

"klein, a highschool student, has has is live shattered by the brutal pairese organization. His parent was murdered, his sister location unknown, and he and some others were kidnap by the PAIRESE. The trauma of his past have left Klein burning with a deep desire for vengeance. With his awakening power yet to be discovered, Klein is driven by a single goal: to destroy the pairese and any other person involved in his family destruction. His rage and determination fuel his every move, as he navigate the treacherous world of "eldrid". Where darkness and water govern the force of nature. As Klein face off against the pairese and their empire. He must confront the darkness within himself learn to awaken his untapped abilities. Will his taste for vengeance consume him or will he find a way to channel his anger into a force for justice ? In a world were the strong prey on the weak, Klein taste of vengeance became the Hope for those seeking to challenge the status quo. But as the stakes grew higher. Klein must confront the ultimate question: will his desire for vengeance redeem him, or destroy everything he holds dear?" ................................................................................ You can find out if you give my book a try Also here is a link to my discord https://discord.com/invite/TZ3JCuww

snap2surplus · Fantasy
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30 Chs

The Great War

After the energy have settle down the planet start to evolve getting more stronger, harder, more fertile, the whole species went into isolation closing their border to everyone, evolving quietly while preparing for the future.

After 100 years they start opening their borders and started doing trades with other nations while seeing who use their time in isolation very well , they all knew that war is on the horizon because before the evolution they were preparing for war, they all smile fake smile while their mind is full of deceit, nobody knows who is a spy so they just have to keep pretending.

The beast evolve to demi-humans after their long isolation, making clans like the dragon clan who specializes in darkness and lightning attributes, the dark wolf clan who specializes in the devour and shadow attributes, the fey wolves who has the fire and wood attributes mostly, the lion clan, the rabbit clan who are known for their extreme quickness and they mostly specializes in space and earth attributes, the snake clan who specializes in only the devour attributes, they can gain the attribute of anything they eat for 5 hours per day and they have the innate ability to stun or hypnotized their opponent in battle, the tengu clan, they are also known as the bird clan they have affinity with wind and fire mostly and lastly the fox clan who specialize in fire and darkness attributes, they have the innate attributes to cast illusions. These clans creat their kingdoms and appoint the dragon kin as their ruler, the king now appoint 2 members out of each clan to be his council members, while giving them duty to follow, after that he appointed the wolf clan patrairch as his advisor and the tengu clan has his general.

While they were building their own civilization the other species were watching them from the shadow while considering them a potential enemy.

2 years after that the beast clan have almost reach the 9 million mark the fragile balance was broken by the humans, they were waging war on the beast clan, they brought over 10 million soldiers with high attributes,they taught that because they just recently evolved that they were easy catch, but boy were they wrong, they learned it the hard way, with all the planning and surprise they planned they were beaten horribly.

Humans P.O.V

After their horrible defeat they quickly fall back to their own kingdom, when they reach their kingdom they saw that they were at war with the demon clan, when they look inside their kingdom they saw bodies of demons and mostly their own, when they continue looking they saw the king family with their guard fighting the demon lord and his generals while trying to protect the ordinary citizen with low credit talent for attributes, the king fought valiantly but the demons were more in numbers, while their numbers is little compare to their number. The king fought valiantly but it was hopeless they were still defeated, the town was painted red due to the king greed in claiming kingdom.

The demons took some humans as prisoners taking them to their kingdom, while all these were happening the elves and the deaeves did not open their kingdom and nobody can enter it because of the high defence they put in place.

Nobody knows what is going on in the elves and dwarves kingdom, they don't know whether they plan on joining the war or plan not to.

The humans had turned into slave for the demons and demi-humans because of their greed.

Another 500 years pass those humans who escaped the war have repopulated their reduce numbers and made another kingdom, and they appointed a new king, his name is Jacob Armand, he specialise in fire and wood attributes, some people who has come out from the captive of the demons come out and call themselves rebels, their leader is a woman known as ANGELICA ROSARIES she was part of the deceased king long bloodline she has affinity of fire and water attributes, the rebels main aim is to reduce the demons numbers.

When the new king saw the leader of the rebel he knew that they will be an issue, they had creative difference, the new king do not want to fight the demon instead he want is kingdom to be strong enough so they can be at equal level with the demons so as to be able to make deal with them, but the leader of the rebel didn't agree, she believe that the complete erasing of all demons will lessen the harms in the world, she has forgotten that it was her kind who started the war at the beginning, the king wanted to remind her of their ancestors past deeds and the repercussions that they face which is still affecting them till now, but he didn't.

During her stay they were tension in the air, but fortunately or unfortunately she left after staying for some few days, the rebel leader went out from the empire to the forest, staying far away from the beast clan border, she created a small outpost containing her rebel army.

One week later

Angelica subordinates were tailing a demon carraige which belong to a slave trader from the demon clan.

"Am In position copy" subordinates 1 talking

"Copy that shadow, tell your men to block all the possible escape route". Angelica speaking.

Shadow quickly tell the others the orders given to him to surround the man possible escape route, after telling them he sent a message telling her they are done.

Immediately Angelica received the message she brought out a small cilcular disk which as a blue button in the middle, the small disk name is an energy disruptor.

Immediately she pressed it the slave trader vehicle which was hovering over the floor at "1 feet " shut down and come crashing down.

The door was then pulled by one of the rebels, immediately the slave trader sense danger he quickly activated his attributes which is darkness and water, he quickly form a darkness armour while fighting with his water attributes, the slave trade was formidable but the rebels were no joke when it comes to using their attributes or fighting, they subdued him easily killing him in the end, they then checked the man vehicle they saw humans locked in cages their faces swollen, they release them they then ransack the trailer, luckily for them the slave trader was very rich, they saw "a million raid coin"(raid is the name of the currency the people of Altier use). They then burn the trailer.

After some days does who were saved join the rebels, making a new chapter In their life.

I am just a beginner writer so pardon me for any grammatical error I make and please like my work

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