

"klein, a highschool student, has has is live shattered by the brutal pairese organization. His parent was murdered, his sister location unknown, and he and some others were kidnap by the PAIRESE. The trauma of his past have left Klein burning with a deep desire for vengeance. With his awakening power yet to be discovered, Klein is driven by a single goal: to destroy the pairese and any other person involved in his family destruction. His rage and determination fuel his every move, as he navigate the treacherous world of "eldrid". Where darkness and water govern the force of nature. As Klein face off against the pairese and their empire. He must confront the darkness within himself learn to awaken his untapped abilities. Will his taste for vengeance consume him or will he find a way to channel his anger into a force for justice ? In a world were the strong prey on the weak, Klein taste of vengeance became the Hope for those seeking to challenge the status quo. But as the stakes grew higher. Klein must confront the ultimate question: will his desire for vengeance redeem him, or destroy everything he holds dear?" ................................................................................ You can find out if you give my book a try Also here is a link to my discord https://discord.com/invite/TZ3JCuww

snap2surplus · Fantasy
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25 Chs

trapped rebels 2

While they were fighting one of the rebel who was staying on the tree ran away, even though he was camouflaging (he has light attributes).

He thought he could sneak away using his light ability as a camouflage but he was proven wrong.


Mark was inside the forest looking for any humans that want to sneak away, he search the forest but saw no one until he look at a particular place and saw a disturbance in the wind, immediately he quickly throw a lightning blast, he then look again but saw no one until again he saw lightning cracking in the air, he quickly threw blast consecutively, even though the invincible entity tried his/her very best to wheve through it, the entity still got shocked immediately making it illusion magic to cancel.

Mark saw the person that came out and immediately he knew the it was a he, and the he is a rebel, he then start to taunt the rebel.

"I thought rebel are not afraid of my kind, oh wait don't tell me it was all talk you, you rebels are afraid of us, oh you must be shitting in your pant because of how long you have been silence, oh are you scared, "the demon said.

A blast made of light suddenly came out charging at the demon.

"I ain't scared you fucking demon, am just waiting for the right moment to burn you, "Fredd said.

"Oh now this is fun, everybody look the human rebel could fight, "the demon said while laughing with the other demons.

"You can all laugh now, don't worry I will let you because am that nice, and for your information that will all be your last laugh, "he said while making copies of himself with his light attribute.

"You think because you can make copies of your self I will lose, hahaha you fool I don't even need to ask for any help because I will finish you all by myself. "He said.

He charged at the rebel while activating his darkness attributes, he made a 2 edge double sword aiming it at the rebel head but the rebel and his copies quickly made a spea r blocking the charge of the sword, the rebel then use the demon momentum against him, but the demon quickly straighten himself,he immediately throw an upper slash with one sword and a thrust with the sword, the rebel quickly dodge the upper slash and block the thrust, the rebel quickly move back also bombarding the demon with light attack at the same time, the rebel quickly move to dodge but he was unable to dodge all of it he was injured and thrown away, he hit his back on a tree.

The demon quickly stand up.

"This is enough, enough play, "he said it while releasing both of his attributes aura.

When Fredd felt the aura he felt all his system warning him to run, he fight it with all his will so as not to break down and leave.

"You human I will show you the reason while you human lose the war even with your overwhelming numbers, the truth his we are more powerful and have more efficiency in using our power, we demons are child of darkness that is why our efficiency in the darkness and decay attributes his so high, but you humans does not have any relationship with your attributes for example you have the light attributes but his your mind and your heart in the path of the light, let me answer for you the answer is no," the demon said while still releasing his aura continuously.

Fredd point of view.

So that his the secret of gaining high efficiency in your attributes, you have to relate with your attributes for example am only have high efficiency in my wind attribute because my mind is always calm and thinking straight, but no it doesn't matter I have to fight this demon and win so as to send message to the human kingdom to save the leader and my other teammates from our impending doom.

"It doesn't matter I will still defeat you today you filthy demon, Fredd said.

He stretch his hands creating a wind cyclone imbedded with light explosion aiming it at the demon.

The cyclone encircle the demon throwing toward the light explosion, he create a armour around himself with his attribute but it was not strong enough, the impact still throw him every where.

When the cyclone stop, he became shock that the demon was still standing, he only has little little cuts all over his body, his eyes was burning with extreme hatred for him.

When the cyclone end the demon look at the condition of his body, he was very angry, but not because of the small injuries on his body, but because of the human he deem a fly he could squash.

He raised his hand to the sky and he said "devour", a domain activated trapping the human inside.

When Fredd entered domain, chain came out from the ground holding him down while also syphoning his energy away, his skin that was filled with meat was shrinking per seconds, after a minute he look like a skeleton, the domain then came to an abrupt end.

"Now look at you, you look ugly and broken, you should have just shut your mouth and give up, I would have given you an easy death or I would have turned you into one of my slave but well what can we do, what has been done has been done, "mark said while looking at Fredd with ridicule.

Fredd has already given up but he still raise up his hand to cast one last spell, he threw a bright light towards the demon while also sending a message bird made from his attribute toward the human kingdom.

"Oh the mighty has fallen, what a joke of space you are, he summoned a dark sword with his attribute to his hands while walking toward Fredd with a smile on his face, he then ask him any last word, "mark asked.

"Go fuck yourself and go tell hell you fucking demon, "Fredd said.

"Am sorry but I can't fuck myself and nor could I go to hell but I can send you there, Mark said with a smile while raising his sword up to strike Fredd head.

He beheaded Fredd.

"Well that was fun, let me go into the forest to see the outcome of the battle, "he said with a smile still plastered on his face.


