
Your Majesty (Part Two)

William was not very happy at this moment in time, he was tired, his feet hurt, and he wished the damn elven princess would get here already. William was the second son of Kain the King of the Druids, and he was sent to the Elven Kingdom as an Emissary of Peace whatever the hell that meant. He just knew that it took two weeks by carriage to get here, and once he finally arrived King Riordan asked him a million questions about his dad. All he knew was he was tired and he wanted to shower and sleep in a real bed. Alas, the damn princess was taking her sweet time and the Elvish King wouldn't let him rest until he met the brat.

"Your Majesty, I appreciate your generous hospitality and I understand that it is a great honor to meet your daughter the princess. However..." William started to say as the doors to the throne room finally opened and a radiant young woman no older than 20 stepped through the huge oak doors followed by a male elf dressed quite nicely.

"Hello Father," the woman said after curtseying to the King. Her emerald eyes darted to William and he didn't know whether he should be afraid or excited. They were keen like a hawk when they looked at him but gentle and soft when she glanced at her father.

"Ahh, there you are my dearest, Skye! Come here so I may introduce you to the Emissary of Peace from the Kingdom of the Druids and you Isaac raise your head and come over as well." said the old man in a kind yet booming and joyous voice.

William hadn't even noticed that the male elf behind the princess has been bowing. In all honesty, after he caught eyes of the princess nothing else was really as eye-catching or interesting especially not a simpleton like that elf.

Isaac and the princess made their way across the great stone hall towards the two men. At around 3 feet away they stopped and the male did a low bow not as low as for the king but still low enough that William knew he wasn't a prince. Skye did a slight curtsey and they both stood close to each other waiting for her Father to make the introduction.