
The Spartan who became a God

Disclaimer I do not own the right to any image included or the halo franchise and all credit goes to there respective owners I only own characters from Oblivion Team as they are my own Creations This story is based around a halo fan called John who was reincarnated into the halo universe. the main character will be the same generation Spartan as master chief just that he has been in Cryo due to his destructive abilities as unlike master chief this one was put through more experiments by Halsey giving him abilities beyond the norm so much so that he has to have an Ai that can help control him however as John is a reincarnater he has a system that has modified the Ai so that it help John who goes by the Spartan Name Dark. This story takes place during Halo 2 and after since he was in Cryo on earth during the events of the first game. The Ais name is Destiny and is represented by a female voice John's Spartan code Is 909 also he uses his Spartan name after reincarnation never using his previous name or the name of the body before becoming a Spartan also due to the system he has he will get stronger over time although he is already powerful also due to the system he is immune to the flood infection as his body is modified by the system making it impossible for flood to control him. Any constructive criticism is allowed this means suggestion on how I can improve the chapters writing quality also please include an example of you do this so I can see how it's suppose to look thank you in advance also in future I may be open to suggestions on some events but that's in future for now I am currently following the events of Halo 2. Do note I have note read any of Halos extended material this may mean some events in the story may contradict what those say I apologise if so but I only plan to use the events of the games if in future I decide otherwise I will let you know. You can read ahead on patreon will still upload here but patreon will be ahead. I will try to upload two chapters every week but the chapter will not be as long as the first one I never intended for that one to be so long. the chapters will be around 800 words unless there's a plot that requires it to be longer thank you for reading and hope you enjoy it. for those who want to support and read chapters before those on webnovel you can support me on patreon. patreon.com/LuciferDark324

LuciferDark · วิดีโอเกม
48 Chs

Chapter 1 Spartan Dark 909

A/n Now MC in halo universe he will go by his Spartan name. Also any dialogue for Destiny darks AI will be inside these [ ].

Dark Pov

I hear sirens going off as I hear voices yelling at someone that they needs to hurry up with waking up Oblivion Team the rest I could not here before I heard something open and my eyes began to be hit with light opening them I notice I am in some kind of pod like the one master chief was in the beginning of the first game. I move my hands to the sides of the bode and pull myself out of the pod to be greeted by a woman in a military uniform"Morning Dark Hope you slept well" the way she greets me seems both urgent and respectful using the memories I gained from this body I recall who she is lieutenant Lucy keys and yes she is related to captain keys from the first game the youngest of his daughters if I am not wrong she was not in the games and there's no mention of her at all but here she is and according to my new memories she is assigned as oblivion teams handler since we are all genetically modified to be walking tactical weapons I speak " hey Lucy what they got us up for now last I remember we were not due to wake up yet" she looks at me and shakes her head" you still have the AI keep track of dates huh but your right there's an emergency the covenant are here" I look at her before sighing " has the rest of the team been woken up or is this a solo mission".

She looks at the man at the pods controls be fore speaking again " plans changed oblivion team has been put into permanent activation" I look at her thanks to my helmet my expression is hidden even though it's emotionless like always according to my new memories " ok what's our current mission and I hope you have not woke up Alice yet since you know how she gets when she wakes up".

I look at her while remembering the last time she was woken up without me present due to her ability she kind of has a strange personality she hates everyone except me and the others of our team to the point she will kill anyone who wakes her up if it's not one of us" no we all remember the last time the others are awake though so we can wake her up now since we are short on time the satellite stations furthest from earth have already been attacked by the covenant and that includes the one where master chief and my sister are so we need to hurry" not waiting she walk over the the last cryo pod in the room.

I follow her to see the rest of my team waiting " you guy ready we need to wake the beast after all" I try to joke but the others just shake their heads " nice try Dark but you should really stop trying to imitate emotions and making jokes since only Alice has enough emotions to understand them although she has very eccentric emotions aswell" I just shrug I was trying to see if my new body could actually feel anything since due to the experiments done to it all emotions are missing but seems even though I am not the original owner I still deal with this side effect.

As I continue to talk to my team the last member is finally woken up be fore I can great her she dive at me and hugs me " good to see you captain glad you cam to wake me instead of some idiot" I shrug before speaking "that's enough Alice we got a mission to do no time to chat from what Lucy said Earth's under attack from the Covenant" Alice finally lets go of me me before complaining " why can you not wake me up for something other than a mission" I just shrug and look at Lucy for the brief " ok since your all up your mission is simple repel the covenant of the stations and prevent them from getting there entire fleet to earth" the mission seems simple enough"you there Destiny" [ yes I am here I have also run diagnostics on your armour everything it's in order I do recommend asking on what limitations must be put in place for the mission to avoid any collateral damage].

I look at Lucy while appreciating Destiny running a diagnostic on my armour saving time" what's the limit of collateral damage that can be done" Lucy sighs before speaking " you need to avoid destroying the stations however some damage to them is acceptable master chief will Handel the first wave of covenant you just take care of their fleet heading this way" with out much complaint we head towards the pelican drop ship that's at the back of the room since this Cryo room is made for us to be deployed instantly the floor under the pelican opens up into space.

While we are boarding the pelican the rest of the solders and Lucy leave the room since it going to be exposed to the vacuum of space it does not matter for me and the rest of oblivion team since our abilities prevent us from doing in space so long as we not without oxygen for more than 12 hours that why we have a modified pelican incase we need to be out there longer than 12 hours since this thing as experimental cloaking tech installed to keep it hidden made using Sangheili armour cloak tech however it's not absolute since it's not perfect hence why it's not on every ship in the fleet and tends to blow up on thing bigger than a pelican due to overheating.

As we all sit down the pelican closes it's hatch and begins to descend as the pilot warns us its gonna be a bumpy ride it does not bother me since it's always a bumpy ride because we alway get deployed to battlefields. It did not take long for us to arrive at the covenant fleet as the pilot presses a button the seals the cockpit from the cargo bay once it's closed the ramp begins to open exposing us to space I look to my team " let's get to work we got a covenant fleet to destroy" as I finish speaking Victor ask " same bet as usual who kills the most covenant gets one request from the rest of the team" I look at him " sure why not might motivate you guy to work quicker".

We just out of the pelican deploying out powers to move although Alice is at a disadvantage since she controls wind that's why her armour has a wind generator on the back not sure how it works in space but it works as for Phillip the pelican has already deployed some mud and stones from the side compartments for him to use Victor's not much of a problem since his body produces everything he needs to use his fire manipulation again not sure what they did to him to achieve this and for me well I control darkness or more accurately the void meaning the dark matter of space itself is mine to command this means I am basically invincible in space on planets however it's dangerous to use my power too much since they are not intended to have dark matter on them and too much can rip the planet to pieces lucky my power not at that point otherwise I would never be deployed on planets even so I still need to be carefull as I can still damage a planets echo system.

I use my powers on the incoming covenant ships and they begin to explode one after the other. The others also begin destroying ships coming on there direction as time goes on destiny alerts me to any incoming enemy fire after about an hour of fighting I hear destiny [Dark I have a priority one message from Cortana stating master chief intends to give the covenant back their bomb and is asking us to allow the covenant command ship through] I sign thinking master chief is as reckless as ever before I respond "ok let her know we will but tell her to make sure he does not miss as I and my team can not intervene when the ship is that close to earth" [understood]

I sign as I inform the others of the change in plans [ I have disconnected form unsc network to inform you that the activation mission for the system has been given] I was surprised by that so I look

Activation Mission

Ensure only the command ship gets through destroy all other covenant ships

Reward: 1000 divine points,unlocks the divine shop,inventory and status in the system interface

Fail penalty: all stations around earth will be lost

I was surprised by this since I have not heard anything from the system since I woke up here so I ask "what's going on Destiny" [ The system has been in dormant mode since you woke up this is your activation quest once it is activated I will no longer need to disconnect from unsc network to talk with you about the system as it has a pretection inbuilt to hide what we talk about]

With this new mission in mind I decided to tell my team to make sure they destroy everything the covenant brought except the command ship with that we began what could only be described as a slaughter destroying every covenant ship in sight as I destroy the last ship I hear an explosion behind us I turn around only to see the covenant command ship exploding but I notice a few of their drop ships excaping and heading to earth's as a smaller crusier class ship leaves the command ship Hiden hannder heading for earth as I hope that does not prevent my missions completion as I was thinking  Destiny chimed in [ Congratulations you have completed the activation mission you now have access to the systems features just so you know for convenience I also have access so that I can provide information and help when nessasry] I breath a sigh of relief thinking back to the halo 2 game since a ship did manage to get to earth i was worried my knowledge of the games would be rendered useless thanks to my involvement in events but I guess not for now but I do not doubt events will change thanks to me. Me and my team head back to our pelican and head back to base to see what's next.

A/N that's is for this chapter it was longer than I expected but I thinks it's ok and as the main character some events are not going to be the same other will but with slight differences and if your confused about how Destiny got the message from Cortana it because Oblivion teams armours all have communication devices in them as long as there's a unsc ship or station nearby than they can communicate with them. Ok I think that's it hope you enjoyed the chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.