said.

"Yes it seems like it, but it can't be one of us because their main go is to destroy us, so it could only be a servant, "the woman said.

Aaahhh those servant, we gave them the experience of serving us but yet it wasn't enough, they are also so greedy, your highness should we call the servant, "Silas asked after venting his anger on other demons.

"We don't have to call them, if they want to tattletale let them, let spread a fake news so they can spread it for us, "the demon king said.

One week later.

A silhouette was running through the forest at a very rast pace, the person was running to d deliver a news to the rebel leader, he continue running very deep Into the forest until he came to an open land, there he saw 4 rocks in front of him with an hole hidden in a place you won't expect.

Fegal came to the front of the rock formation and arrange it after arranging it he brought out a red gem from his pocket, he then insert the gem into the hole, after that the rock with the hole lit up connecting to the other rock to form a line which later has a fire shape, after the that a passage open in the ground.

Fegal saw a stair when the passage open, so he quickly enter, after he entered the door closing behind him, immediately the war lit up forming a path, Fegal quickly follow the path, and the end of the path he saw an hole, he then insert the same red gem in the hole, the door open after that while revealing a shelter with people of the rebel army roaming around, he quickly went to the larfe shelter in the middle.

Angelica POV

"We should attack the demons now, their defence is scrambled, do you all agree, "Daren said.

"I don't think we should do that, I felt too easy to drop their numbers down, it fells strange, "Helen said.

"I too support that motion, we should wait and study them to see how they are reacting, because there is a saying that an injured lion always fight with times two of it original strength, "Angelica said.

While they were talking Fegal entered the room working torward Angelica, when he reach her he whisper somethings in her head.

Angelica smiled at herself because of the news, it works in their favour, she then address are co leaders in the rebels.

"I have some uplifting news, "Angelica said.

"What news, " they all look at Angelica then at Fegal also.

"Fegal told me that the demon king grandson was passing through the forest at noon, he has only grade b attribute body guard, while he is a grade a attribute user, we can handle that right?, "Angelica said to her co leader who could not stop grinning from ear to ear.

5 minute later.

Angelica and the rebels are inside the forest jumping from tree to tree, with all the jumping you will expect them to make some but no, it was as silence as a graveyard.

30 minutes later they have reach their destination, they saw 3 carraige moving, they quickly surrounded the carraiges when they had reach it.

Immediately they reached it, they started throwing attributes all on the carraiges, but to their utter dismay the king grand child wasn't there.

Wshoo, they all turned around instantly, after they saw shuriken made from darkness coming for them, they all tried to wheve through it, most of them survive but two was not lucky, the shuriken hit them shaving their life away little by little.

"It is an ambush, all of you quickly fall back, "Angelica said.

"You are not going anywhere, you start this war so you must all stay to witness the end of it", a shadow in the forest said.

"Leader what are we supposed to do", Raye said.

"We fallback but if that is not possible we fight, understand, because I don't remembering hiring any coward to my team", Angelica look around, her eyes looking at the rebels with an unwavering will to defeat the demon clan.

The rebels quickly put on a brave face so as to not disappoint their leader.

"You killed most of our people when our only crime was enjoying the spoils of war our ancestors won fair and square, and to make it worst you humans were the ones who started the war first, and you called us demons, if the war went according to you people plan it would be the beast clan that will be suffering in your own hands, not the other way around", salman said(salman his the shadow talking in the forest).

"It doesn't matter of who is at fault, you demons are all gonna die", mia said(a rebel).

"Enough talking, attack now", Angelica spoke loudly.

Ah ah , it looks like we make our human friend sad, now they want to attack us, salman said(immediately, big on the beast, at least let play with them before they die).

"What is that, it look so ugly and overwhelming" Daren said.

"It is the nightshade, they mostly comes from the Demon empire, they are also beast with elemental attribute, night shade are 1 of the dangerous out of all of them", Angelica said.

"That beast is so powerful like that and we still have to fight it, we are doom", mia said.

"You don't have to worry, even though they are beast with sentient it is still the one with the brain of a 2 years old, and again we are also powerful, we also much in numbers",Angelica said.

"Look at them talking as if they even has a chance of surviving, should we release the other night shade to bust their bubble", payan said.

"No, let first watch them try", Silas said.

He then signal for the beast to attack, the battle start.

note that each attributes holder hqs their attributes signature, they can also insert it into an object.

grade is how we grade attributes user according to their power level.

grade daimond which is the highest and grade f as the lowest

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